
Showing posts with label AMERIKA SERIKAT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AMERIKA SERIKAT. Show all posts

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dua Pesawat F 16 AS Kejar Pesawat Ringan Sipil - Jumat, 17 Februari 2012 09:27 WIB

Dua Pesawat F 16  AS Kejar Pesawat Ringan Sipil
Dua pesawat tempur F 16 milik Angkatan Udara AS mngejar sebuah pesawat sipil yang telah melanggar batas wilayah penerbangan di atas kota Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat 

TRIBUNNEWS.COM LOS ANGELES - Dua pesawat tempur F 16 milik Angkatan Udara Amerika Serikat Kamis melesat terbang memburu sebuah pesawat ringan sipil jenis Cessna 182 yang telah melanggar jalur penerbangan,
Kejadian pengejaran pesawat sipil itu dilakukan di atas kota Los Angeles, dimana saat itu Presiden Barack Obama sedang melakukan perjalanan penggalangan dana.
Menurit Norad yang dilansir AFP kedua pesawat jenis F 16 yang memburu pesawat sipil itu berasal dari pangkalan udara cadangan Base di Riverside County, California.
"Setelah mencegat pesawat F-16 mengikutinya hingga pesawat itu mendarat tanpa insiden pada sekitar pukul 12:30 waktu setempat, pesawat disambut oleh penegak hukum setempat," ujar Komando Pertahanan Amerika Utara Aerospace.
Edwin Donovan, juru bicara Dinas Rahasia Amerika mengatakan kepada AFP , pesawat jenis Cessna memasuki wilayah udara Marine One yang merupakan wilayah udara terbatas, kemudian pesawat tersebut dipaksa mendarat di bandara Long Beach.

sumber : TRIBUN NEWS

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Para Pejabat AS Kutuk Perlakuan Marinir AS atas Mayat Taliban

Pejabat-pejabat AS telah mengutuk video yang menunjukkan beberapa anggota Marinir Amerika mengencingi mayat pejuang Taliban.

Foto: Reuters
Menhan AS, Leon Panetta memerintahkan Korps Marinir AS dan panglima NATO di Afghanistan untuk menyelidiki video pelecehan mayat Taliban oleh marinir AS (foto: dok).
Menteri Pertahanan Leon Panetta hari Kamis mengatakan video itu "benar-benar tercela." Dia bertekad mereka yang bertanggung jawab akan dituntut bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya.

Panetta memerintahkan Korps Marinir Amerika dan panglima pasukan keamanan NATO di Afghanistan untuk menyelidiki video itu.
Menteri pertahanan itu berbicara lewat telepon hari Kamis dengan Presiden Afghanistan Hamid Karzai dan menegaskan akan ada penyelidikan serius atas insiden itu.

Menteri Luar Negeri Hillary Clinton mengulangi kecaman Panetta atas tindakan itu, dengan mengatakan hal itu tidak sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Amerika dan standar perilaku yang diharapkan dari personil militer Amerika.

Karzai mengatakan, pemerintahnya "sangat terganggu" oleh video itu, dan bahwa tindakan itu menodai mayat-mayat warga Afghanistan tersebut. Dia menyebut tindakan itu "tidak manusiawi."

Seorang juru bicara Taliban (Zabihullah Mujahed) mengatakan walaupun video itu "mengejutkan," menurutnya hal itu tidak akan mengganggu pembicaraan damai dengan Amerika.
Pentagon mengatakan tidak punya alasan untuk meragukan keaslian rekaman itu.
Para pejabat militer Amerika hari Kamis mengatakan Korps Marinir telah mengidentifikasi personil dalam rekaman video itu, tetapi tidak memberikan nama-nama mereka.


Lockheed Martin F-35 Program Exceeds 2011 Flight Test Goals

Lockheed Martin F-35 Program Exceeds 2011 Flight Test Goals

The Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] F-35 System Development and Demonstration 2011 flight test program resulted in the completion of more test flights and test points than in any year.
The 2011 flight test plan called for the accumulation of 872 flights and 6,622 test points by Dec. 31. For the year, the SDD program flew 972 flights and tallied 7,823 test points. The F-35A Conventional Takeoff and Landing (CTOL) variant flew 474 flights and accomplished 3,600 test points. The F-35B Short Takeoff/Vertical Landing (STOVL) variant accomplished 333 flights and 2,636 test points. The F-35C Carrier Variant (CV) flew 165 flights and tallied 1,587 test points. Along with this, the STOVL executed 268 vertical landings. The cumulative 2011 milestones were achieved through a combination of planned test flights and test points along with test flights and test points added throughout the year.
“The success of the flight test program is the result of a team of dedicated government and contractor professionals,” said Larry Lawson, Lockheed Martin’s F-35 program executive vice president and general manager. “The test team continues to gain momentum and they will build upon this success for an even better 2012. I couldn’t be prouder of the team.”
The overall F-35 SDD flight test program plan calls for the verification of 59,585 test points through developmental test flights by Dec. 31, 2016. Through 2011, the flight test team has accomplished 12,728 test points or 21.4 percent of overall testing requirements.
“These achievements speak to the rapid maturation of the F-35 program and to our team’s commitment to performing with excellence,” said J.D. McFarlan, vice president of F-35 Test and Verification. “We will now turn towards 2012, expanding the flight envelope as we continue to demonstrate the F-35’s excellent flight characteristics for all three variants.”

Major flight test achievements in 2011 include:

  • A major highlight for October was the completion of F-35B short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL) ship suitability testing aboard the USS WASP (LHD-1) off the coast of Virginia. The test began when BF-2 executed the first shipboard vertical landing on Oct. 3. The next day, BF-2 executed the first short takeoff from the WASP. During the third week of sea trials, BF-2 and BF-4 operated simultaneously on the ship. Combined, they accomplished 72 short takeoffs and 72 vertical landings during the three-week testing period.
  • The mission systems test aircraft performed Block 1A and Block 1B software testing including demonstrating Communication Navigation and Identification (CNI) range and accuracy and integrated Electro-Optical Targeting System testing that included Tactical FLIR (Forward Looking Infra-Red) and combat laser firing. The software also displayed imagery from the Distributed Aperture System on the Helmet Mounted Display. Further testing accomplished radar search and target tracking, Synthetic Aperture Radar Mapping, Electronic Warfare testing, and multi-sensor fusion of four sensors. In addition, baseline Radar Cross Section signature testing was accomplished on three mission system aircraft.
  • On Nov. 18, CF-3, an F-35C test aircraft, conducted the first F-35 launch from the Navy’s new Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS). Testing the F-35C on EMALS marked the beginning of the process to integrate the carrier variant with the future carrier fleet aircraft launching system.
  • The F-35B STOVL jets conducted 268 vertical landings (VLs) in 2011 compared to 10 VLs in 2010. F-35B aircraft also completed 395 short takeoffs (STOs) this year.
  • AF-1 achieved the F-35’s maximum design limit speed of Mach 1.6 for the first time on Oct. 25.
  • Jet Blast Deflector (JBD) testing was performed by F-35C Lightning II carrier variant (CV) aircraft CF-2 at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J. from June 25-July 8. CF-2 successfully completed this portion of tests required to ensure the F-35C is compatible aboard an aircraft carrier.
  • AF-6 and AF-7 completed Maturity Flight testing of the training syllabus software at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., designed to simulate operating an F-35 without a mission control room.
  • The F-35 program successfully performed aerial refueling testing with KC-135 and KC-10 aircraft.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Panetta: Selat Hormuz, Garis Merah AS

Minggu, 2012 Januari 08 23:19

Menteri Pertahanan Amerika Serikat Leon Panetta memperingatkan bahwa Washington akan menanggapi setiap upaya Tehran untuk menutup Selat Hormuz, yang merupakan saluran transit utama minyak dunia.

"Kami menyatakan sangat jelas bahwa AS tidak akan mentolerir pemblokiran Selat Hormuz," kata Panetta kepada televisi CBS pada hari Ahad (8/1). Ditegaskannya, "Itu adalah garis merah kami dan kami akan memberi respon kepada mereka."

Wakil Komandan Korps Pengawal Revolusi Islam Iran (IRGC) Brigadir Jenderal Hossein Salami mengatakan pada 29 Desember 2011 bahwa AS tidak dalam posisi untuk mencegah Iran menutup Selat Hormuz.

Sementara itu, Sekjen PBB Ban Ki-moon menyerukan upaya damai dan negosiasi untuk mengurangi ketegangan antara Iran dan AS di Selat Hormuz.

"Kedua belah pihak harus melakukan yang terbaik untuk pertama-tama meredakan ketegangan di kawasan itu dan mencoba untuk menyelesaikan semua masalah dan perbedaan pendapat melalui dialog dan cara-cara damai," kata Ban pada tanggal 6 Januari.

sumber(IRIB Indonesia/RM)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

AS akan gelar kapal perang di Singapura

Washington (ANTARA News) - Amerika Serikat, yang menghadapi kekuatan China --yang meningkat, mengharapkan akan menggelar beberapa kapal perang di Singapura dan mungkin meningkatkan penggelaran di Filipina dan Thailand, kata seorang perwira angkatan laut.

Amerika Serikat berikrar akan mempertahankan kebebasan navigasi di Laut China Selatan, tempat terjadinya ketegangan yang meningkat menyangkut sengketa wilayah antara Beijing dan negara-negara Asia Tenggara.

Dalam satu artikel ilmiah yang meramalkan bentuk Angkatan Laut AS pada tahun 2025, Laksamana Jonathan Greenert, kepala operasi angkatan laut menulis bahwa "kita akan menempatkan beberapa kapal perang terbaru di daerah pesisir Singapura".

Greenert mengatakan AS juga akan meningkatkan penggelaran secara berkala pesawat seperti Poseidon P-8A -- yang dikembangkan untuk melacak kapal selam -- ke sekutu-sekutu perjanjian regional, Filipina dan Thailand.

Angkatan Laut akan memerlukan pendekatan yang inovatif untuk mendorong dunia menangani kecemasan yang meningkat tentang kebebasan pelayaran sementara harus bijaksana menyangkut sumber-sumber daya kita," katanya dalam tulisan edisi Desember US Naval Institute`s Proceedings.

"Karena kita mungkin tidak dapat mendukung terus biaya diplomatik dan keuangan bagi pangkalan-pangkalan penting baru di luar negeri, armada tahun 2025 akan mengandalkan lebih banyak pada pelabuhan-pelabuhan tuan rumah dan fasilitas-fasilitas lain di mana kapal-kapal, pesawat dan awak dapat mengisi bahan bakar,istirahat,pasokan ulang dan memperbaiki saat kapal dan pesawati ketika digelar," katanya dalam tulisan itu.

Perwira angkatan laut itu tidak secara langsung menyebut China,sebagai bagian dari kebijakan yang biasa dilakukan oleh pemerintah Presiden Barack Obama dalam usaha secara terbuka bagi satu hubungan yang kooperatif dengan negara Asia yang ekonominya berkembang pesat itu.

Tetapi AS menyatakan kecemasannya pada China. Obama bulan lalu mengumumkan bahwa AS akan menggelar 2.500 Marinir di kota Darwin Australia utara pada tahun 2016-2017, satu tindakan yang dikecam Beijing.

AS juga menggelar 70.000 tentara di Jepang dan Korea Selatan dibawah aliansi-alinsi yang telah lama ada dan memberikan bantuan kepada Filipina yang meluncurkan kapal perang terbarunya ,Rabu.

Singapura juga mitra lama AS. Militer AS telah mengoperasikan satu pos kecil di negara kota itu yang membantu logistik dan pelatihan bagi pasukan di negara Asia Tenggara itu.

Dalam tulisan itu,Greenert menyebut monarki Teluk Bahrain sebagai model. Armada ke-V AS digelar di pulau kecil yang terletak dekat Afghanistan,Irak dan Iran itu.

"Pada tahun 2025 Angkatan Laut akan beroperasi dari lebih banyak negara mitra seperti Bahrain untuk dapat mempertahankan kebijakan kita di seluruh dunia," katanya dalam tulisan itu.

AS mengeluarkan dana sekitar 700 miliar dolar untuk militernya tahun lalu,jauh lebih banyak dari negara lain, dan banyak anggota Kongres setuju memotong anggaran itu karena operasi-operasi di Irak dan Afghanistan menurun.

Pemerintah Obama mengidentifikasi Asia-- yang ekonominya berkembang cepat dan dengan peraturan keamanan yang masih berkembang -- sebagai prioritas utama bagi AS.

Obama, Menlu Hillary Clinton dan Menteri Pertahanan Leon Panetta semuanya mengunjugi Asia dalam bulan-bulan belakangan ini untuk memperkuat pesan bahwa AS tidak akan meninggalkan wilayah itu walaupun ekonmi dalam negeri mengalami krisis.

China membangun kapal induk pertamanya, yang telah melakukan dua kali uji coba tahun ini. Kapal yang panjangnya 300 meter itu adalah bekas kapal induk Sovyet yang telah diperbarui.

sumber Antara

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Lockheed Martin Rolls Out Final F-22 Raptor

By Lockheed Martin on Thursday, December 15th, 2011
The final Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor rolled off the assembly line here today and was commemorated with a ceremony recognizing contributions from thousands of people associated with the design and construction of the Raptor fleet.
This F-22 Raptor (Lockheed Martin tail number 4195) now moves into production flight check and will deliver to the U.S. Air Force in 2012, completing the operational fleet at 187 jets.
"This event honors the many men and women of Team Raptor who have taken this plane from concept to reality," said Jeff Babione, vice president and general manager for Lockheed Martin's F-22 program. "For the last 17 years, regardless of the challenges, they always remained singularly focused, delivering the world's greatest fighter. Each Raptor – from the first jet to last jet – is a reflection of the dedication, hard work and professionalism of our workforce."
Operational F-22s are based at Langley Air Force Base, Va.; Elmendorf AFB, Alaska; Holloman AFB, N.M.; and Hickam AFB, Hawaii. Air Force F-22 units have deployed to Kadena Air Base, Japan, and Andersen AFB, Guam, as part of rotational deployments designed to enhance security in the Pacific theater. The Raptor has conducted joint and coalition training both stateside and overseas in locations including the United Arab Emirates.
Lockheed Martin partners with the Air Force to ensure Raptor availability, performance and reliability, and to enhance the aircraft's capabilities to keep it ahead of emerging and proliferating threats.
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security company that employs about 126,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation's 2010 sales from continuing operations were $45.7 billion.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

AS Uji Coba Senjata Rahasia Hipersonik

AS bisa menyerang target atau musuh, di manapun berada, di seluruh permukaan bumi.

Jum'at, 18 November 2011, 09:54 WIB
Eko Huda S
The DARPA Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle (HTV)-2 (
VIVAnews - Militer Amerika Serikat berhasil melakukan uji coba prototipe senjata rahasia hipersonik. Prototipe senjata hipersonik itu sukses mengudara di atas Samudera Pasifik, Kamis 17 November 2011.

Sukses ini semakin meningkatkan kemampuan militer Amerika. Mereka akan mampu menyerang target atau musuh, di manapun berada. Di seluruh permukaan bumi. Kecepatan hipersonik sendiri didefinisikan setara dengan lima kali kecepatan suara atau 3.805 mil per jam atau setara 6.124 kilometer per jam.

Seperti konsep senjata hipersonik lainnya, senjata rahasia Amerika ini terbang di atmosfer secara mendatar. Berbeda dengan senjata rudal balistik yang membumbung ke atas dan akhirnya meluncur ke bawah. Keberhasilan ini merupakan hasil pelajaran dari dua uji penerbangan hipersonik yang dilakukan para peneliti Pentagon, atau yang disebut dengan DARPA, pada April 2010 dan Agustus 2011 yang lalu.

Senjata hipersonik yang dikembangkan ini diluncurkan dari kapal dengan tiga tahap sistem booster dari fasilitas rudal pasifik di Kepulauan Kauai di Hawaii pada pukul 06.30 pagi waktu setempat. Prototipe itu akhirnya jatuh di kawasan latihan Reagan yang letaknya di kawasan Atol Kwajalein.

Selama uji coba, pejabat Pentagon terus memantau senjata rahasia ini. Baik melalui udara, laut, hingga darat. Mereka ingin mengumpulkan data lengkap soal aerodinamis, navigasi, pemandu, kontrol, serta teknologi termal yang digunakan untuk menghindarkan intensitas panas selama penerbangan hipersonik.

Keberhasilan ini memberikan kegembiraan tersendiri pada DARPA. Pasalnya, saat menguji coba Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 (HTV-2) sebelumnya, mereka mengalami kegagalan sebanyak dua kali. Saat uji coba pada Agustus yang lalu, HTV-2 mencapai kecepatan 20 Mach atau 295,069 meter per detik.

Angkatan Udara Amerika juga telah melakukan uji coba sendiri dengan alat X-51A Waverider pada 13 Juni 2011. Uji coba ini merupakan program percobaan mesin scramjet. Selama percobaan itu, X-51A Waverider mencapai kecepatan hingga 5 Mach atau setara 320,543 meter per detik sebelum akhirnya gagal berganti ke sumber bahan bakar utama. (umi)
• VIVAnews

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pesawat C-17 dan Rudal THAAD Dipasangi Onderdil Palsu Pesawat angkut taktis C-17 Globemaster III termasuk sistem persenjataan AS yang kecolongan dipasangi onderdil palsu.
WASHINGTON DC, — Beberapa alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) produksi Amerika Serikat ternyata kemasukan berbagai suku cadang palsu yang sebagian besar berasal dari China. Di antara alutsista AS yang ketahuan dipasangi suku cadang palsu itu antara lain pesawat angkut militer C-17 Globemaster III, helikopter CH-46 Sea Knight, dan sistem pertahanan antirudal THAAD.
Demikian hasil penyelidikan Komite Angkatan Bersenjata Senat AS yang dipaparkan dalam sidang komite tersebut di Washington DC, Selasa (8/11/2011).
Pesawat C-17 selama ini menjadi kuda beban andalan Angkatan Udara AS. Sementara helikopter berbaling-baling ganda CH-46 digunakan sebagai pengangkut pasukan di Korps Marinir AS dan sistem pertahanan THAAD (terminal high altitude area defense) digunakan oleh Angkatan Darat AS untuk mencegat rudal-rudal menengah sejenis Scud.
Para senator AS khawatir, terpasangnya berbagai onderdil palsu di sistem persenjataan utama itu bisa membahayakan keselamatan prajurit AS di medan tempur dan membahayakan keselamatan AS sendiri.
"Kami tak bisa menoleransi risiko adanya pencegat rudal yang gagal mengenai sasaran atau seorang pilot helikopter tidak bisa menembakkan senjatanya atau kegagalan operasi lain hanya karena adanya suku cadang palsu ini," kata Senator John McCain, satu dari dua senator yang pertama kali mengungkapkan kebocoran jalur pasokan suku cadang terhadap industri senjata AS tersebut.
Senator Carl Levin, yang menjabat ketua komite tersebut, mengatakan, tim penyelidik komite telah menemukan sedikitnya 1.800 kasus yang melibatkan sekitar 1 juta komponen elektronik palsu sejak 2009. Itu semua, kata Levin, baru puncak dari sebuah gunung es permasalahan serius ini.
"Kegagalan satu komponen elektronik bisa menempatkan seorang prajurit, pelaut, penerbang, atau Marinir kami terancam bahaya dalam kondisi yang paling buruk. Membanjirnya komponen elektronik palsu ini makin membuat kami sulit meyakini bahwa suatu saat (kegagalan) itu akan terjadi," tutur Levin.
Dicuci di sungai
Beberapa kontraktor utama sektor pertahanan AS, seperti produsen pesawat Boeing, produsen radar dan rudal Raytheon, dan produsen alat komunikasi dan modul komando L-3 Communications, tak luput dari pasokan onderdil palsu ini. Dari hasil pelacakan para penyelidik, 70 persen komponen palsu—yang sebagian besar adalah komponen elektronik—tersebut berasal dari China serta 20 persen lainnya dari Inggris dan Kanada. Mereka juga menemukan barang-barang yang berasal dari Hongkong, kemudian dikirim menggunakan truk-truk ke beberapa kota di China daratan, termasuk kota yang dikenal sebagai pusat pembuatan barang palsu, Shantou, di Provinsi Guangdong.
Menurut Richard Sharpe, wakil presiden perusahaan distributor komponen elektronik independen SMT Corp, pemalsuan itu dilakukan dengan membersihkan berbagai jenis komponen elektronik bekas yang dilepas dari alat-alat elektronik di pasaran. Komponen-komponen bekas itu kemudian dibersihkan dengan mencucinya di sungai atau membiarkan tersiram air hujan.
Setelah dicuci, komponen bekas itu lalu dikeringkan dengan cara dijemur di pinggir sungai dan dimasukkan ke ember. Komponen itu kemudian diproses kembali menjadi seperti baru, lengkap dengan kardus kemasan mirip aslinya.
"Pemalsuan yang dilakukan di Shantou tidak dipandang sebagai pelanggaran hak atas kekayaan intelektual atau sesuatu yang tidak pantas. Kegiatan itu justru dipandang sebagai 'inisiatif ramah lingkungan' untuk memanfaatkan kembali material komponen elektronik yang sudah dibuang," tutur Sharpe.
Letnan Jenderal Patrick J O'Reilly, Direktur Badan Pertahanan Rudal AD AS, mengatakan, pihaknya dirugikan hingga 4 juta dollar AS untuk mengganti komponen-komponen palsu ini dari tujuh kasus penemuan komponen palsu pada sistem pencegat rudal THAAD-nya.
"Kami tak ingin keandalan sistem THAAD seharga 12 juta dollar AS itu rusak hanya karena dua komponen (palsu)," tutur O'Reilly.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

AS Lucuti Bom Terakhir dari Era Perang Dingin / | AMERIKA Serikat hari Selasa dijadwalkan akan melucuti bom-bom nuklir B53 yang tersisa dari era Perang Dingin. Ini sekaligus memusnahkan senjata berkekuatan paling besar dalam satu serangan dari arsenal nuklir Amerika.

B53 yang berbobot 4.500 kilogram dan kira-kira seukuran minibus itu dirancang untuk menghancurkan fasilitas-fasilitas bawah tanah dengan menimbulkan gelombang kejut hingga jauh ke dalam permukaan bumi.

Federasi Ilmuwan Amerika Selasa waktu setempat memperkirakan B53 memiliki kekuatan 600 kali lebih hebat daripada bom nuklir yang dijatuhkan di Hiroshima, Jepang, semasa Perang Dunia II.

Amerika pertama kali menggunakan B53 itu pada tahun 1962. Para pejabat mulai melucuti bom-bom itu pada tahun 1980-an sebelum secara resmi mengakhiri penggunaan B53 pada tahun 1997.

Upacara perlucutan pada hari Selasa di Amarillo, Texas, ini merupakan bagian dari sasaran Presiden Barack Obama untuk mengurangi jumlah dan peran senjata nuklir dalam arsenal Amerika.VoA


Thursday, October 27, 2011

F-22 fighters back in the air: US Air ForceIK

F-22 fighters back in the air: US Air Force

The US Air Force has allowed dozens of F-22 fighter jets back in the air after commanders briefly grounded the planes at two bases amid safety concerns, officials said Tuesday.
After a pilot suffered a lack of oxygen in the cockpit last week, senior officers at bases in Virginia and in Alaska ordered a "pause" in flights for the sophisticated F-22 Raptors, the world's most expensive combat aircraft.
At Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Alaska, the temporary ban was lifted on Monday and the commander at Joint Base Langley-Eustis in Virginia ended the grounding on Tuesday.
"The 1st Fighter Wing has resumed flying operations at Langley AFB" at 8:00 am (1200 GMT), said Miles Brown, spokesman for the Virginia air force base.
Air Force engineers will continue to collect data from the F-22 flights to ensure safety, he added.
It was the second time this year that F-22 fighter jets were grounded.
The Air Force stood down the entire Raptor fleet from May through mid-September -- a highly unusual move -- to allow engineers to check for possible problems with the plane's oxygen supply.
The precise source of the problem remains a mystery despite elaborate tests and safety measures, analysts say.
The fleet was allowed back in the air last month without a clear explanation behind a spate of incidents in which pilots appeared to suffer from a lack of oxygen.
The Air Force has been reluctant to discuss the problem in any detail, particularly the circumstances of about a dozen incidents affecting F-22 pilots over a three-year period.
At a cost of nearly $150 million per plane, the F-22 Raptor is designed mainly for dogfights against rival fighter jets. The radar-evading aircraft were not used in the NATO-led air campaign over Libya.
The Air Force has more than 160 F-22 Raptors in its fleet and plans to build a total of 187

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Issues Emerge on F-35B After Sea Trials

Issues Emerge on F-35B After Sea Trialsby Winslow Wheeler, director of CDI’s Strauss Military Project

Last week, on October 13, the Chairman of the JCS, General Martin Dempsey, scared F-35 advocates with the statement, “I am concerned about the three variants, whether as we go forward in this fiscal environment, whether we can afford all three.”
This week (after a senior official’s visit on Saturday to the USS Wasp, where the F-35B has been conducting “sea trials,” and where a decision was made to gin up a “media day” to booster the F-35), the Marines invited a gaggle of reporters out to the Wasp to show them how wonderfully well the F-35B was doing in its sea trials. Several media writers dutifully wrote about what they were shown and told—and little else. In fact, what they wrote would have you think the F-35B’s problems are all a thing of the past.
Given the Marines’ painfully obvious anxiousness to promote the F-35B (and the interesting timing of their show-and-tell right after General Demsey’s statement), it is especially depressing that no one went out to the Wasp loaded for journalistic bear. Nor was there any apparent follow up when they got back with questions to Joint Program Office head Admiral David Venlet or the top Marine Corps F-35 advocate Commandant James Amos.
Here are some issues that I am told the media writers missed:
  • Apparently, the two F-35Bs involved in the sea trials had been diverted to Patuxent River to be repaired the previous week—presumably for fixes the crew on the Wasp were unable to perform. One of the aircraft flying the displays for the press, BF-4, broke (again) after the media event. The upper lift fan door actuator—a component that was supposed to have been fixed already—apparently had a problem. It turns out the actuator has to be redesigned yet again.
  • When asked about maintenance on the Wasp, officials speaking on behalf of the F-35 did not say that more maintenance had been taking place than had been planned. It is not clear if that does or does not mean the extra maintenance that took place at Patuxent River.
  • Despite at least one media writer’s descriptions of impressive landing parameters during the displays, I am informed that the effects of the Wasp’s structure were causing the ship to slow down because the handling qualities resulting from the wind coming around that structure were not what they expected.
  • The testing was planned for a two week period, but it ran on into a third week. It would be interesting to know if there was anything beyond the extra maintenance that explains this.
There also appear to be some issues with the Air Force’s “A” model:
  • It appears that the four Lot 2 F-35As at Eglin AFB are effectively grounded. The USAF airworthiness authorities haven’t given the program the flight clearance to start flying the jets. The jets may have been cleared for ferry from the plant in July and August but not for training operations at Eglin.
There has been pressure to clear the aircraft for training operations notwithstanding the following:
  • The ejection seat and pilot escape system in the jets have not passed the required qualification tests. This is a particularly interesting because one media writer just reported on how the Air Force’s Air Combat Command is considering a change in the manufacturer for the ejection seat, but the explanation is that it is for cost reasons. It is asserted that a change at this late stage would save money, but how is unclear and appears, at least to me, controversial.
  • There are problems with being able to restart the engine in flight if it flames out.
  • Braking on a wet runway is deficient—recently improved but not resolved; so jets will be restricted from flying after it rains until the runway dries out.
  • The airplane in the training configuration has about 70 hours on it. If you count all JSF testing, it is about 1,000 hours. Legacy aircraft training would start with at least twice that much on the fleet, and as much as five times that much in the configuration meant for training.
  • All of this also applies to the Marines F-35B that is supposed to start flying at Eglin in January.
Finally, I am told the cost to modify jets in lots 2-5 is about $30 million each. Lockheed has said these costs are already accounted for in the program. Specifically how this will be paid for, the impact on deliveries, and the size of the fleet that is funded are all questions that are unclear to me.

Defence Talk

AS Kembali Melarang Terbang Jet Tempur F-22 Raptor

Washington - Angkatan Udara Amerika Serikat kembali mengeluarkan larangan terbang bagi lusinan jet tempur F-22 Raptor. Ini merupakan kedua kalinya dalam tahun ini setelah adanya kekhawatiran mengenai seorang pilot yang mengalami kekurangan oksigen di kokpit pesawat tempur siluman tersebut.

Juru bicara Angkatan Udara AS Letkol Richard Johnson mengatakan, para komandan di pangkalan di Virginia dan di Alaska memerintahkan penghentian penerbangan pesawat perang paling mahal di dunia itu sebagai tindakan pencegahan.

"Bagian dari protokol kami adalah mengizinkan unit-unit menghentikan operasi kapanpun mereka perlu menganalisa informasi yang dikumpulkan dari operasi-operasi penerbangan untuk memastikan keamanan. Inilah yang terjadi di Langley saat ini dan kami mendukung keputusan itu," kata Johnson dalam statemennya seperti dilansir kantor berita AFP, Selasa (25/10/2011).

Keputusan mengandangkan jet-jet tempur F-22 Raptor tersebut diambil setelah insiden pekan lalu di mana seorang pilot di Joint Base Langley-Eustis di Virginia mengalami gejala seperti hipoksia (kekurangan oksigen) saat sedang mengudara.

Pengumuman ini disampaikan hanya sebulan setelah Angkatan Udara mengandangkan keseluruhan armada Raptor mulai Mei hingga pertengahan September lalu. Langkah luar biasa itu dilakukan supaya para teknisi bisa memeriksa kemungkinan adanya masalah dengan pasokan oksigen pesawat tempur canggih tersebut.

Menurut para analis, sumber masalah sebenarnya masih tetap misterius meskipun telah dilakukan sejumlah tes dan langkah-langkah keamanan. Namun armada Raptor dibolehkan kembali terbang bulan lalu tanpa penjelasan pasti mengenai penyebab serangkaian insiden di mana para pilot mengalami kekurangan oksigen saat menerbangkan jet-jet tempur itu.

Sekitar 30 jet F-22 Raptor berbasis di pangkalan Langley di Virginia. Selama ini Angkatan Udara AS enggan untuk membahas masalah ini secara detail, khususnya mengenai belasan insiden yang dialami pilot-pilot F-22 Raptor 

dalam tiga tahun terakhir.

Angkatan Udara AS memiliki lebih dari 160 jet F-22 Raptor dan berencana memproduksi hingga total 187 unit. Biaya untuk setiap jet tersebut hampir US$ 150 juta


Friday, October 14, 2011

Varian F-35B Kemungkinan Besar Dibatalkan

jsf.milPesawat F-35B sedang melakukan uji coba pendaratan secara vertikal.

Program pengembangan pesawat tempur berteknologi siluman, F-35 atau Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), kembali menghadapi masalah. Salah satu varian pesawat itu, yakni F-35B, kemungkinan besar akan batal diproduksi sebagai dampak pemotongan anggaran besar-besaran di Pentagon.
Demikian diungkapkan Ketua Gabungan Kepala Staf AS yang baru, Jenderal Martin Dempsey, Kamis (13/10/2011). Di hadapan para wakil rakyat AS di Kongres, Dempsey mengaku ragu apakah dengan pengetatan anggaran yang disetujui Kongres baru-baru ini, pihak Departemen Pertahanan AS masih bisa mengembangkan tiga varian F-35.
"Saya khawatir dengan (nasib) tiga varian itu dan apakah kita bisa terus maju (dengan rencana semula) dalam kondisi fiskal seperti ini, apakah kita bisa membiayai semuanya," kata Dempsey kepada Komite Angkatan Bersenjata DPR AS.
Menurut rencana awal, program JSF akan mengembangkan tiga varian pesawat F-35, yakni F-35A yang lepas landas dan mendarat di lapangan udara konvensional dan dirancang untuk menggantikan armada pesawat tempur F-16 milik Angkatan Udara AS (USAF).
Varian kedua adalah F-35B, yang mampu tinggal landas dari landasan pendek dan mendarat secara vertikal (short take-off and vertical landing/STOVL). Varian ini dirancang untuk menggantikan armada pesawat Harrier milik Korps Marinir AS (USMC).
Varian ketiga adalah F-35C, yang memiliki kemampuan mendarat dan tinggal landas dari geladak kapal induk. F-35C dirancang untuk menggantikan peranan F/A-18 Hornet milik Angkatan Laut AS (US Navy).
Saat ini Dempsey mengaku sedang meminta masukan dari berbagai pihak, termasuk Komandan USMC Jenderal James Amos, salah satu pembela utama program F-35B.
Dalam kesepakatan pengurangan defisit anggaran AS beberapa bulan lalu, Pentagon mendapat "jatah" pengurangan anggaran sebesar 450 miliar dollar AS (hampir Rp 4 kuadriliun) dalam waktu sepuluh tahun mendatang. Program JSF, yang telah berlarut-larut selama bertahun-tahun dan anggarannya terus membengkak, menjadi sasaran utama pemotongan anggaran ini.
Program pembuatan pesawat oleh pabrikan Lockheed Martin ini menjadi program pengembangan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) termahal dalam sejarah Pentagon. Varian yang paling menjadi sorotan adalah F-35B, karena harus melibatkan teknologi yang lebih rumit dibanding dua varian lainnya.
Inggris, salah satu negara yang terlibat dalam JSF dan berpengalaman membuat pesawat Harrier, sudah membatalkan rencana pembelian F-35B dan lebih memilih membeli F-35C.
Mantan Menteri Pertahanan AS Robert Gates menempatkan program F-35B dalam "masa percobaan" sejak Januari lalu, setelah varian pesawat itu mengalami serangkaian masalah teknis. Gates mengatakan, jika dalam waktu dua tahun masalah-masalah itu tak teratasi, rencana produksi pesawat itu akan dibatalkan.
Dengan makin membengkaknya biaya pengembangan JSF, para pejabat pertahanan AS berjuang keras mengendalikan harga jual pesawat-pesawat F-35. Menurut Pentagon, dalam waktu sepuluh tahun terakhir, biaya pembuatan per pesawat sudah membengkak dua kali lipat.
Biaya pengembangan keseluruhan sudah melonjak menjadi 385 miliar dollar AS dan harga satuannya menjadi 103 juta dollar AS dalam standar nilai tukar tetap, atau 113 juta dollar AS (sekitar Rp 1 triliun) per pesawat dengan menggunakan nilai uang dollar AS tahun 2011 ini.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kapal pendarat amfibi Angkatan Laut AS bermasalah

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011 03:33 WIB | 1020 Views
USS San Antonio/LPD-17 menjadi satu andalan kekuatan amfibi militer Amerika Serikat. Dirancang sebagai basis MV-22 Osprey dan kendaraan lapis baja pendarat lain, kapal perang Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat itu diketahui masih memiliki kekurangan. (istimewa)
 ... USS San Antonio/LPD-17 diketahui juga sandar di Bahrain karena ada kebocoran oli dan dia bukan satu-satunya kapal perang yang mengalami hal serius seperti itu....
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Kapal perang amfibi serang kelas Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat kelas San Antonio (USS San Antonio/LPD-17) resmi masuk dalam dinas angkatan bersenjata negara itu. Harga kapal perang berteknologi terkini itu mahal, bahkan untuk ukuran Amerika Serikat.

Dalam kabar yang dirilis situs militer di Amerika Serikat, antara 10 dan 11 unit kapal itu diluncurkan dari 41 unit yang dipesan. Secara fisik, kapal itu lebih besar dari pendahulunya dengan misi membawa, mengangkut, mendaratkan, dan mendukung elemen tempur Kekuatan Pendarat Korps Marinir Amerika Serikat.

Yang berubah adalah ukurannya, biaya pembangunan kapal, dan kemampuan serta teknologi yang digunakan untuk mendukung misi militer itu. Dari semua tambahan itu, kapal dirancang ulang untuk mendukung operasionalisasi wahana pendarat MV-22 Osprey dari Marinir serta wahana lapis baja pengangkut personel amfibi AAV7 Amtrac.

Walau dianggap lebih canggih, ada sejumlah kritik bagi kapal perang baru itu. Di antaranya adalah penunjukan galangan kapal di New Orleans, yang memerlukan waktu hingga 2,5 tahun sejak kapal dipesan hingga dioperasikan Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat. USS San Antonio/LPD-17 diketahui juga sandar di Bahrain karena ada kebocoran oli dan dia bukan satu-satunya kapal perang yang mengalami hal serius seperti itu.

Bukan apa-apa, biaya pembangunannya mahal juga untuk Amerika Serikat yang sedang dilanda resesi ekonomi, yaitu 1,7 miliar dolar Amerika Serikat per unit. Biaya ini diketahui tiga kali lebih mahal ketimbang kapal kelas LPD yang lain, semisal kelas Rotterdam. Bahkan 10 kali lebih mahal ketimbang kapal serupa milik Singapura berbobot 6.600 ton, kelas Endeavor. (ANT)
sumber : Antara

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

F-22 fighters allowed back in the air

F-22 fighters allowed back in the air: US Air Force
The US Air Force said Monday its fleet of F-22 fighter jets will be allowed back in the air after officials grounded the planes over concerns about the aircraft's oxygen system.

The F-22 Raptors, the most advanced combat aircraft in the world, were barred from flying for four months, a highly unusual move that reflected serious worries over safety.

"We now have enough insight from recent studies and investigations that a return to flight is prudent and appropriate," Air Force chief of staff General Norton Schwartz said in a statement.
"We're managing the risks with our aircrews, and we're continuing to study the F-22's oxygen systems and collect data to improve its performance," said.

Commanders ordered a "stand-down" of the Raptor fleet on May 3 after 12 separate incidents over a three-year period in which pilots reported "hypoxia-like symptoms," the Air Force release said.
In one case, an F-22 reportedly scraped tree tops before landing and the pilot could not remember the incident, indicating a possible lack of oxygen.
Analysts say the Air Force has struggled to pin down the source of the problem with the Raptors despite elaborate safety investigations.

The fleet will undergo "an extensive inspection of the life suppoVt systems before returning to flight, with follow-on daily inspections," the Air Force said.

In addition, pilots will use additional protective equipment and undergo physiological tests, it said.
Under the decision, pilots will be allowed to fly at 50,000 feet (15,200 meters). Between January and April, the Raptors were not permitted to venture beyond 25,000 feet.
The Air Force has more than 160 F-22 Raptors in its fleet and plans to build a total of 187.
The radar-evading aircraft, designed primarily for dogfights against rival fighter jets, have not been used in the NATO-led air campaign in Libya or the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Boeing Receives US Air Force F-22 Mission

Boeing Receives US Air Force F-22 Mission Planning System Contract

Boeing has received a contract from the U.S. Air Force to provide mission planning support for the F-22 Raptor. Theoder, valued at up to $24 million if all options are exercised, was awarded under the Air Force's Mission Planning Enterprise Contract-II (MPEC-II).
Boeing is one of five contractors selected in June 2010 for MPEC-II, an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity program with an approximate total value of $920 million over 10 years. The MPEC-II contract provides for the extension and sustainment of mission planning software, services and solutions.
Under the new contract, Boeing will continue development and integration of the existing F-22 Mission Planning Environment (MPE), which provides the ability to interactively plan and validate missions.
The MPE gives F-22 crews a full range of mission information, from preflight data reports to postflight debriefing materials.
"Our current support of the F-22 program helped us better understand the Air Force's mission planning requirements," said Mark McGraw, Boeing vice president for Training Systems and Services.
"We will continue to work together to improve the integration and testing of mission planning products throughout the MPE development lifecycle."
The F-22 is built by Lockheed Martin in partnership with Boeing and Pratt and Whitney. Boeing supplies the aircraft's wings and aft fuselage; integrates and tests the advanced avionics; and has responsibility for pilot and maintenance training systems.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

F-35 Authorized to Return to Flight

F-35 Authorized to Return to Flight
The F-35 Joint Program Office authorized the return to flight operations for F-35 developmental test aircraft. This follows the reinstitution of ground operations for these aircraft Aug. 10.
An Air Force Safety Investigation Board continues to review the circumstances that led to the failure of an Integrated Power Package (IPP) aboard AF-4, an F-35A conventional takeoff and landing variant assigned to Edwards AFB, Calif., on August 2. The F-35 Integrated Power Package is a turbo-machine that provides power to start the engine and generates cooling for the aircraft.
The government and contractor engineering teams determined the program could resume developmental test flight operations while the investigation continues. This assessment was made after reviewing data from ground and flight tests which showed, with revised test monitoring procedures governing the IPP, the aircraft can be flown safely.
The root cause investigation indicates that an IPP valve did not function properly. Monitoring of valve position is a mitigating action to allow monitored operations. A permanent resolution is in work.
The return to flight has been authorized for all aircraft assigned to Edwards AFB and Patuxent River Naval Air Station, Md. This does not allow ground operations for Eglin AFB, Fla. delivered aircraft (AF-8, AF-9). The completion of the root cause investigation and any corrective actions are required to return to unmonitored operations.
Impact to System Development and Demonstration test flight execution and production operations continues to be assessed. The program, however, has built margin into the test schedule to accommodate incidents that occur in the development effort.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Falcon HTV-2



HTV-2 image 2_sm


DARPA’s Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 (HTV-2) program began in 2003 as a research and development effort to increase the technical knowledge base and advance critical technologies to make long-duration hypersonic flight a reality.
DARPA’s Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 (HTV-2) program is a multiyear research and development effort to increase the technical knowledge base and advance critical technologies to make long-duration hypersonic flight a reality.
Data from the program informs policy, acquisition, and operations decisions for future Department of Defense Conventional Prompt Global Strike programs. Hypersonic data is collected through extensive modeling and simulation, wind-tunnel testing and two experimental flight tests. The ultimate goal is a capability that can reach anywhere in the world in less than an hour.
Falcon HTV-2 is an unmanned, rocket-launched, maneuverable aircraft that glides through the Earth’s atmosphere at incredibly fast speeds—Mach 20 (approximately 13,000 miles per hour).  At HTV-2 speeds, flight time between New York City and Los Angeles would be less than 12 minutes. The HTV-2 vehicle is a “data truck” with numerous sensors that collect data in an uncertain operating envelope.
Mastery of three key technical challenges stands between the DoD and long-duration hypersonic flight: Aerodynamics; Aerothermal effects; and critical guidance, navigation and control.
HTV-2 flew its maiden flight on 22 Apr 2010, collecting nine minutes of unique flight data, including 139 seconds of Mach 22 to Mach 17 aerodynamic data.
Flight one achieved many “firsts”:
  • Deployed largest number of sea, land, air and space data collection assets in support of hypersonic flight test
  • Maintained Global Positioning System (GPS) signals while traveling 3.6 miles per second
  • Validated two-way communication with the vehicle
  • Verified effective use of the Reaction Control System (RCS)
The second and final planned flight test is scheduled for August 2011. First flight lessons learned, high-speed wind tunnel testing and computer simulations were used to improve aerodynamic models and to optimize the vehicle design and trajectory for flight two.

The goal of the second flight is to validate current assumptions and increase technical understanding of the hypersonic flight regime. More than 20 test assets will collect continuous flight data to achieve this goal.
Experience HTV-2's planned second-flight mission profile by clicking on the phases of flight depicted below:


HTV-2 collects unique data during several phases of second flight 

Today, DARPA attempted to fly the fastest aircraft ever built.  The Agency’s Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 (HTV-2) is designed to fly anywhere in the world in less than 60 minutes.  This capability requires an aircraft that can fly at 13,000 mph, while experiencing temperatures in excess of 3500F.  The second test flight began with launch at 0745 Pacific Time.  The Minotaur IV vehicle successfully inserted the aircraft into the desired trajectory.  Separation of the vehicle was confirmed by rocket cam and the aircraft transitioned to Mach 20 aerodynamic flight.  This transition represents a critical knowledge and control point in maneuvering atmospheric hypersonic flight.  More than nine minutes of data was collected before an anomaly caused loss of signal.  Initial indications are that the aircraft impacted the Pacific Ocean along the planned flight path.
“Here’s what we know,” said Air Force Maj. Chris Schulz, DARPA HTV-2 program manager and PhD in aerospace engineering.  “We know how to boost the aircraft to near space.  We know how to insert the aircraft into atmospheric hypersonic flight.  We do not yet know how to achieve the desired control during the aerodynamic phase of flight.  It’s vexing; I’m confident there is a solution. We have to find it.”
“Prior to flight, the technical team completed the most sophisticated simulations and extensive wind tunnel tests possible.  But these ground tests have not yielded the necessary knowledge.  Filling the gaps in our understanding of hypersonic flight in this demanding regime requires that we be willing to fly,” said DARPA Director Regina Dugan. “In the April 2010 test, we obtained four times the amount of data previously available at these speeds.  Today more than 20 air, land, sea and space data collection systems were operational.  We’ll learn. We’ll try again. That’s what it takes.”
According to Schulz, three technical challenges exist within this HTV-2 flight regime.  They are categorized as aerodynamic; aerothermal; and guidance, navigation and control.  And each phase of flight introduces unique obstacles within these areas. 
“To address these obstacles, DARPA has assembled a team of experts that will analyze the flight data collected during today’s test flight, expanding our technical understanding of this incredibly harsh flight regime,” explained Schulz.  “As today’s flight indicates, high-Mach flight in the atmosphere is virtually uncharted territory. ”
In the coming weeks, the assembled independent Engineering Review Board will review and analyze the data collected. This data will inform policy, acquisition and operational decisions for future Conventional Prompt Global Strike programs—the goal of which, ultimately, is to have the capability to reach anywhere in the world in less than one hour