
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Boeing Delivers Super Hornet Trainers to Royal Australian Air Force

10 Mei 2011

Boeing Super Hornet trainer simulator (photo : AVStop)
ST. LOUIS, -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] today announced it has completed delivery of six F/A-18E/F Super Hornet aircrew and maintenance trainers to the Royal Australian Air Force at RAAF Base Amberley, Queensland.

"These are the first Super Hornet training devices for a Foreign Military Sale customer and are part of the acquisition and establishment of 24 Australian F/A-18F Block II aircraft, initial spares, support equipment, trainers and training," said Mark McGraw, Training Systems & Services vice president for Boeing.

The suite of aircrew devices includes two Tactical Operation Flight Trainers (TOFT) and two Low Cost Trainers (LCT).

Each TOFT is built on Boeing’s and L-3 Link’s proven F/A-18 simulator common hardware and software baseline, and is integrated with L-3 Link’s 360-degree SimuSphere visual display, SimuView image generator, and Boeing Training Systems & Services’ mission computer emulation; simulated radar, electronic countermeasures, and Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System; and high-fidelity crew station controls. This provides both pilots and weapons sensor officers with a completely immersive training environment and a full spectrum of advanced tactical training.

The Boeing-built LCT runs a mission computer emulation and provides pilot and air combat officer training for navigation, weapons, radar, and electronic countermeasures. The LCT can be reconfigured to accommodate a number of aircrew training combinations with minimal facility requirements.

Two Integrated Visual Environment Maintenance Trainers (IVEMT) also were installed, including the conversion of an earlier VEMT to the IVEMT configuration.

"The IVEMT is a new development and the first fully integrated Super Hornet maintenance device," McGraw said. "It allows maintenance personnel to virtually train across all major Super Hornet systems and subsystems."

The IVEMT’s features include an interactive 3-D model environment, test/support equipment and realistic aircraft responses. Students can perform more than 500 routine troubleshooting procedures using the device.

Boeing is on schedule to complete delivery of the RAAF Super Hornets by the end of this year.


Realisasi Hibah 24 F-16 Dipercepat

11 Mei 2011

Pesawat F-16 milik Air National Guard Amerika (photo : F16net)

Desember 2011, Realisasi Hibah 24 F-16 REALISASI hibah 24 pesawat tempur F-16 dari Amerika Serikat kepada Indonesia, dijadwalkan lebih cepat. Jika tidak ada halangan, kemungkinan Desember tahun ini segera direalisasikan. Meski begitu, program hibah masih harus melalui meja Kongres AS yang dijadwalkan Juli depan. “Atase pertahanan KBRI memberikan gambaran program ini perlu waktu dua sampai lima tahun. Tetapi, setelah kami bertemu Pentagon, berhasil mempercepat proses pengadaan itu yakni 2011, akhir Desember,” kata Wakil Ketua Komisi I DPR RI Hayono Isman di Washington DC tadi malam.

Pertemuan dengan Departemen Pertahanan AS (Pentagon) merupakan salah satu agenda dari serangkaian kunjungan kerja Komisi I DPR RI ke AS. Menurut Hayono, yang penting bagi Indonesia bukan memiliki pesawat supercanggih F-16 untuk mengimbangi negara tetangga atau lainnya. "Indonesia ingin ada penguatan industri pertahanan kita," kata Hayono.

Karena itu, dalam program ini, Indonesia mengajukan PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) sebagai partner, minimal pemeliharaan. ”Biaya pemeliharaannya sangat mahal kalau harus dikirim ke AS, atau Singapura yang sudah memiliki fasilitas itu,” katanya.

Hibah didasarkan pada program EDE (excess defend article) yang selama ini menjadi aturan di AS. EDE membolehkan AS menghibahkan alutista militernya kepada negara lain yang dianggap sahabat AS. “Negara yang dianggap compatible dengan nilai-nilai yang dimiliki AS, misalnya demokrasi dan penegakan HAM. Indonesia dianggap sudah memenuhi kriteria itu,” kata mantan tokoh Kosgoro ini. Hibah ini merupakan hasil kunjungan Menteri Pertahanan AS Robert Gates ke Indonesia tahun silam.

(Jurnal nasional)

Baca Juga :

F-16 Harus Direparasi Total
11 Mei 2011 MESKI dalam kondisi siap pakai tapi 24 F-16 hibah dari AS meski direparasi total. Sebab peralatan sudah banyak ketinggalan. “Intellectual property-nya, seperti peralatan komunikasi harus dipoles lagi dan bahkan diperbarui,” kata Wakil Ketua Komisi I DPR RI Hayono Isman di Washington DC tadi malam.

Komisi I menginginkan dikerja samakan dengan PT Dirgantara Indonesia juga minta enam pesawat tambahan buat cadangan. ”Agar bisa dikanibal suku cadangnya sebab jenis yang dihibahkan ini sudah tidak dibuat lagi,” kata Hayono.

Dalam Foreign Military Sales, US Air Force bertanggung jawab pada pemeliharaan namun harus menunjuk perusahaan lokal AS, dan siapa yang ditunjuk oleh FMS,nantinya akan menjadi kontraktornya. Bisa saja FMS menunjuk Lockheed Martin, pabrik pembuatnya. “Tapi kita minta Lockheed Martin harus bekerja sama dengan PT DI. Kalau sampai tidak, kita tolak hibah ini,” tegas Hayono.

(Jurnal Nasional)

TNI Musnahkan Patok Malaysia yang Dipasang di Wilayah RI

(Foto: Cakgapur)

10 Mei 2011, Pontianak (ANTARA News): Komandan Korem 121/Alambhana Wanawwai, Kolonel Inftri Toto Rinanto Sudjiman menyatakan, pihaknya telah memusnahkan dua patok ilegal yang bertanda Juru Ukur Pemetaan Malaysia (JUP) karena masuk wilayah Kecamatan Jagoi Babang, Kabupaten Bengkayang sekitar 250 meter sehingga merugikan Indonesia.

"Atas penemuan itu sudah kami koordinasikan dengan aparat keamanan Malaysia dan mereka menyatakan dua patok itu ilegal sehingga langsung kami musnahkan," kata Totok Rinanto Sudjiman seusai menghadiri dengar pendapat dengan Gubernur Lemhanas di Balai Petitih Kantor Gubernur Kalbar di Pontianak, Selasa.

Ia menduga, patok ilegal itu sengaja dibuat oleh warga negara tetangga itu, dengan tujuan untuk memperluas lahan pertanian mereka.

Danrem 121/ABW menyatakan, penemuan dua patok ilegal di sekitar Desa Sepidak, Kecamatan Jagoi Babang pada 21 April 2011 oleh masyarakat yang kemudian ditindak lanjuti dengan laporan camat ke Korem 121/ABW.

"Hingga saat ini permasalahan itu telah selesai. Untuk sementara kami belum menerima adanya kasus pergeseran patok tapal batas di tempat-tempat lain," ujar Totok.

Sementara itu, Camat Jagoi Babang Antonius Ale membenarkan, pihaknya bersama masyarakat telah menindaklanjuti temuan pergeseran patok tapal batas ke TNI.

Patok tapal batas ilegal itu ditemukan di rukun tetangga Sentabang, Dusun Kimdal, Desa Sepidak, Kecamatan Jagoi Babang Kabupaten Bengkayang yang berbatasan dengan Kampung Sitas, Distrik Bauk (setingkat kecamatan) Malaysia.

"Patok itu sengaja dibuat warga negara tetangga itu, kemudian lahan sekitar 250 meter yang masuk Indonesia itu digunakan untuk pertanian," ujarnya.

Wakil Gubernur Kalimantan Barat Christiandy Sanjaya menyesalkan, tindakan warga negara tetangga tersebut yang bisa merugikan Indonesia.

"Modus seperti itu sudah sering terjadi dengan tujuan mengambil hasil bumi seperti kayu dan menanami dengan perkebunan, seperti sawit," katanya.

Apalagi menurut Wagub Kalbar sebagian besar kawasan perbatasan Indonesia dengan Malaysia adalah hutan lindung sehingga sangat rentan terjadinya pergeseran patok tapal batas dengan tujuan untuk aktivitas ilegal logging atau pembalakan hutan secara liar.

Panjang perbatasan darat antara Indonesia - Malaysia di Kalimantan mencapai 2.004 kilometer, terdiri dari Kalbar 857 kilometer dan Kalimantan Timur 1.147 kilometer.

Sumber: ANTARA News

Monday, May 9, 2011

Dudi mengatakan, pesawat buatan Indonesia, yakni CN-235, masih lebih bagus karena telah lolos sertifikasi FAA

Pembelian Pesawat MA60 Pernah Ditolak JK
Inggried | Minggu, 8 Mei 2011 | 08:27 WIB
Dibaca: 33150

Josephus Primus Salah satu pesawat Xian MA-60 PK-MZJ milik Merpati Nusantara yang melayani rute Denpasar- Labuan Bajo pergi pulang. Pesawat penumpang bermesin turboprop ini buatan perusahaan China Xian Aircraft Industrial Corporation di bawah China Aviation Industry Corporation I (AVIC I). Sampai dengan 2011, Merpati Nusantara mengoperasikan 15 unit Xian MA-60.

Pesawat CN 235

JAKARTA, - Kecelakaan pesawat Merpati jenis MA-60 bernomor penerbangan MZ-8968 tujuan Sorong-Kaimana-Biak, Sabtu (7/5/2011), yang jatuh dan hancur di laut menewaskan 27 orang penumpang berikut awak pesawat. Menurut informasi yang dihimpun Kompas, rencana pembelian pesawat buatan China itu pernah batal karena ditolak oleh Wakil Presiden (2004-2009) Muhammad Jusuf Kalla. Ketika dikonfirmasi semalam, Kalla membenarkan hal itu.

”Oh iya, betul. Waktu itu rencana pembelian pesawat tersebut memang saya tolak,” katanya.
Alasan penolakan Kalla ketika itu karena jenis pesawat tersebut belum memiliki sertifikasi dari Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) sehingga bisa dianggap sebagai produk percobaan. ”Masa kita mau membeli pesawat yang belum memiliki sertifikat FAA. Itu kan berarti masih produk percobaan. Berbahaya sekali,” katanya.

Waktu itu, kata Kalla, disetujui jika pesawat itu menggunakan sistem sewa (leasing) sehingga tanggung jawab teknis ada pada pihak China. Merpati berencana menerbangkan 15 pesawat MA-60.
”Sertifikasi dari FAA pada dasarnya tak harus diambil. Namun, apabila MA-60 lolos dari sertifikasi FAA, keselamatan penerbangannya lebih terjamin,” kata pengamat penerbangan Dudi Sudibyo.

Dudi mengatakan, pesawat buatan Indonesia, yakni CN-235, masih lebih bagus karena telah lolos sertifikasi FAA. CN-235 bahkan dioperasikan oleh US Coast Guard, South Korean Air Force, French Air Force, dan Merpati.

Menurut Dudi, harus diselidiki apakah jatuhnya pesawat terkait persoalan teknis. ”Masyarakat butuh kebenaran dan butuh kepastian tentang keamanan pesawat itu. Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi harus bekerja keras,” ujarnya.
Dalam rapat dengar pendapat dengan Komisi XI DPR pada Juni 2009, Direktur Utama Merpati Bambang Bhakti mengungkapkan, pihaknya pernah menghentikan pengoperasian (grounded) MA-60 buatan Xian Aircraft asal China karena keretakan di rudder (sayap bagian belakang pesawat).
”Sebenarnya pesawat ini telah disertifikasi oleh China dan Pemerintah Indonesia. Jadi tidak ada masalah terbang di sini,” kata Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara Herry Bhakti saat jumpa pers pada Sabtu malam.



Anggota Komisi I DPR RI yang melaksanakan kunjungan kerja ke Moskow berjumlah 11 (sebelas) orang Anggota dan 2 (dua) orang Sekretaris Delegasi telah melaksanakan kunjungan ke berbagai instansi di Moskow yang terkait dengan bidang tugas Komisi I DPR RI pada tanggal 25 dan 26 April 2011.
Tujuan utama dari kunjungan kerja Delegasi Komisi I DPR RI ini adalah untuk melakukan pengawasan atas kinerja KBRI Moskow, untuk mengetahui sejauhmana pelaksanaan tugas Duta Besar dan Perwakilan RI untuk Russia di Moskow dalam mendukung program-program Pemerintah dengan Pemerintahan Russia serta melakukan pelayanan untuk perlindungan WNI di Russia.
Foto:     Pertemuan Delegasi Kunjungan Kerja Komisi I DPR RI dengan Direktur Departemen Asia ke-3 Kementerian Luar Negeri Negara Federasi Rusia.
Selain kunjungan ke KBRI pada tanggal 25 April 2011, pada hari yang sama, Delegasi juga melaksanakan pertemuan dengan Kementerian Luar Negeri Negara Federasi Russia. Dalam pertemuan dengan Kementerian Luar Negeri tersebut, Delegasi Kunjungan Kerja Komisi I DPR RI menyampaikan beberapa hal yang menjadi pending matters hubungan bilateral kedua Negara.
Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Delegasi menyampaikan fakta bahwa Gedung Kantor Perwakilan RI di Moskow dan Wisma Duta masih berstatus menyewa tariff sewa seharga USD 60 ribu per bulan, hal ini kontras sekali dengan Kedutaan Russia di Jakarta yang sampai memilki 30 buah properti di Indonesia dengan status hak milik. Kondisi semacam ini tentu saja sangat membebani keuangan Negara, terlebih KBRI telah menyewa gedung ini sudah sejak lebih dari 50 tahun lalu. Apabila dikalkulasi, nilai sewa yang setara dengan Rp 515 juta per bulan sebenarnya bisa digunakan untuk mulai mengangsur pembelian gedung kantor perwakilan RI di Moskow.
Kondisi kontras tersebut disampaikan Delegasi kepada Kementerian Luar Negeri Russia untuk mendapatkan dukungan Kementerian Luar Negeri dalam hal proses kepemilikan gedung perkantoran KBRI di Moskow. Dalam tanggapannya, Direktur Departemen Asia Ke-3 Kementerian Luar Negeri Russia sempat menyatakan kekagetannya atas ”ketidakadilan” kondisi tersebut dan memberikan komitmen penuhnya untuk memberi dukungan politis atas rencana kepemilikan gedung kantor KBRI oleh Pemerintah Indonesia dapat segera terealisir.
Selain dari pada itu, mencermati kekhususan bidang tugas komisi I DPR RI di bidang pertahanan, dalam pertemuan dengan Pimpinan Federal Security on Military and Technical Cooperation (FSMTC), Delegasi Kunjungan Kerja Komisi I DPR RI mendapatkan komitmen pihak Russia pembangunan fasilitas service maintenance center atas alutsista yang diimpor Indonesia dari Negara Federasi Rusia.
Delegasi menyampaikan kepada FSMTC Negara Federasi Russia bahwa mengingat kerjasama teknis militer yang telah begitu erat terjalin antara Indonesia dengan Negara Federasi Rusia selama lebih dari setengah abad ini, maka adalah sangat perlu untuk mengembangkan kerja sama agar makin erat dan makin menguntungkan bagi kepentingan nasional kedua negara.
Foto: Suasana pertemuan Delegasi Kunjungan Kerja Komisi I DPR RI dengan Federal Security on Military and technical Cooperation (FSMTC) Negara Federasi Rusia
Delegasi juga mengharapkan dukungan FSMTC Negara Federasi Rusia untuk segera membantu terealisasikannya peran BUMNIP (Badan Usaha Milik Negara Industri Pertahanan) Indonesia untuk dijadikan mitra lokal dalam proses maintenance, repair dan overhaul seluruh peralatan militer yang diimpor Indonesia dari Rusia. Hal ini sangat penting dalam rangka proses transfer of technology (ToT) kepada BUMNIP Indonesia sehingga pada saatnya nanti BUMNIP kita dapat secara mandiri menjadi agen maintenance, repair dan overhaul seluruh peralatan militer yang dimiliki Indonesia.
Isu lain yang mengemuka saat pertemuan dengan FSMTC, dimana pihak FSMTS meminta pihak Indonesia untuk segera merealisasikan kesepakatan kredit pembelian Alutsista yang disepakati pada tahun 2007 sebesar 1 miliar Dollar AS dimana sampai dengan saat ini baru terealisasi 1/3 (sepertiga) dari nilai kesepakatan tersebut. Dalam kaitan ini, Pihak FSMTC sangat mengharapkan Indonesia agar segera menentukan Alutsista mana yang akan dibeli mengingat dalam proses pembuatan Alutsista dengan tekhnologi tinggi akan memerlukan waktu sedikitnya 2 tahun. Delegasi menyampaikan pula agar hal ini menjadi nilai dukung untuk segera dibukanya service maintenance center di Indonesia.
Selain pertemuan dengan Kementerian Luar Negeri dan FSMTC Negara Federasi Rusia, Delegasi Kunjungan Kerja Komisi I DPR RI juga mengadakan pertemuan dengan Institute Studi Asia Afrika (ISAA) Pusat Studi Ketimuran dimana Delegasi sempat bertemu dengan Rektor ISAA dan mahasiswa Rusia yang sedang belajar Budaya dan Bahasa Indonesia. Pada kesempatan ini, Delegasi menyatakan penghargaan yang sedalam-dalamnya mengingat studi tentang Indonesia telah ada sejak awal pendirian institute ini. Delegasi juga menekankan bahwa dengan mempelajari budaya dan bahasa suatu bangsa maka akan makin menyuburkan tumbuhnya saling pengertian antara bangsa Indonesia dan bangsa Rusia sehingga pada gilirannya akan menjadi mesin pendorong kerja sama kedua negara yang lebih erat kedepannya.
Delegasi Kunjungan Kerja Komisi I DPR RI ke Russia juga berkesempatan untuk mengunjungi Ria Novosti (Kantor Berita Rusia). Di Kantor Berita Ria Novosti tersebut, Delegasi diajak melihat-lihat kantor dari mulai ruang pembuatan berita dari berbagai belahan dunia, ruang editor dan tempat launching berita. Delegasi ditemui oleh Pimpinan Editor, Mrs. Stevana Mironyuk, dan Direktur Mr Nikoly Birunkov, dan mendapatkan informasi mengenai perkembangan Kantor Berita Ria Novosti sejak awal pembentukannya tahun 1941 sampai dengan sekarang dimana pada awal pendiriannya sebagai corong pemerintah dan sekarang berubah total menjadi perusahaan Mass Media yang bebas meskipun untuk pembayaran gaji karyawan dan pemeliharaan gedung dan peralatan Ria Novosti masih disuplay Pemerintah sebesar 70% dari total anggaran, namun Ria Novosti telah mampu menjadi media massa yang mandiri dan tidak lagi menjadi corong pemerintah.
Dalam pertemuan dengan Retsesnev, Pabrik Pembuatan Satelit Telkom-3, dan PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Delegasi mendapatkan informasi mengenai kebutuhan atas satelit Telkom-3 yang nantinya dapat menjangkau seluruh wilayah Indonesia terlebih yang belum terjangkai oleh jaringan fiber optik. Satelit telkom 3 akan memiliki kapasitas 42 transponder aktif yang terdiri dari 24 transponder berkapasitas 36MHz Standar C-Band 8 transponder extension C-Band masing2 54MHz dan 4 transponder Ku-Band masing-masing 36MHz dan 6 transponder Ku-Band masing2 kapasitas 54MHz. Satelit ini rencananya akan diluncurkan pada bulan Nopember tahun 2011 ini di Boikonur, Kazakstan. Delegasi juga diyakinkan adanya upaya transfer of technology dari proses pembuatan satelit telkom-3 ini dengan keterlibatan 10 (sepuluh) orang pejabat Lapan dan PT Telkom Indonesia untuk memantau pembuatan satelit telkom-3.
Terkait dengan aspek pengawasan, Delegasi telah mengadakan pengawasan langsung terhadap kinerja Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Moskow. Disampaikan oleh KBRI bahwa upaya kepemilikan Gedung dan Wisma KBRI di Moskow kurang mendapat dukungan dari kementerian terkait di Indonesia, padahal dilain sisi, anggaran negara terus akan terbebani dengan nilai sewa gedung yang makin mahal dari tahun ke tahun. Hal ini menjadi temuan yang harus segera ditindaklanjuti oleh Komisi I DPR RI.

Army Tranfers High Speed Vessels to Navy

By US Navy on Monday, May 9th, 2011
Army Tranfers High Speed Vessels to Navy

The Department of the Navy signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) May 2 with the Department of the Army transferring all five of the Army’s Joint High Speed Vessels (JHSV) to the Navy.
The intent of this MOA is to clarify relationships, identify the roles and responsibilities, and provide an implementation plan. In addition, this MOA formalizes and delineates the management, leadership, and requirements sponsorship roles required to deliver the capability encompassed by the JHSV to the combatant commanders.
“This agreement with the Army demonstrates our commitment to reducing redundancies and saving money for the taxpayer,” said Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus. “This is a responsible step that will ensure our military remains the most formidable fighting force the world has ever known.”
Initially, the JHSV program was envisioned to have five of the first 10 JHSVs assigned to the Army and the remainder to the Navy. However, at the Army/Navy Warfighter Talks in December 2010, both services agreed to transfer the Army’s five JHSVs upon signing of this MOA; all 10 JHSVs will now be assigned to Navy.
"The transfer of the JHSV is about aligning our core competencies, while at the same time realizing a measure of managerial efficiency,” said Army Secretary John McHugh. “We look forward to continued cooperation with the Navy as we determine how to ensure this capability can best support the combatant commanders.”
The Military Sealift Command will crew the JHSVs with civilian mariners or contract mariners. Joint High Speed Vessels will be used for fast intra-theater transportation of troops, military vehicles and equipment.

Australian Strategic Reform Program

Australian Strategic Reform Program

The Minister for Defence Stephen Smith and the Minister for Defence Materiel Jason Clare today announced additional Strategic Reform Program (SRP) initiatives and the first set of further accountability and procurement reforms for Defence.
The reforms will enhance Defence management and improve the delivery of billions of dollars of investment in new capabilities being progressively rolled out under the Force 2030 plan as set out in the 2009 Defence White Paper.
In line with the Strategic Reform Program, the Minister for Defence announced that additional Defence efficiency measures would be achieved by a reduction in Australian Public Service (APS) civilian staffing growth in Defence, and the savings effected here would contribute to the Government’s return to a Budget surplus and the Government’s broader fiscal strategy.
APS Savings: Civilian Employees
The SRP will deliver over $20 billion in savings to reinvest in the delivery of Force 2030. Early progress suggests that more can be done. In addition to the SRP measures already announced, the Government is announcing today a second phase of SRP-related savings to be realised primarily through further improvements to shared services design and implementation.
The White Paper and the workforce and shared services stream of the SRP predicted a net increase in the Defence APS workforce of 1,655 from 2010-11 to 2013-14.
Reforms to shared services and other efficiency measures means that Defence can reduce this overall forecast APS workforce growth by 1000 over the next three years.
This includes the application of the Government’s increased efficiency dividend to Defence. Under this whole of Government measure, the efficiency dividend will rise from 1.25 per cent to 1.5 per cent in 2011-12 and 2012-13, before returning to 1.25 per cent for 2013-14 and 2014-15.
Reducing the APS workforce growth will be achieved by natural attrition, not hiring new staff and, if required, some limited voluntary redundancies.
Savings from these reductions to forecast APS growth will be returned to the Budget.
There will be no reductions to the Australian Defence Force military workforce as a result of these changes.
Given priority accorded to maintaining support to operations, improving Navy sustainment and enhancing capability development, the Joint Operations Command (JOC), the Navy and the Capability Development Group (CDG) will be exempt from these additional reductions to their forecast APS workforce.
Further Shared Services Reform
Defence will undertake further externally-led reform and rationalisation of shared services, both within Defence Groups, and across Defence as a whole. The intent is to realise workforce reductions in corporate overhead functions in a way that does not reduce standards of service in support of operations or capability development.
This reform will be undertaken as part of the Strategic Reform Program, using its governance and oversight processes, including oversight by the independent Defence Strategic Reform Advisory Board chaired by Mr George Pappas.
All Groups in Defence will be subject to this examination, with priority in those areas where the largest gains in effectiveness and efficiency are likely to occur. Planning will be completed by late July, with implementation to commence in August 2011.
Project management accountability reforms
Mr Smith and Mr Clare also released the first set of further accountability and procurement reforms.
In February Minister Smith and Minister Clare foreshadowed they would bring forward a number of reforms to improve accountability in Defence and project management.
This is the initial step in that process.
It is essential that the agreed recommendations of Kinnaird and Mortimer are fully implemented and built upon.
In 2003 the Kinnaird Report recommended a number of reforms which led to the two-pass approval system, the creation of the Capability Development Group and the Defence Materiel Organisation as a prescribed agency under the Financial Management and Accountability Act.
Most of the Kinnaird reforms have been implemented and have had a positive impact.
In 2008 the Mortimer Review into Defence Procurement and Sustainment made 46 recommendations. The Government agreed to 42 of them in full and three in part.
Many of these recommendations have been implemented including increased investment in Defence industry skills and incorporation of improved commercial practices into Defence procurement.
Some of the key recommendations have not yet been fully implemented.
Defence will now accelerate the implementation of all outstanding agreed recommendations made by Mortimer as a matter of priority.
This includes:
-- project directives issued by the Secretary of the Department of Defence and the Chief of the Defence Force to ensure Defence acquisitions progress according to Government direction; and
-- benchmarking all acquisition proposals against off-the-shelf options where available.
In addition to this, the Government is today announcing a small number of reforms that build on the recommendations of Kinnaird and Mortimer.
These reforms will focus on improving project management and minimising risk at project start and identifying problems early.
They include:
  • The introduction of a two-pass approval system for minor capital projects valued between $8 million and $20 million;
  • Implementation of an Early Indicators and Warning system;
  • The expansion of the Gate Review system; and
  • The introduction of Quarterly Accountability Reports.
Details of these reforms are attached [see below].
Over the coming months the next stages of reform will include the Government’s response to the Black Review into Accountability and Governance in the Defence Department and the Government’s response to the Rizzo Review into the Maintenance of Naval Ships.

Project Management Accountability Reforms

Mortimer Reforms
As a matter of priority Defence will accelerate the implementation of the agreed recommendations of the Mortimer Review that have not yet been fully implemented.
These include:
  • Cost-benefit analysis of projects that are not off-the-shelf purchases to rigorously review the project to assess the cost and risk against off-the-shelf purchases.
  • Establishing Project Directives to provide clear direction to Defence on decisions made by the Government regarding Defence capabilities.
  • Establishing an independent Project Performance Office within DMO to review projects and assist project teams to solve problems.
  • Regular reporting to Government requiring Capability Managers to provide advice on the status of capability development projects for which they are accountable.
  • Creating a more disciplined process for changing the scope of a project including the requirement that Defence seek the Government’s approval for significant changes to the scope of a project.
The Government will also request the Auditor General conduct a planned audit of the implementation of the Mortimer Report in the second half of this year.
Two-Pass approval for minor capital projects
Defence will immediately implement a two-pass approval system for minor capital equipment projects valued between $8 million and $20 million.
Minor capital projects are those valued at less than $20 million. Minor projects are not included in the Defence Capability Plan. They cover new equipment, modifications to existing equipment or enhancements to new equipment. In 2010-11, the planned budget for minor capital projects is around $150 million and there are about 105 minor capital projects underway.
The two-pass approval system recommended by Kinnaird has been successful in improving the budget, schedule and capability delivery of major projects.
Major projects which have been through the two-pass system demonstrate a 20 per cent to 25 per cent improvement to their schedule when compared to those that did not.
This same rigour will now be applied to minor capital projects.
These projects will now involve a formal business case for two-stage approval by the Minister for Defence.
Second pass approval for minor capital projects will require Defence to provide the Minister with tender quality data upon which to base decisions.
Early Indicators and Warning System
Defence assesses that 80 per cent of problems with Defence capability projects occur in the first 20 per cent of the project’s life.
That is why it is important to pick up problems early.
One of the biggest challenges in Defence procurement is projects running late. The earlier these issues are picked up, the earlier the problem can be fixed.
The Government will implement an Early Indicators and Warning System. This system will help identify and correct potential problems with projects.
A set of triggers will be established to give early warning of projects which are running late, over-budget or not delivering the capability required.
The Government expects that a substantial number of projects may activate the triggers. The purpose of the system is to identify problems early so appropriate action can be taken to remediate them.
The Minister for Defence, the Minister for Defence Materiel, the Secretary of Defence and the Chief of the Defence Force will be advised when these triggers are activated.
When a trigger is activated Defence will conduct an internal review of the project and recommend whether a full diagnostic examination (a Gate Review) is required and should be conducted.
The initial triggers for each project stage are set out below. These will be adjusted or added to as the system matures.
Post-first pass triggers:
Triggers will be activated if it is assessed that:
  • the project is likely to go outside a parameter agreed by Government at First Pass, as reflected in the respective Project Directive by the CDF and Secretary;
  • a significant milestone will not be achieved within three months of the schedule approved by Government at First Pass; or
  • the project cannot meet the essential requirements within the cost, schedule and risk levels approved by Government at First Pass.
Post-second pass triggers:
Triggers will be activated if it is assessed that:
  • the schedule for meeting Initial or Final Operational capability will be delayed by 10 per cent or more for off-the-shelf capability, 20 per cent or more for local adaptation of off-the-shelf capability and 30 per cent or more for developmental projects.
  • the project’s costs will exceed its approved budget;
  • the contractor is not meeting promised capability or schedule milestones or exceeding approved costs;
  • policy or legislative changes are likely to increase the project’s schedule or cost;
  • an essential capability requirement will not be met;
  • emerging requirements or regulatory or safety standards are different to those at the time the project was approved by Government and will materially affect the project;
  • industry engaged in the project does not have the required workforce or financial capacity or management commitment to meet critical project milestones; or
  • project risks have increased beyond the parameters agreed by Government.
The Defence Annual Report will publish details of the action taken on projects as a result of an early warning indicator being triggered.
Full Diagnostic Reviews
As foreshadowed in the 2009/10 Defence Annual Report and the 2009/10 Australian National Audit Office Major Projects report, Defence will expand the use of the full diagnostic review of projects, known as Gate Reviews.
Gate Reviews commenced in 2009 for selected high value and highly complex projects and have proven very effective in the early identification and resolution of problems.
All major projects managed by the Defence Materiel Organisation will now undergo at least one Gate Review per year.
Gate Reviews will also be extended to other areas of Defence including Chief Information Officer Group and Defence Support Group.
These reviews will normally be linked to a key project decision point or milestone.
Reviews will also be conducted in cases where the Government or Defence have concerns, or where a project’s early indicator or warning is triggered.
A Project Manager will also be able to request a Gate Review to enlist senior management assistance to resolve significant issues.
A Gate Review Board will be convened for each review.
A number of independent experts will be contracted to provide advice to these reviews.
Quarterly Accountability Reports
There is a need for more regular and rigorous reporting to Government on high priority projects.
Accordingly, there will be a quarterly report to the Minister for Defence, the Minister for Defence Materiel, the Secretary of the Department of Defence and the Chief of the Defence Force on designated key projects.
The report on each such project will be formally signed off by the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Executive Officer of the Defence Materiel Organisation, the Chief of the Capability Development Group and the relevant capability manager, generally the relevant Service Chief.
This will help improve accountability and pick up problems early.
This will alert senior Defence officials and Government to problems in projects so that an appropriate remediation plan can be developed early and acted on.
Reports of this nature are consistent with both the Kinnaird and Mortimer Reviews and will now be implemented.
Such reporting will begin at the next quarter, 1 July 2011, with the first such reports delivered in October.