
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Su-30MK / Su-30 MK2 TNI AU


Su-30MK basic performances
Engines type 2 x АL-31F
Thrust, kgf 2 x 12500
Length, m 21.9
Wing span, m 14.7
Height, m 6.4
Takeoff weight, kg:
normal 24900
max. 34500
limit 38800
Fuel capacity, kg 9640
Combat load, kg 8000
Max. speed, km/h:
at altitude 2120
sea level 1350
Max. Mach 2
Operational ceiling, m 17300
Limit load factor 9
Range, km:
without refueling 3000
with one refueling  5200
Takeoff run (at normal takeoff weight), m 550
Landing roll (with brake parachute), m 750

Double-seat fighter.

The Su-30MK multipurpose double-seat fighter is a modification of Su-27SK produced serially since 1999.
The fighter is designed to gain air superiority through manned and unmanned aircraft destroying by guided missiles in medium range engagements and dogfights; sea and ground targets destroying by all kinds of weapons first of all by high precision ones while individual and group operations in all weather conditions. Besides the fighter can be operated to perform aerial reconnaissance while naval and land operations as well as while flight crews training to operate the aircraft and to launch weapons. The second pilot helps to reduce the first pilot’s load while combat missions with long-range weapon application, at nights, and long flights with in-flight refueling as well.
Su-30MK has the following peculiarities:
  • modified weapon control system with extended capabilities to destroy ground and sea targets;
  • new cockpit indication system on the base of multifunctional LCD indicators;
  • upgraded navigation and communication system;
  • upgraded EW system;
  • great nomenclature of air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons mounted on 12 hard-points;
  • in-flight refueling system;
  • reinforced airframe and landing gear construction that allows aircraft operation with full fuel tanks and maximal combat load at takeoff weight up to 38.8 tons.
The Su-30MK weapon control system provides detection, tracking and destroying air, ground and sea targets in all weather conditions by day and night.
It comprises two basic parts:
  • air-to-air weapon control system consisting of sight radar system, Optoelectronic sighting system and HUD, and additional capability of the Kh-31A anti-ship missiles launch;
  • air-to-surface weapon control system allowing great nomenclature of high-precision weapon launch to destroy ground targets, and all sight data reflection on 4 MFD on control panels in the cockpits.
The Su-30MK radar can be operated in air-to-air and air-to-surface modes. It ensures air and ground targets detection in all weather conditions by day and night.
Optoelectronic sighting system includes optical location sighting system and helmet mounted target designator. The Su-30MK optical location sighting system represents a combination of IR-direction finder and a laser rangу finder, and it is used to detect and track air targets by its radiation in forward and back hemispheres, to range air and ground targets with the help of laser beam and to illuminate ground targets and destroy them by air-to-surface guided missiles with semi-active laser seekers.
The Su-30MK weapon comprises the GSh-301 airborne quick-fire 30-mm caliber cannon with 150 cartridge round; missiles and bombs mounted on 12 hard-points under the wing and fuselage. Air-to-air missiles include the R-27R1 (R-27ER1) guided medium-range missiles with semi-active seekers, 2 R-27Т1 (R-27EТ1) medium-range missiles with heat seekers, the RVV-AE medium range missiles with active radar seekers, the R-73E dogfight missiles with heat seekers.
The Su-30MK air-to-surface weapon comprises up to 6 Kh-31P anti-radiation missiles with passive radar seekers, up to 6 Kh-31A anti-ship missiles with active radar seekers, up to 6 Kh-29Т (Kh-29ТЕ) short-range missiles with TV-seekers or Kh-29L with semi-active laser seekers, two Kh-59МE medium-range missiles with TV-commanded seekers and up to 6 КАB-500Kr or 3 КАB-1500Kr guided bombs with TV-correlated seekers.
The Su-30MK unguided weapon can include up to 8 bombs (cluster bombs, incendiary tanks) of 500 kg caliber, up to 28 bombs of 250 kg caliber, up to 32 bombs of 100 kg caliber, and up to 80 unguided missiles of S-8 type (in four B-8М1 units), 20 S-13 rockets (in 4 B-13L units), 4 S-25-ОFМ rockets.
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Su-30MK2 basic specifications
Engines type 2 х AL-31F
Thrust, kgf 2 х 12500
Length, m 21,9
Wing span, m 14,7
Height, m 6,4
Max takeoff weight, kg:
- max 34500
- limit 38000
Max internal fuel capacity, kg 9720
Max payload, kg 8000
Max speed, km/h:
- at high altitude 2100
- at sea level 1400
Max Mach number 2
Service ceiling, m 17300
Max g-load 9
Range, km:
- without in-flight refuelling 3000
- with one in-flight refuelling 5600
Run with the normal takeoff weight, m 550
Roll with the drag chute deployed, m 750

Double-seat fighter.

The Su-30MK2 multi-role fighter is designed to gain air superiority through killing hostile manned and unmanned aircraft with guided missiles in medium-range engagements and dogfights, and surface (ground and sea) targets destroying with all types of weapon, first of all with high precision weapon in individual and group operations in all-weather conditions. The aircraft can be used for training flying personnel to hone their flying and fighting skills.
The back-seater reduces the pilot's workload in long-range PGM encounters, in nighttime operations and on protracted missions with in-flight refuelling.
The main features of the Su-30MK2 fighter are the following:
  • an improved fire control system boasting enhanced surface-target capabilities;
  • an advanced cockpit management system;
  • an improved navigation and communications suite;
  • more sophisticated self-defense electronic countermeasures (ECM) suite;
  • an expanded air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons suite with the ordnance mounted externally on 12 hardpoints;
  • an in-flight refueling system;
  • reinforced airframe and landing gear provide for the aircraft operation with max combat load and fuel capacity with take-off weight up to 38 tones.
The fire control system of Su-30MK2 provides for detection, tracking and hitting by onboard weapons aerial and surface targets round the clock and in any weather.
The fire control system comprises two major subsystems:
  • fire control subsystem for air-to-air weapon includes radar sighting system, optronic sight system, and head-up display system;
  • fire control subsystem for air-to-surface weapon provides for the use of a wide spectrum of air-to-surface high-precision weapons, and for the indication of targets designation, flight and navigation data on four 4-х multifunction displays located on the cockpits’ instrument panels.
The mainstay of the cockpit management system are four colour multifunction liquid crystal displays (LCD) and head up-display (in the fore cockpit only). These displays show all required digital and visual target designation, flight and navigation data as well as data on the aircraft systems status. Along with the multifunction LCDs, the instrument panel houses traditional electromechanical instruments, which act mostly as backups.

The radar used on Su-30MK2 in the air-to-air engagement ensures the following:
  • searching for aerial targets;
  • detected targets identification;
  • attacking the targets with medium- and short-range missiles featuring different guidance;
  • searching for, locking on and tracking a visual target in dogfights.
In the air-to-surface mode, the radar ensures the following:
  • all-weather acquisition and positioning of radio-contrast surface targets;
  • surface targets designation data supply to provide the Kh-31A, Kh-35E, and Kh-59MK air-to-ship missiles application.
Optical-electronic sighting system comprising the Optical location station and Helmet-mounted target designation system (HMS). The Optical location station (OLS) of Su-30MK2 is a combination of an infrared search and track system (IRST) and a laser rangefinder/target designator .It is designed to track aerial targets both in the front and rear hemispheres using their infrared signature. It also can be used for the laser ranging of aerial and surface targets as well as for illuminating surface targets by the laser beam for air-to-surface missiles with semi-active laser homing heads application.
The Su-30MK2 weapon suite includes the built-in GSh-301 30-mm automatic single-barrel high-rate-of-fire cannon with ammunition load of 150 rounds, missiles, rockets and bombs mounted externally on 12 hardpoints under wings and fuselage.
The air-to-air weapon suite includes medium-range missiles of the R-27 type – R-27T1, R-27ET1 heat-seeking missiles, R-27R1, R-27ER1 semi-active radar-homing missiles, R-27P1 and R-27EP1 missiles; RVV-AE medium-range active radar-homing missiles; and R-73E short-range heat-seeking missiles.
The Su-30MK2 fighter has wide range of guided and unguided weapons used to destroy surface targets.
The air-to-surface guided weapon of the Su-30MK2 fighter consists of the Kh-59ME, Kh-35E and Kh-59MK missiles; the Kh-31A medium-range high-speed anti-ship active radar-homing missiles; the Kh-31P medium-range antiradar passive radar-homing missiles; Kh-29T, Kh-29TE TV-homing missiles or Kh-29L laser-homing short-range missiles; KAB-1500Kr TV-homing bomb and KAB-500Kr (KAB-500-OD) guided bombs.
The unguided air-to-surface weapons include bombs of 500-kg, 250-kg, and 100-kg caliber, cluster bombs, incendiary tanks, and S-8, S-13, and S-25-OFM rockets as well.
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