
Showing posts with label CINA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CINA. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cina: Invasi Militer Serang Iran Hancurkan Perekonomian Dunia

Seorang diplomat senior Cina mengatakan melancarkan perang terhadap Iran dengan dalih program nuklirnya akan membawa bencana bagi perekonomian dunia.

"Semua orang tahu bahwa 40 persen dari minyak yang dikirim setiap hari ke seluruh dunia melewati Selat Hormuz. Perang dimulai di wilayah akan membawa bencana bagi perekonomian dunia, "kata Chen Xiaodong pada Selasa (10/1).

Kepala Urusan Asia Barat dan Afrika Utara Departemen Kementerian Luar Negeri China  itu mengungkapkan, "Kami mendesak semua pihak terkait untuk menahan diri dari mengambil tindakan yang akan memperkeruh situasi, dan membuat upaya bersama untuk mencegah perang," tegas Chen.

AS dan Israel berulangkali mengancam akan menerapkan opsi invasi militer terhadap Iran.

Tehran membalas ancaman AS dengan menggelar manuver militer Velayat 90 selama 10 hari yang membentang dari timur Selat Hormuz di Teluk Persia hingga Teluk Aden.

Kepala Angkatan Laut Iran, Laksamana Habibullah Sayyari mengatakan "Tujuan manuver militer kami demi mewujudkan stabilitas dan keamanan di kawasan, tanpa perlu beralih ke kekuatan luar."

Seorang analis pertahanan Amerika, Adam Lowther menyerukan kepada para politisi AS untuk mengurungkan opsi invasi militer terhadap Iran. "Iran memiliki kemampuan militer untuk menghadapi AS dalam perang," kata Akademisi dari Universitas Angkatan Udara AS ini mengungkapkan alasannya.

Lowther menjelaskan, "Iran tidak seperti Grenada, Panama, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Serbia, Afghanistan atau Irak yang bisa dengan mudah dikuasai AS dalam invasi militer. Sebab kemampuan militer sejumlah negara itu tidak mampu bersaing dengan AS."

"Angkatan Laut Iran terampil dalam pertempuran littoral dan mereka mampu menutup Selat Hormuz untuk durasi yang cukup untuk memicu malapetaka ekonomi," tegas Lowther.

"Manuver militer angkatan laut Iran baru-baru ini menggambarkan strategi yang jelas untuk menutup Selat Hormuz. Bahkan mereka bisa menenggelamkan kapal perang Amerika yang masuk daerah tersebut. Hal ini akan mengakibatkan kerugian yang signifikan bagi pelayaran komersial dan menyebabkan harga minyak meroket," pungkasnya.
Sumber:(IRIB Indonesia/PH)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

China menentang sanksi AS ke Iran

Rabu, 4 Januari 2012 17:40 WIB | Dibaca
749 kali
Beiijing (ANTARA
News) - China, Rabu
ini, mengatakan
menentang sanksi
unilateral terhadap Iran, setelah
Presiden AS Barack Obama
menandatangani sebuah undang-
undang yang menargetkan bank sentral
Republik Islam Iran.
Langkah Washington ini ditempuh
setelah Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan
Kanada menyatakan pada November
bahwa mereka mengenakan sanksi
tambahan terhadap Iran sembari
menunjuk bukti bahwa Teheran tengah
berupaya menguasai senjata nuklir.
Teheran membantah tuduhan ini
dengan menyatakan bahwa program
nuklirnya adalah eksklusif untuk tujuan
medis dan pembangkit listrik. China
berulangkali menyatakan sanksi tidak
akan menyelesaikan masalah ini.
"China menentang penempatan hukum
dalam negeri satu negara di atas
hukum internasional dan pengenaan
sanksi unilateral terhadap negara-
negara lainnya," kata juru bicara
menteri luar negeri Hong Lei
menanggapi sanksi AS kepada Iran,
seperti dikutip AFP.
China dan Iran saling bermitra ekonomi
dalam beberapa tahun belakangan,
sebagian karena menarik dirinya
perusahaan-perusahaan Barat
menyusul sanksi terhadap Teheran.
China dan Rusia yang adalah sekutu
kunci Iran, kerap berupaya mengambil
langkah yang lebih lembut terhadap
Iran ketimbangan tiga anggota tetap
Dewan Keamanan PBB lainnya.
sumber Antara

Friday, December 16, 2011

Chinese carrier pictured at sea by US company

By Agence France-Presse on Friday, December 16th, 2011
A satellite image of China's first aircraft carrier has been captured while the vessel was undergoing sea trials in the Yellow Sea, a US company said on its website Thursday.
The 300-meter (990-foot) ship, a refitted former Soviet carrier, was photographed on December 8, said Colorado-based DigitalGlobe Inc., and an analyst from the company spotted it when reviewing images five days later.
The Beijing government said earlier this month that the carrier had started its second sea trial after undergoing refurbishment and testing.
The ship underwent five days of trials in August that sparked international concern about China's widening naval reach amid growing regional tensions over maritime disputes and a US campaign to assert itself as a Pacific power.
The South China Sea, which is believed to be rich in oil and gas and is claimed by several countries, has dominated such disputes involving China, leading to run-ins with rival claimants including Vietnam and the Philippines.
Chinese President Hu Jintao on December 7 urged the navy to "accelerate its transformation and modernization" and "make extended preparations for military combat" to safeguard national security.
Beijing only confirmed this year that it was revamping the Soviet ship, the Varyag, and has repeatedly insisted that the carrier poses no threat to its neighbors and will be used mainly for training and research purposes.
But the August sea trials were met with concern from regional powers including Japan and the United States, which called on Beijing to explain why it needs an aircraft carrier.
China only provided the first official acknowledgment of the carrier in June when Chen Bingde, the nation's top military official, gave an interview to a Hong Kong newspaper.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Penempur Baru China Diluar J-20

Belum genap setahun China membikin heboh dunia dengan menampilakan pesawat tempur generasai 5: Chengdu J-20, kini muncul rumor jikalau mereka sedang mengembangkan pesawat tempur baru generasi 5 lainnya. Kali ini digarap oleh pabrikan Shenyang yang juga dikenal sebagai pembuat jet tempur J-8II. Dari model skala yang ditampilkan, sosok Shenyang F-60 (J-60) lebih mendekati gabungan antara F-22 dan F-35 buatan AS. Selain itu Shenyang juga menampilkan sebuah model pesawat serang tanpa awak (UCAV) yang lagi-lagi desainnya masih mengacu pada produk barat, bentuknya seperti Phantom Ray buatan Boeing.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

China luncurkan pesawat antariksa tak berawak

Selasa, 1 November 2011 10:03 WIB | 1044 Views
Model yang telah dimodifikasi dari roket Long March CZ-2F yang membawa pesawat luar angkasa tanpa awak Shenzhou 8 diluncurkan dari landasan di Pusat Peluncuran Satelit Jiuquan di Provinsi Gansu, China, Selasa (1/11). China meluncurkan pesawat luar angkasa tanpa awak Shenzhou 8 Selasa dini hari, membuka jalan untuk pelatihan penggabungan dengan pesawat lain yang akan menjadi uji utama kemampuan negara dengan kekuatan meningkat itu untuk menguatkan cengkeraman jangka panjang mereka di bidang luar angkasa. (FOTO ANTARA/REUTERS/China Daily/ox/11.)
Beijing (ANTARA News) - China mengatakan mereka telah berhasil meluncurkan sebuah pesawat antariksa tak berawak, Selasa, sebagai langkah ke depan ke tujuan untuk membangun stasiun ruang angkasa pertamanya pada 2020.

Shenzhou VIII telah meluncur dari padang pasir Gobi di bagian baratlaut China pada pukul 5.58 waktu setempat (pukul 4.58 WIB), kata kantor berita Xinhua.

Pesawat itu kemudian memisahkan diri dari roket peluncurnya, sebuah Long March-2F yang dimodifikasi, sekitar 200 kilometer di atas Bumi.

Pesawat itu akan bergabung dengan Tiangong-1 atau "Heavenly Palace", mungkin dalam beberapa hari, di tempat yang akan menjadi pengaitan ruang angkasa pertama negara itu dengan sebuah modul yang telah mengorbit Bumi.

Pengaitan percobaan itu adalah bagian dari persiapan China untuk membangun stasiun ruang angkasa pertamanya pada 2020, tempat para astronout dapat tinggal selama beberapa bulan, seperti yang mereka lakukan di Stasiun Ruang Angkasa Internasional (ISS) NASA atau bekas Rusia, Mir.

Teknologi pengaitan di ruang angkasa itu sangat penting karena kedua pesawat itu, ditempatkan di orbit yang sama dan memutari Bumi sekitar 28.000 kilometer per jam, harus bersatu secara progresif untuk menghindari penghancuran satu sama yang lainnya.

Jika itu berhasil, China akan meluncurkan dua pesawat antariksa lainnya tahun depan untuk melakukan lebih banyak percobaan-percobaan pengaitan (pesawat ruang angkasa).

Menurut kantor berita Xinhua, sedikitnya sebuah pesawat akan diawaki, dan dua wanita astronout akan termasuk di antara mereka yang dilatih untuk misi tersebut. Jika mereka terpilih, mereka akan menjadi wanita-wanita pertama China yang dikirim ke ruang angkasa.

China telah memulai program penerbangan ruang angkasa berawaknya pada 1990 setelah negara itu membeli teknologi Rusia dan pada 2003 menjadi negara ketiga yang akan mengirim manusia ke ruang angkasa, setelah bekas Uni Soviet dan Amerika Serikat.

China menganggap program ruang angkasanya yang serius sebagai simbol pencapaian globalnya yang berkembang.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

China Hapus Ketergantungan Senjata dari Rusia

Fajar Nugraha

Kapal peang China (Foto: Reuters)
Kapal peang China (Foto: Reuters)
STOCKHOLM - Ketergantungan China terhadap Rusia dalam bidang senjata dan impor energi dikabarkan menurun. Setidaknya ini yang dipaparkan oleh sebuah lembaga penelitian Swedia.

Menurut the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), ketergantungan Beijing terhadap Moskow, menyebabkan posisi Rusia melemah bila melakukan negosiasi dengan China.

"Menurunnya, ketergantungan atas ekspor senjata Rusia dan meningkatnya energi alternatif membuat China berada di atas angin dalam hubungan kedua negara," ungkap SIPRI seperti dikutip AFP, Selasa (4/10/2011).

Kunci dari perubahan dinamis ini adalah China terus melakukan pengembangan atas teknologi industri persenjataannya sendiri. Hal ini membuat persenjataan Rusia di Negeri Tirai Bambu makin berkurang.

Atas kemajuan China ini, Rusia jelas sekali tidak bersedia untuk menjual sistem pertahanannya yang canggih. Rusia khawatir, China akan mengadopsi teknologi senjata mereka dan kemudian memasarkan produknya sendiri.

China memang terus menunjukan kemajuan pesat dalam teknologi senjata. Setelah berhasil meluncurkan pesawat siluman versi mereka sendiri. Baru-baru ini, China pun melakukan uji coba terhadap kapal induk Varyag yang mereka beli dari Ukraina

sumber : OKEZONE

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pusat Rudal Nuklir Bawah Tanah di China

(AP/Fars News Agency, Ali Shaigan)

BEIJING, — Divisi Artileri Kedua China, dikabarkan harian Ta Kung Pao, membangun jaringan pangkalan rudal nuklir di bawah tanah sepanjang 5.000 kilometer di perbatasan utara negeri tersebut.
Situs wantChinatimes di Taiwan, Selasa (23/8/2011) malam melaporkan, keterangan resmi Tentara Pembebasan Rakyat (Jie Fang Jun) membenarkan adanya jaringan pangkalan rudal nuklir di bawah tanah hingga kedalaman ratusan meter untuk melindungi China.
Stasiun televisi pemerintah, CCTV, menayangkan jaringan pangkalan rudal yang sudah dirintis sejak tahun 1995 itu. Pangkalan-pangkalan tersebut dapat menahan serangan rudal nuklir.
Tayangan dokumenter CCTV pada Maret 2008 mengungkapkan adanya fasilitas pangkalan rudal bawah tanah yang digunakan untuk melancarkan serangan balasan jika China diserang. Ketika itu, tayangan tersebut tidak begitu banyak mendapat perhatian publik di barat dan Asia.
"Rudal nuklir jarak menengah dan jauh China semula ditempatkan di permukaan tanah sehingga mudah dideteksi dan ditangkal rudal lawan. Militer China akhirnya memutuskan untuk memindahkan rudal strategis ke pangkalan bawah tanah," ujar majalah militer Taiwan Asia-Pacific.
Pangkalan-pangkalan rudal tersebut sama sekali tidak dapat dideteksi musuh. Militer China diperkirakan mempunyai 150-400 rudal dengan hulu ledak nuklir. Namun, sejumlah pakar memperkirakan, bisa saja China memiliki rudal nuklir dua kali lipat dari perkiraan selama ini.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

China’s first aircraft carrier starts sea trial

By Agence France-Presse on Wednesday, August 10th, 2011
China’s first aircraft carrier starts sea trial

China's first aircraft carrier has begun its inaugural sea trial, the defence ministry said Wednesday, a move likely to stoke concerns about the nation's rapid military expansion.
Beijing only recently confirmed it was revamping an old Soviet ship to be its first carrier, adding to worries among its neighbors over the country's military build-up and growing assertiveness on territorial issues.
"According to trial plans, the first sea trial will not take long," the defence ministry said in a statement.
"After returning to the shipyard (in the port city of Dalian), the carrier will continue its refit and test work."
Beijing last month sought to play down the capability of its first carrier, saying the vessel would be used for training and "research".
Chen Bingde, the nation's top military official, only provided the first official acknowledgment of the aircraft carrier in a Hong Kong newspaper interview in early June.
But media reports and military analysts have said for years that the 300-metre (990-foot) ship was in development.
The ship, once called the Varyag, was originally built for the Soviet navy. Construction was interrupted by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.
Andrei Chang, head of the Kanwa Information Centre, which monitors China's military, told AFP the trial would likely only last about an hour.
"The first sea trial is just for testing different items, like whether the engines work or not," he said, adding that from Soviet and French aircraft carrier experience, on-off sea trials would continue for another year or two.
Last week Japan voiced concern over China's growing assertiveness and widening naval reach and over what it called the "opaqueness" of Beijing's military budget.
The carrier project also comes amid heightened tensions over a number of maritime territorial disputes involving China, notably in the South China Sea, which is believed to be rich in oil and gas and is claimed by several countries.
The issue has heated up recently with run-ins between China and fellow claimants Vietnam and the Philippines, sparking concern among its neighbouring countries and the United States.
In September, a row erupted between Japan and China over the disputed Senkaku Islands, known as the Diaoyu Islands in Chinese, located in the East China Sea.
China reportedly bought the ship's immense armoured hull -- with no engine, electrics or propeller -- in 1998.
Chang pointed out that he had not seen any form of arresting gear on the carrier -- the mechanical system that rapidly decelerates a plane as it lands -- in photos he had seen so far.
"That's very strange. It's very complicated technology and the Chinese haven't installed it -- we couldn't find it," he said.
"That means they can't land any fighters, probably only helicopters."
China's People's Liberation Army -- the largest armed force in the world -- is extremely secretive about its defence programmes, which benefit from a huge and expanding military budget boosted by the nation's runaway economic growth.
The PLA also operates the country's navy.

Kapal Induk Pertama Cina Memulai Pelayaran Perdana

Varyag di galangan kapal di pelabuhan Dalian. (Foto: Xinhua)

10 Agustus 2011, Dalian (Berita HanKam): Kapal induk pertama China meninggalkan galangan kapal di pelabuhan Dalian, Provinsi Liaoning pada Rabu (10/8) pagi untuk memulai perlayaran pertama.

Sumber militer Cina mengatakan perlayaran pertama sesuai dengan jadwal yang ditetapkan dan tidak memakan waktu lama. Setelah kembali dari berlayar kapal induk akan direfit kembali dan diuji coba.

Kapal induk tersebut pada mulanya dibangun oleh bekas Uni Sovyet dan diberi nama Varyag. Pembangunan dimulai pada era-198o dan dihentikan pada 1992 setelah kejatuhan Uni Sovyet. Varyag ditempatkan di galangan kapal di Ukraina dan dibeli oleh perusahaan Cina berbasis di Makao senilai 20 juta dolar pada 1998. Perusahaan ini mengklaim kapal induk akan diubah menjadi wahana hiburan. Kapal induk tiba di galangan kapal Dalian untuk diperbaiki Maret 2002, diharapkan kapal induk akan dioperasikan Angkatan Laut sekitar 2012.

Sumber: Xinhua

Monday, August 1, 2011

China to Enhance Modernization of Military Forces

By Chinese Government News on Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011
China to Enhance Modernization of Military Forces
China will steadily reform national defense and the army and constantly modernize the military forces, said China's Minister of National Defense. Defense minister Liang Guanglie made the remarks at a reception in Beijing Sunday celebrating the 84th founding anniversary of the People's Liberation Army (PLA).
August 1 every year is China's Army Day.
"In the world today, peace, development and cooperation remains the trend of the times. However, world peace and development faces multiple challenges. China is going through unprecedented and extensive social changes," said Liang.
He said the army faces more arduous and heavier tasks and should stay alert to challenges.
He called for enhancing the capability to accomplish diversified military tasks, with the capability to win local wars under the conditions of informatization at its core.
"We will expand and deepen preparedness for military struggle, vigorously carry out military training under the conditions of informatization, promote independent innovation in defense science and equipment development," said Liang.
He also called for accelerating the building of modern logistics, intensifying the training of high-caliber and new-type military personnel, actively and steadily carrying out defense and military reforms and constantly modernizing the PLA.
Liang, also a member of China' Central Military Commission and a state councilor, said the army will continue to oppose and deter the secessionist activities for "Taiwan independence" to make due contributions to the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations and China's complete reunification.
He also pledged working for long-lasting peace and common prosperity of the world.
"(We will) continue to follow the independent foreign policy of peace, deepen friendly exchanges and cooperation with the armed forces of other countries and contribute to building a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity."
Over the past 84 years, the PLA has made outstanding contributions to safeguarding the nation's sovereignty, security and territorial integrity as well as advancing China's economic and social development, said Liang.

China needs at least three aircraft carriers: general

By Agence France-Presse on Monday, August 1st, 2011
China needs at least three aircraft carriers to defend its interests, a general said, days after the state media broadcast footage of its first carrier in a rare public mention of the project.
"If we consider our neighbours, India will have three aircraft carriers by 2014 and Japan will have three carriers by 2014," General Luo Yuan, a senior researcher with the Academy of Military Sciences, was quoted as saying by Beijing News.
"So I think the number (for China) should not be less than three so we can defend our rights and our maritime interests effectively."
His comments, published Friday, came after China sought to downplay the capability of its first aircraft carrier, saying on Wednesday the vessel would be used for training and "research".
Beijing believes that the three Japanese carriers it referred to, built for helicopter operations, could eventually be converted into full aircraft carriers.
China recently confirmed it was revamping an old Soviet ship to be its first carrier, a project that has added to regional worries over the country's fast military expansion and growing assertiveness on territorial issues.
"We are currently re-fitting the body of an old aircraft carrier, and will use it for scientific research, experiments and training," defence ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng told a news briefing.
Asked whether the carrier's addition to China's military arsenal would significantly raise the country's military capability, Geng said only that to "overrate or underrate the carrier's role are both incorrect".
The United States on Friday welcomed China's mention of the carrier, calling it a step toward better transparency between the Pacific powers.
China's People's Liberation Army -- the largest armed force in the world -- is extremely secretive about its defence programmes, which benefit from a huge and expanding military budget boosted by the nation's runaway economic growth.
The PLA also operates the country's navy.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Militer Taiwan Siaga Menyusul Ancaman dari Kapal Induk Pertama Cina

Parade tentera Taiwan
Militer Taiwan disiagakan untuk menghadapi ancaman dari kapal induk pertama Cina. Situs Taiwan Security hari ini (14/7) melaporkan mengutip Kementerian Pertahanan Taiwan menyebutkan, "Taiwan telah memperhatikan masalah ini sejak tahun 2008." Militer Taiwan telah menggelar berbagai manuver militer sejak 2008 dalam rangka mempersiapkan diri menghadapi ancaman yang datang dari kapal induk pertama Cina. Menurut rencana, militer Taiwan akan menggelar manuver militer lagi Senin (18/7) yang skenarionya telah disimulasikan dalam komputer.
Kepala Staf Gabungan Militer Cina, Chen Bingde, beberapa waktu lalu menyatakan bahwa kapal induk pertama Cina akan segera siap tampil dalam manuver militer.
Namun para pemerhati menyatakan pesimis jika kapal induk Cina tersebut dapat dioperasikan sebelum Oktober tahun depan.
Para pejabat Kementerian Pertahanan Taiwan menyatakan memiliki mekanisme khusus untuk menghadapi ancaman terbaru dari Cina. Adapun manuver militer yang berdasarkan simulasi komputer oleh militer Taiwan itu akan berlangsung pada 18 hingga 22 Juli mendatang. 


Friday, July 8, 2011

Eurofighter Working to Strengthen Strategic Partnership with Japan

Eurofighter Working to Strengthen Strategic Partnership with Japan

By Eurofighter GmgH on Friday, July 8th, 2011

Reflecting the strong commitment to deepen the strategic partnership with Japan, the Supervisory Board of Eurofighter GmbH will for the first time hold a board meeting in Tokyo.
Senior executives from Eurofighter partner companies (BAE Systems, Alenia Aeronautica, and Cassidian in Spain and Germany) are visiting Japan from 5 July to 8 July to discuss the status of the Eurofighter Typhoon F-X campaign and strategic next steps, and to hold talks with Ambassadors of the four consortium member-nations – the U.K., Germany, Italy and Spain.
Eurofighter, its partner companies and the four member-nations are working to strengthen industrial and technological relations with Japan. All four partner countries are supporting and are committed to the Eurofighter F-X campaign, which is being led by the U.K. government and BAE Systems.
Commenting on the visit, Chris Boardman, Managing Director Military Air and Information at BAE Systems, said: “This meeting of the Eurofighter Supervisory Board demonstrates the enthusiasm of the consortium to work with Japan. We are ready to offer Japan’s defence industry considerable participation in the programme, which will offer significant technology transfer opportunities, including the source code, and the ability to develop and sustain key skills, capabilities and jobs within Japanese industry.”
Enzo Casolini, CEO, Eurofighter GmbH, added: “The changing security environment in East Asia presents Japan with diverse and evolving defence challenges. We are confident that the technical capabilities, cost projections and industrial offering of Eurofighter, the most advanced multi-role combat aircraft currently available, fully meet the Japanese government’s requirements.”
In addition, U.K. Ambassador to Japan, David Warren, on behalf of the Ambassadors of the consortium member-nations, commented: “As with broader economic partnerships, there is much that Europe and Japan can gain by cooperating more closely in the aerospace and defence field. We share a great deal in common, including common values, a close relationship with the United States and the need for interoperability with U.S. equipment, and similar pressures from an increasingly complex security environment. The U.K. government, and our European partners, remains fully committed to supporting the Eurofighter campaign and strengthening the defence and security relationship with Japan.”
The Eurofighter Supervisory Board members meeting in Japan include Bernhard Gerwert, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Eurofighter GmbH and CEO of Cassidian Air Systems; Enzo Casolini, Eurofighter GmbH CEO; Chris Boardman, Managing Director, Military Air and Information, BAE Systems; Cliff Robson, Deputy Managing Director, Combat Air, BAE Systems; Maurizio De Mitri, Senior Vice President Business Management, Alenia Aeronautica; and Enrique Barrientos, CEO of Cassidian Spain.
Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH manages the Typhoon programme on behalf of the Eurofighter Partner Companies: Alenia Aeronautica, BAE Systems and Cassidian in Spain and Germany, Europe’s foremost aerospace companies.
Typhoon entered service with the four partner nations – Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom in 2004 - and over 280 aircraft have been delivered to the air forces of the four partner nations and to customers, with over 115,000 flying hours achieved between them. Final Assembly facilities are based in Warton, UK; Manching, Germany; Getafe, Spain and Turin in Italy.
The six nations, working with industry support, ensure Typhoon is available for full operational duty, protecting and defending the national air space 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The role of the aircraft includes air dominance, air defence, air interception and air-to-surface support.
The Italian and Royal Air Force Typhoons have been performing operational tasks in Libya from 21st March 2011 as part of operation Odyssey Dawn decided by the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1970 & 1973.
Eurofighter Typhoon is the world's most advanced new generation real multi-role/swing-role combat aircraft available on the market and has been ordered by six nations (Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Austria and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). With 707 aircraft under contract, it is Europe’s largest military collaborative programme and delivers leading-edge technology, strengthening Europe’s aerospace industry in the global competition. More than 100,000 jobs in 400 companies are secured by the programme. Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH manages the programme on behalf of the Eurofighter Partner Companies: Alenia Aeronautica/Finmeccanica, BAE Systems, EADS CASA and EADS Deutschland, Europe’s foremost aerospace companies with a total turnover of approx. EUR 120 billion (2010).

Thursday, June 30, 2011

China’s Aircraft Carrier Is A Highly Vulnerable Extravagance

By Lexington institute on Wednesday, June 29th, 2011
China’s Aircraft Carrier Is A Highly Vulnerable Extravagance

It has been more than twenty years since the U.S. Navy had a major naval vessel as a target in the event of war. In the 1970s and 1980s the Soviet Navy produced a series of major surface combatants to tempt the U.S. Navy. There were large destroyers, a number of cruiser classes and even the Kirov class of nuclear-powered battlecruisers. Then there were several helicopter and aircraft carriers of the Moskva, Kiev and Tbilisi/Admiral Kuznetsov classes. At its peak, the Soviet Navy deployed more than sixty large surface combatants. Today that number has been reduced to around 28 large surface combatants with no aircraft carriers.
Now China is kindly offering the U.S. Navy the opportunity to practice at least some elements of a fleet-on-fleet engagement. According to reports from WestPAC, China will send its first aircraft carrier out for sea trials next week. It is also an old ship, the Soviet-era Varyag which was under construction when the “Evil Empire” collapsed twenty years ago. It sat partly completed at dockside for years before the PLA Navy made a bid for it. There it sat for additional years as the original construction yard hunted high and low for the construction plans and Beijing and Moscow dickered over price and who would do the remaining work to finish out the vessel. Finally, in 2000 it was towed to the Chinese port of Dalian where it has been undergoing reconstruction and outfitting ever since.
Apparently, the ex-Varyag, now reportedly named the Shi Lang, is ready for its coming out party. The Chinese carrier is a big ship, over 900 feet. It will deploy with conventional take-off and landing aircraft. The main candidate for this role is the J-15, modeled on the Russian Sukhoi Su-33 carrier-based fighter. The J-15 may also include avionics and equipment from the J-11B multirole fighter program, which is based on Russia’s Su-27 fighter.
In addition there are reports that China is developing the J-18 Red Eagle vertical/short-takeoff-and-landing (VSTOL) fighter. Less clear is what the PLA is doing to develop the kind of support aircraft that are required in order to conduct competent air operations.
It appears that the PLA did not just buy an ex-Soviet era aircraft carrier but, more significantly, it has bought into a Soviet era vision of a rising world power requiring a blue water Navy. In the process, the Soviet Union wasted enormous resources creating naval forces that were virtually irrelevant both politically and militarily. China, like the Soviet Union/Russia is a continental power. Even with a growing economy Beijing will not have the resources to build both effective land and air force and a blue water navy.
Moreover, deploying an aircraft carrier even with a complement of strike aircraft is not the same thing as having an operationally effective carrier strike group. The PLA Navy will have to develop the capability to provide 360 degree air and missile defense, fleet ASW, underway replenishment and air/sea coordination. Where is the Chinese navy’s equivalent of the Aegis air/missile defense system, E-2D airborne surveillance and C2 or the Los Angeles class SSN?
The reality is that the U.S. Navy should welcome the Chinese effort to create its own blue water navy. The U.S. Navy has a seventy year history of being able to engage and destroy hostile surface fleets. The name Shi Lang could also be translated as “big fat target.”

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cina Menentang Standar Ganda Melawan Terorisme

 Juru bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri Cina, Hong Lei mengatakan, Beijing menentang kebijakan standar ganda dalam memerangi terorisme.
Ketika menjawab pertanyaan IRNA, Kamis (23/6) soal langkah memerangi terorisme, Lei menuturkan, perang melawan terorisme membutuhkan tekad kuat masyarakat internasional dan semua negara dunia harus saling bekerjasama untuk mensukseskan misi ini.
Ia secara tersirat mengkritik kekuatan yang mengaitkan terorisme dengan kultur, peradaban dan agama tertentu. Ditegaskannya, teroris adalah musuh kolektif umat manusia dan PBB memiliki peran penting dalam memeranginya.
Seraya menjelaskan bahwa perang kontra terorisme tidak hanya terbatas pada dimensi militer, tapi juga mencakup sektor ekonomi, Lei menuturkan, semua negara harus saling membantu untuk mencabut akar terorisme di dunia.
"Kebijakan standar ganda tidak dapat memberantas terorisme hingga ke akar-akarnya," tegas Lei.
Berbicara tentang rencana Iran untuk menggelar Konferensi Internasional Memerangi Terorisme, Lei menandaskan, "Kami telah menerima undangan Tehran untuk menghadiri pertemuan itu, dan kini tengah membahas delegasi Cina yang akan bertolak ke Iran."
Pada kesempatan itu, pejabat senior Cina ini menegaskan komitmen negaranya untuk bekerjasama dengan semua negara dalam memerangi terorisme.
Konferensi Internasional Memerangi Terorisme akan digelar pada pada 25-26 Juni 2011 di Tehran. Pertemuan ini bertujuan membahas akar dan dimensi terorisme, kerjasama internasional untuk melawan gerakan itu, memperkuat mekanisme global untuk memerangi terorisme, peran lembaga-lembaga internasional dan regional dalam masalah itu dan pandangan agama langit terkait fenomena berbahaya ini. (IRIB/RM/PH)


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

China's 5G fighter 'a showoff'

J-20 China's fifth-generation

LE BOURGET (France), June 20 (RIA Novosti)
China's fifth-generation fighter program is more for effect than substance, Russia's leading aircraft maker said on Monday.
China carried out its first test-flight of a fifth-generation stealth fighter in January.
"It was more a demonstration than a real program," Mikhail Pogosyan, head of United Aircraft Corporation, said.
The Chinese aircraft industry is developing successfully but it lacks what is required for a breakthrough, he said.
"There will be no breakthroughs here. Great scale and great experience are needed to carry out such programs," Pogosyan said.
Russia is testing its own fifth-generation aircraft T-50 PAK FA developed by the Sukhoi design bureau. The aircraft is expected to become operational in 2015.
China's prototype Black Silk J-20 stealth fighter is thought to be similar to the U.S. F-22 Raptor and the Russo-Indian T-50 jets, although imagery and video footage appearing on the internet suggested the Chinese model is larger. This means it could be capable of flying a longer range and carrying a heavier load.
China has been working on a future fighter program since the mid-1990s, and the J-20 is notionally anticipated to enter service around 2018-2020.


First China aircraft carrier sea trial next week

By Agence France-Presse on Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011
First China aircraft carrier sea trial next week

China's first aircraft carrier, Varyag -- a remodeled Soviet-era vessel -- will go on sea trials next week, a report said Tuesday, amid escalating tensions in the South China Sea.
China's top military official reportedly confirmed earlier this month that Beijing is building a huge aircraft carrier, the first acknowledgement of the ship's existence from China's secretive defence program.
The Hong Kong Commercial Daily, which broke the story of the vessel's confirmation, quoted unnamed military sources saying the carrier will go on sea trials on July 1 but will not be officially launched until October 2012.
The sources said the test has been expedited in view of rising tensions in the South China Sea -- home to two potentially oil-rich archipelagos, the Paracels and Spratlys -- in recent weeks.
China's military "hopes it will show the strength of the Chinese maritime forces to deter other nations which are eying the South China Sea in order to calm tensions," the sources said.
They added that the sea trial date was also picked to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, but noted that factors such as weather could affect the planned test run.
China's military did not immediately respond to an AFP request for comment.
Tensions between Beijing and other rival claimants to the strategically vital South China Sea have heightened recently.
China has claimed mineral rights around the disputed Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, and argued that foreign navies cannot sail through the area without Beijing's permission.
In September, Japan and China also clashed over the disputed Senkaku Islands, known as the Diaoyu Islands in China, located in the East China Sea.
But Chinese officials have previously said that its first aircraft carrier would not pose a threat to other nations, in accordance with Beijing's defensive military strategy.
The Chinese aircraft carrier plan was confirmed when the chief of the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army, Chen Bingde, confirmed the ship's existence in an interview with the Hong Kong paper.
He said the 300 metre (990-foot) former Soviet carrier, originally called the Varyag, was being overhauled. The ship is currently based in the northeast port of Dalian.
An expert on China's military has reportedly said the carrier would be used for training and as a model for a future indigenous-built ship.
The Varyag was originally built for the Soviet navy but construction was interrupted by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.
The PLA -- the largest army in the world -- is hugely secretive about its defence programs, which benefit from a large military budget boosted by the nation's runaway economic growth.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Photos of possible fifth-generation fighter appear on Chinese websites

10:20 09/06/2011
Photographs of an unknown Chinese fighter jet appeared on Internet forums on Wednesday, sparking speculation that the country has developed the world's second fifth-generation fighter.
The U.S. F-22 Raptor is currently the world's only operational fifth generation fighter plane.
The Chinese photograph depicts parts of an unknown combat plane standing at an aerodrome. The air scoop and part of the pilot's cabin lamp, shown in the picture, resemble the shapes of fifth-generation plane parts and appear to be closely related to the Chinese J-20 prototype.
The Chengdu J-20 is a fifth generation stealth, twin-engine fighter aircraft prototype developed by Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group for the Chinese army's Air Force.
China has a reputation for releasing photos of new military hardware on unofficial military websites before it announces them publicly. In January, amateur photographs showing preparations for testing China's fifth generation fighter J-20 were released on the Internet. Chinese media later confirmed the information.
Russia is testing its own fifth generation aircraft T-50 PAK FA developed by the Sukhoi design bureau. The aircraft is expected to become operational in 2015.
A U.S.-led international consortium is also working on a new F-35 multi-purpose fighter.
BEIJING, June 9 (RIA Novosti)


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

China Pastikan Tak Gunakan Kekuatan Senjata di Laut China Selatan

Rudal Cina menyerang kapal induk AS digambar artis yang dilansir media pemerintah Cina. (Foto: China National Radio)
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Beijing, (Analisa)
China, Selasa (14/6), mengatakan tidak akan menggunakan kekuatan senjata di Laut China Selatan, setelah tetangga-tetangganya menyatakan cemas akan sikap China menyangkut wilayah maritim yang disengketakan itu.
"Kami tidak akan menggunakan kekuatan senjata atau ancaman militer," kata jurubicara kementerian luar negeri China Hong Lei kepada wartawan.
"Kami mengharapkan negara-negara terkait berusaha lebih banyak bagi perdamaian dan stabilitas di kawasan itu," kata Hong.
Vietnam, Senin, melakulan latihan menembak menggunakan peluru tajam setelah konfrontasi baru-baru ini di laut itu dengan China yang meningkatkan sengketa mengenai kedaulatan atas dua kepulauan yang kaya minyak, Paracel dan Spratly.
Hong menegaskan Vietnam telah meningkatkan ketegangan baru-baru ini yang dipicu konfrontasi antara kapal-kapal pengintai China dan sebuah kapal survei minyak Vietnam.
"Beberapa negara melakukan aksi-aksi sepihak untuk menolak kedaulatan, hak maritim dan kepentingan-kepentingan China, dan mengeluarkan pernyataan yang tidak beralasan dan tidak bertanggung jawab dengan usaha memperluas dan merumitkan masalah Laut China Selatan itu," kata Hong yang agaknya mengacu pada Vietnam.
Dia mengatakan China ingin melakukan perundingan-perundingan langsung dengan negara-negara lain yang terlibat dalam sengketa-sengketa wilayah perairan di laut China Selatan itu dalam kerangka satu aturan main yang disepakati tahun 2002.
Ketegangan juga meningkat bulan ini antara China dan Pilipina yang juga mengklaim kedaulatan atas Spratly, yang Senin mengatakan pihaknya mulai sekarang akan mengubah nama Laut China Selatan menjadi "Laut Pilipina Barat".
Taiwan akhir pekan lalu menegaskan kembali klaimnya atas Spratly dan mengatakan kapal-kapal yang dilengkapi dengan rudal-rudal dan tank-tank mungkin akan dikirim ke wilayah yang disengketakan itu.
Brunei Darussalam dan Malaysia juga mengklaim perairan itu. (Ant/AFP)