
Showing posts with label JEPANG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JEPANG. Show all posts

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Jepang mengandangkan 200 jet tempur F15 - detikNews

Jepang berencana meremajakan armada udaranya dengan anggaran lebih dari US$8 miliar.

Jepang mengandangkan lebih dari 200 pesawat tempur F-15 setelah salah satu pesawat tempur itu mengalami kerusakan.

Dalam sebuah misi latihanm, tangki bahan bakar salah satu pesawat tempur tersebut terlepas dan jatuh.

Api terlihat menjalar dibawah sayap dan bagian tangki yang terlepas jatuh disekitar kawasan barat kota Komatsu.

Tangki dengan berat sekitar 155kg, dalam keadaan kosong, dan misil tiruan terlepas dari pesawat dan jatuh di sebuah lapangan dekat dengan landasan untuk mendarat. Puing dari tangki yang lepas itu jatuh di 10 lokasi, termasuk di saluran pembuangan kotoran.

Tidak ada yang terluka dalam insiden tersebut dan pesawat tempur itu sendiri berhasil mendarat dengan aman.

"Kami menangani kecelakaan ini dengan sangat serius, kata Jenderal Shigeru Iwasaki, Kepala Angkatan Udara Jepang, dalam sebuah keterangan pers.

Dia mengatakan penyebab jatuhnya tangki F-15 masih dalam penyelidikan.

Peremajaan pesawat

Insiden copotnya tangki bahan bakar F-15 ini adalah yang kedua dalam tiga bulan terakhir.

Juli silam, armada udara juga dikandangkan setelah sebuah pesawat jatuh di Laut Cina Selatan. Pilotnya, meski diyakini sudah tewas, tetapi tetap dimasukan ke dalam daftar hilang dan sampai saat ini belum ada penjelasan resmi terkait kecelakaan tersebut.

Serangkaian kecelakaan yang melibatkan armada udara ini nampaknya membuat Angkatan Udara Jepang bersikap reaktif dengan mengandangkan semua pesawat tempur F-15 milik mereka.

Pejabat Pasukan Pertahanan Udara Jepang mengatakan semua misi kecuali yang terkait dengan keadaan darurat kini dihentikan dan akan berakhir sampai 202 pesawat tempur F-15 Jepang sepenuhnya dinyatakan aman.

Insiden terbaru ini terjadi disaat Tokyo juga tengah mencari pengganti pesawat yang sudah dimakan usia. Jepang tengah mempertimbangkan kemungkinan membeli pesawat baru baik dari pabrikan pesawat tempur AS dan dari Eurofighter Typhoon dalam sebuah kesepakatan yang kemungkinan akan dicapai akhir tahun ini dengan anggaran sebesar US$8 miliar


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Eurofighter Typhoon Ready for Japan

Eurofighter Typhoon Ready for JapanBAE Systems, with the full support of the UK Government, the Eurofighter partner companies and nations together with the Sumitomo Corporation, has today submitted a response to Japan’s requirement for a new fighter aircraft to the Japanese Ministry of Defence in Tokyo.
Nigel Whitehead, BAE Systems Group Managing Director - Programmes and Support said: “This cost effective proposal offers Eurofighter Typhoon, the world’s most advanced multi-role combat aircraft, as Japan’s best option to meet the requirement for its F-X programme and the most capable deterrent to regional threats. The aircraft already has operationally proven multi-role capabilities and through our ability to offer licensed production, maintenance and technology transfer, Japan can have sovereign control of manufacture, support and upgrade of Typhoon aircraft in Japan by Japanese industry. We are also able to offer software source codes and other data, giving Japan the ability to develop the aircraft itself to meet its own unique needs, now and in the future”.
The UK Ambassador to Japan David Warren also commented: “I am delighted that BAE Systems has been able to submit such a compelling solution to Japan’s F-X requirement. Typhoon will deliver world-class capability for many years to come. It also offers our two nations an opportunity to significantly strengthen our defence and security relationship and an opportunity for ground breaking industrial cooperation which will contribute substantially to Japan’s defence and aerospace industries future. The Proposal has HM Government’s fullest support”
Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH manages the Typhoon programme on behalf of the Eurofighter Partner Companies: Alenia Aeronautica, BAE Systems and Cassidian in Spain and Germany, Europe’s foremost aerospace companies.
Over 290 aircraft have been delivered to the air forces of the four partner nations and to customers, with 115,000 flying hours achieved between them.
In the UK, the Royal Air Force working with BAE Systems’ support, ensures Typhoon is available for full operational duty, protecting and defending the national air space 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The role of the aircraft includes air defence and air interception.
The Royal Air Force operate Typhoon from RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire, RAF Leuchars in Scotland, and Mount Pleasant in the Falkland Islands and most recently have been performing operational tasks in Libya.
Eurofighter Typhoon is the world's most advanced new generation real multi-role/swing-role combat aircraft available on the market and has been ordered by six nations (Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Austria and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). With 707 aircraft under contract, it is Europe’s largest military collaborative programme and delivers leading-edge technology, strengthening Europe’s aerospace industry in the global competition.
More than 100,000 jobs in 400 companies are secured by the programme. Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH manages the programme on behalf of the Eurofighter Partner Companies: Alenia Aeronautica/Finmeccanica, BAE Systems, EADS CASA and EADS Deutschland, Europe’s foremost aerospace companies with a total turnover of approx. EUR 120 billion (2010).