
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Koalisi Lancarkan Serangan Militer di Libya, Libatkan 20 Pesawat

Minggu, 20 Maret 2011 04:13 WIB | 1312 Views
Sebuah pesawat tempur Super Hornet F/A-18F ditugaskan di Skuadron Tempur (VFA) 211 bersiap meluncur menggunakan pelontar tiga saat pergantian operasi terbang diatas kapal induk USS Enterprise di perairan Laut Merah pada gambar milik AL AS, Senin (7/3). AS ingin melihat dukungan internasional atas zona larangan terbang di atas udara Libya, Menlu AS Hillary CLinton mengatakan pentingnya dukungan dan ini bukanlah kebijakan AS semata. (FOTO ANTARA/REUTERS/US Navy/Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Jared M. King/Handout)
Berita Terkait
Paris (ANTARA News) - Presiden Prancis Nicolas Sarkozy Sabtu mengumumkan dilancarkannya aksi militer di Libya, yang didukung oleh negara-negara Barat dan sekutu Arab, untuk menghentikan serangan tentara Muamar Gaddafi terhadap pemberontak.

Sebuah pesawat Prancis memulai serangan terhadap sebuah kendaraan di Libya pada pukul 16.45 GMT (pukul 23.45 WIB), tembakan pertama dalam operasi untuk memaksakan resolusi PBB yang meminta zona larangan terbang dan perlindungan warga Libya dari pasukan Gaddafi, kata militer Prancis, demikian AFP melaporkan.

Tembakan pertama itu terjadi setelah Sakozy menyetujui pada pertemuan puncak di Paris dengan para pemimpin Eropa dan Menlu AS Hillary Clinton, Sekjen PBB Ban Ki-moon dan utusan Liga Arab untuk menggunakan kekuatan udara guna memaksakan resolusi PBB itu.

"Dalam perjanjian dengan mitra-mitra kami, pasukan udara kami akan melawan serangan oleh pesawat Kolonel Gaddafi terhadap masyarakat Benghazi," kata Sarkozy, merujuk ke markas pemberontak Libya.

"Pesawat kami telah mencegah serangan udara di kota itu," ujarnya.

Ia menambahkan bahwa pesawat-pesawat siap untuk campurtangan terhadap tank-tank yang "mungkin mengancam warga sipil tak bersenjata".

Sekitar 20 pesawat terlibat dalam operasi di atas Libya, kata kementerian pertahanan Prancis. Prancis memiliki sekitar 120 pesawat, sebagian besar jet Rafale dan Mirage 2000, dan kapal induknya Charles de Gaule akan berangkat ke Libya, Ahad.

Serangan udara Prancis itu ditargetkan terhadap sebuah kendaraan militer Libya yang mengancam penduduk sipil.

PM Inggris David Cameron membebankan tanggung jawab situasi pada Gaddafi dan mengatakan bahwa waktunya untuk bertindak bagi masyarakat internasional telah tiba.

"Kolonel Gaddafi yang membuat ini terjadi. Ia berbohong pada masyarakat internasional, ia menjanjikan gencatan senjata, ia melanggar gencatan senjata itu. Ia terus menyerang rakyatnya sendiri," katanya pada televisi Inggris.

Sarkozy, Cameron dan Hillary telah membicarakan pembagian peran militer sebelum pertemuan puncak itu, menurut beberapa sumber. Prancis dan Inggris akan memusatkan pada seragan udara, sementara negara anggota NATO lainnya akan menjaga zona larangan terbang.

Negara-negara Barat telah minta bantuan kuat Arab untuk aksi militer itu setelah para menlu Liga Arab menyerukan zona larangan terbang di atas Libya pekan lalu.

Sebagai jawaban, Jordania, Maroko, Qatar, Uni Emirat Arab (UAE) dan Sekjen Liga Arab menghadiri pertemuan puncak di Paris itu.

Qatar dan beberapa negara Eropa, termasuk Belgia, Belanda, Denmark dan Norwegia, telah memastikan mereka akan mengambil bagian dalam intervensi militer yang disetujui PBB di Libya, kata seorang diplomat.

Berbicara setelah pertemuan itu, Hillary mengatakan bahwa tujuan resolusi DK PBB yang disahkan Kamis itu adalah "untuk melindungi warga sipil dan untuk memberikan akses bagi bantuan kemanusiaan", ketimbang secara khusus untuk menggulingkan pemimpin Libya Muamar Gaddafi.

Tapi, katanya, "tentu saja keadaan akan berkembang karena kami memulai menerapkan resolusi itu akan menciptakan lingkungan baru yang mana rakyat akan bertindak, termasuk orang-orang di sekitar Kolonel Gaddafi".

Ketika para pemimpin itu bertemu di Paris, gumpalan asap naik di atas Benghazi, kota kedua Libya, sementara ribuan orang lari ke arah timur setelah serangkaian serangan udara dan penembakan berlanjut.

PM Jose Luis Zapatero mengatakan Spanyol akan membantu mengadakan zona larangan terbang dengan menyediakan sebuah pesawat pengisi bahan bakar di udara dan empat jet tempur F-18 yang akan berangkat Sabtu ke sebuah pangkalan udara Italia.

PM Belgia Yves Leterme menjelaskan Belgia akan menyediakan pesawat F-16 yang sekarang ada di Yunani selatan. Sementara PM Italia Silvio Berlusconi memastikan beberapa pangkalan Italia akan disediakan untuk membantu penerapan zona larangan terbang di bekas jajahannya itu, dan menambahkan pastisipasi Italia lagi akan menyusul.

Komando operasi "mungkin akan dilakukan dari markas NATO di Naples", kata Berlusconi, tanpa menjelaskan apakah ia merujuk ke operasi keseluruhan atau zona larangan terbang saja.

Di Brussels, para pemimpin militer dan diplomatik NATO bertemu untuk menyusun opsi mereka. (S008/K00


Friday, March 18, 2011

Farewell Visit Kasal Singapura

kasal_singa_tniJakarta, - Panglima TNI Laksamana TNI Agus Suhartono, S.E., didampingi Kapuspen TNI Laksda TNI Iskandar Sitompul.S.E., Waasintel Panglima TNI Marsma TNI Kuswantoro, S.Sos., Escort Officer Laksma TNI Teguh Prihantono dan Staf Khusus Panglima TNI Marsma TNI Prayitno menerima kunjungan Kasal Singapura RADM Chew Men Leong yang didampingi Col. Ricky Hi (Commander IMW/Institute of Maritim Warfare), SLtc. Tan Bian (Asst. Defence Attache) dan Maj. Derrick Chan (Staff Officer),  di Mabes TNI Cilangkap Jakarta, Jumat (18/3/2011).
Dalam pertemuan tersebut Kasal Singapura pamitan karena dalam waktu dekat akan memasuki masa pensiun.  Mr. Chew berharap, dengan adanya hubungan kerjasama yang selama ini sudah baik dan mesra, kedepan bisa dipertahankan terus dan juga berharap kepada penggantinya hubungan ini bisa dilanjutkan dalam segala bidang, baik  latihan, operasi, pendidikan maupun pertukaran sekolah. Panglima TNI mengucapkan selamat, karena Mr. Chew selanjutnya akan menjadi salah satu pejabat di kementerian Pemerintahan Singapura. [puspen/is]

Indobatt Gelar Mobile Command Post Exercise

tni_mobile_commandJakarta, - Komandan Satgas Yonif Mekanis Kontingen Garuda XXIII-E/Unifil (Indobatt), Letkol Inf Hendy Antariksa mendapatkan perintah dari Sector East melalui Tactical Operation Center untuk mendirikan Mobile Command Post (MCP) guna mendukung serta mengendalikan pasukan depan di Co. 73478-68300, dalam rangka Operasi Blue Box, Kamis (17/3/2011).
Komandan Indobatt segera menginstruksikan kepada Kasiops agar merencanakan dan melaksanakan perintah tersebut. Selanjutnya Kasiops melalui Perwira Force Protection memerintahkan Tim Battalion Mobile Reserve (BMR) untuk melaksanakan recce dan pembersihan di daerah yang telah ditentukan.
Setelah tempat dinyatakan aman, maka Tim MCP yang terdiri dari kendaraan VAB, Ambulan dan Waltis memasuki kedudukan.  Selanjutnya, personel Support Coy yang telah ditunjuk segera bergerak  keluar dari VAB untuk secara cepat melaksanakan pendirian posko taktis. Dan setelah posko taktis berhasil didirikan, Perwira Perhubungan melaksanakan penggelaran radio komunikasi yang akan dipergunakan oleh Komandan Indobatt sebagai sarana komando dan pengendalian.
Koordinator Latihan, Kasiops Mayor Inf Hendriawan Senjaya didampingi Wakil Koordinator, Kapten Mar Profs Degratment, menuturkan kepada Perwira Penerangan Indobatt Kapten Pasukan Banu Kusworo, bahwa kegiatan latihan ini dimaksudkan untuk melatih dan meningkatkan kemampuan prajurit Indobatt dalam rangka melaksanakan kegiatan Mobile Compound Post. 
“MCP dilaksanakan apabila kita mendapatkan perintah dari Sector East untuk melaksanakan operasi di suatu wilayah yang tidak terjangkau oleh jaring komunikasi yang telah tergelar di Markas Batalyon”, tambahnya.
Latihan yang berdurasi selama 30 menit tersebut diikuti oleh 110 prajurit Indobatt, serta melibatkan 2 VAB Komando, 2 unit ANOA PT. PINDAD sebagai Waltis, 2 Rantis Mitsubishi Strada, 1 VAB Ambulan, dan 1 unit kendaraan Panhar.[puspen/is]

Lockheed Martin Support Enables High-Tempo F-22 Deployments Worldwide

Lockheed Martin Support Enables High-Tempo F-22 Deployments Worldwide

By Lockheed Martin on Friday, March 18th, 2011
The Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] F-22 Raptor is logging a deployment-intensive pace in early 2011 following a busy 2010, and the company continues to provide key support to the fleet as the Raptor projects power globally.
In January and February, the U.S. Air Force had Raptors deployed to Kadena Air Base, Japan, as part of a rotational deployment for a Pacific Air Forces Theater Security Package; to Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, for capabilities enhancement testing; and to Nellis AFB, Nev., for Red Flag, an air combat training exercise. F-22s from Elmendorf AFB, Alaska, deployed to Japan performed with exceptional readiness, flying 100 percent of a robust sortie schedule in January.
The world's premier air dominance fighter and the only fully operational 5th generation fighter, the F-22 deployed around the world in 2010, including to Andersen AFB, Guam; Japan; South Korea; and the United Arab Emirates. In a first for the F-22 fleet, Raptors from Holloman AFB, N.M., performed a re-deployment, traveling from Japan to Guam last year. The Holloman Raptors combined with F-22s from Langley AFB to make for 24 total Raptors on Guam at the time.
As the weapon system support integrator, Lockheed Martin supports Raptor deployments through comprehensive and responsive sustainment services as part of a Performance-Based Logistics contract. The company received a $726.6 million contract modification from the Air Force in February for fleet sustainment this year.
When F-22 units deploy, Lockheed Martin field service representatives deploy with them, providing support in areas such as avionics, systems engineering, low observables maintenance, technical information and mission planning. Thanks in part to the contributions of the representatives, Raptor performance in recent global deployments often proved greater than even that of home-station operations.
"The Raptor is a high-demand asset in vital strategic theaters, projecting power, bringing deterrence and enhancing security for the United States and allies," said Jeff Babione, vice president and general manager of Lockheed Martin’s F-22 program. "We have been working alongside U.S. Air Force F-22 maintainers to ensure aircraft availability, performance and reliability for pivotal operations around the world."
Deploying to new areas brings new challenges. Highlighting F-22 performance capabilities in an austere overseas climate, 12 Raptors from the 27th Fighter Squadron based at Langley AFB, Va., flew more than 600 sorties and 1,300 hours while deployed to Andersen AFB from early June to mid October last year.
According to Lt. Col. Pete M. Fesler, squadron commander, Lockheed Martin sustainment representatives proved helpful not only in keeping Raptors flying, but in helping squadron maintainers sharpen their skills.
"Lockheed Martin representatives proved a great addition to our maintenance and operations team during our deployment," said Lt. Col. Fesler. "Their engineering, maintenance and system expertise helped to grow our active duty and Air National Guard Airmen into better Raptor maintainers."
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security company that employs about 132,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation's 2010 sales from continuing operations were $45.8 billion.

Benghazi celebrates as UN clears way for air raids

Benghazi celebrates as UN clears way for air raids

The UN Security Council cleared the way for air strikes to halt Moamer Kadhafi's assault on embattled rebels in Libya, sparking wild celebratory gunfire in rebel bastion Benghazi.
The 15-member Security Council in a resolution approved "all necessary measures" to impose a no-fly zone, protect civilian areas and pressure the Libyan leader into accepting a ceasefire.
The UN vote passed 10-0 with five abstentions -- permanent members China and Russia which did not wield their veto power -- plus Germany, Brazil and India.
No German troops will take part in any military intervention in Libya as there are "considerable risks and dangers", Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said afterwards.
"We remain eminently sceptical on the option of military intervention... anticipated in this resolution. We see in it considerable risks and dangers. That is why we could not approve this part of the text," a statement said.
"German soldiers will not take part in a military intervention in Libya."
Diplomats indicated air strikes from a coalition led by Britain, France and the United States could be imminent, just hours after Kadhafi had threatened to send his troops against Benghazi.
Kadhafi later changed tack as "a humanitarian gesture" and decided to hold off on plans to mercilessly crush all resistance, CNN reported.
"I just took a phone call from one of Kadhafi's sons, Seif (al-Islam). This is the message from the leadership," the CNN correspondent in Tripoli said.
"He said they're going to change the tactics around Benghazi, that the army is not going to go into Benghazi. It's going to take up positions around the stronghold. The reason is they expect a humanitarian exodus."
Libya, despite condemning the resolution as a threat to its unity, said it was ready for a ceasefire but wanted to discuss terms of its implementation, Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaaim told reporters.
He indicated Libya would "react positively to the UN resolution, and we will prove this willingness while guaranteeing protection to civilians."
US President Barack Obama called French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron Thursday to coordinate Libya strategy.
"The leaders agreed that Libya must immediately comply with all terms of the resolution and that violence against the civilian population of Libya must cease," the White House said in a statement.
The European Union welcomed the UN resolution and the head of the European Parliament, Poland's Jerzy Buzek, said "there was no time to waste" to enforce it.
Canadian media also reported plans to send six warplanes to help enforce the no-fly zone.
In Rome, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi met defence officials to discuss the UN decision, ANSA news agency said. It also quoted Kaaim in Tripoli as saying: "Let's hope Italy keeps out of this initiative."
Italy -- Libya's former colonial ruler -- has been diplomatically cautious so far but has voted in favour of sanctions against Kadhafi's regime.
In Benghazi in the east, Libya's second city and stronghold of the month-long rebellion against Kadhafi's iron-fisted four-decade rule, celebratory gunfire rang out moments after the UN vote.
Preachers in mosques in the Mediterranean city used loudspeakers to shout "God is greatest, God is greatest."
Tracer bullets streaked across the night sky and anti-aircraft fire punctuated the sound of car horns.
Kadhafi, in a televised address, had warned just hours before the vote that his forces would attack Benghazi on Thursday night and show "no mercy."
"We will chase the traitors from Benghazi," he told his troops. "Destroy their fortifications. Show them no mercy. The world needs to see Benghazi free."
The rebel command in Benghazi ordered its fighters to man artillery posts and missile batteries after Kadhafi's announcement, rebel radio reported.
Kadhafi spoke shortly after his defence ministry said "any military operation against Libya will expose all air and maritime traffic in the Mediterranean to danger."
"Any civilian or military moving traffic will be the target of a Libyan counter-offensive," the official Jana news agency quoted the defence ministry spokesman as saying.
Qatar and the United Arab Emirates could be among the Arab nations to join any coalition that takes action against Kadhafi's regime, the Arab League's UN representative said.
Before the vote, protesters in Benghazi said they would welcome air strikes and an internationally enforced no-fly zone.
"The Libyan people want a no-fly zone, we want them to target Kadhafi's forces, his positions, but we don't want any troops on our land, we don't want to be like Iraq," said Mustafa Safez.
"We will win this war, and we are not afraid of him any more."
Insurgents on Thursday claimed they had shot down warplanes trying to bomb Benghazi and disputed claims of territorial gains by Kadhafi forces.
State television had said the regime loyalists were on the outskirts of Benghazi.
Allibya television said "the town of Zuwaytinah is under control (of loyalists) and armed forces are on the outskirts of Benghazi."
A rebel spokesman told AFP by telephone: "The Kadhafi forces tried to carry out an air raid on the city but our anti-aircraft defences repulsed the offensive and two planes were shot down."
Libyan television also said loyalists had overrun the rebel bastion of Misrata, 200 kilometres (125 miles) east of Tripoli, but that was denied by the rebels.
"We still control the city, even its outskirts. Kadhafi is mobilising his forces a few kilometres away," the spokesman said by telephone.
He said 18 people, including three civilians, were "martyred" on Wednesday and that "we inflicted huge losses to the Kadhafi forces, including 60 people killed."
A witness in the western town of Zintan said rebels there were bracing for an attack.
As uncertainty reigned on Thursday, aid agencies on Egypt's border with Libya braced for an onslaught of refugees if Kadhafi prevailed.
"If Benghazi is taken, we are expecting 40,000 to 100,000 people, and we are not ready," said Andrea Oess, of Swiss Humanitarian Aid.

NATO Task Force to Seek Innovative Efficiencies

By US Department of Defense on Friday, March 18th, 2011NATO Task Force to Seek Innovative Efficiencies

A new task force NATO’s defense ministers agreed to form will explore “out of the box” concepts for improving efficiency while striving to build capabilities in the face of shrinking defense budgets, the alliance’s supreme allied commander for transformation said today.
In a meeting last week in Brussels, Belgium, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and his NATO counterparts endorsed the new task force to take a fresh look at the alliance’s capabilities-boosting initiatives, Gen. Stephane Abrial of the French air force told reporters.
“The objective is to first identify what is existing as far as multinational cooperation is concerned, identify what could be possible, and think new ideas [and] innovative ways for capability development,” he said.
U.S. Navy Vice Adm. Carol M. Pottenger, Allied Transformation Command’s deputy chief of staff for capability development, will lead the review, to be conducted by a mix of military and civilian representatives from across NATO.
Abrial said he expects the review will examine NATO doctrine, organizations, procurement, training, operations and maintenance, logistics, and battlefield medicine.
The task force members will have six months to formulate their ideas.
“The objective is a report in September for the [defense] ministers to consider in October, and then make decisions, either NATO as a whole or groups of nations inside NATO,” Abrial explained.
Though the global economic crisis has affected alliance nations’ defense budgets, Abrial said, every NATO nation has made clear it doesn’t want to “let the financial crisis turn into a security crisis.” That requires redoubling efforts to become more effective and more efficient, he added.
“With reduced budgets [and] reduced manpower, we need to be able to do better with less in the future,” he said. “While looking for new solutions, innovative solutions [and] multinational approaches, [we are] making sure that we ... make the best possible use of every dollar, every pound, every euro that our governments spend on defense.”
Abrial cited innovative defense solutions already at work within NATO, the European Union or the European Defense Agency that the task force is likely to consider. Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark have a successful defense cooperation arrangement under the auspices of the Nordic Council. The Netherlands, Belgium, Norway and Denmark share part of the acquisition costs as well as operation and maintenance of their F-16 fighter jet fleets. Luxembourg has developed a maritime patrol capability to support NATO missions by leasing sensor-equipped civilian propeller aircraft.
Another far more revolutionary, and potentially sensitive, concept involves capability-sharing. In a nutshell, this might mean one NATO nation agrees to provide all of capability “X” for itself and one or more partner nations. Meanwhile, another nation that receives capability “X” from the first nation provides all of the capability “Y,” and another provides all of the capability “Z.”
Abrial acknowledged that some nations may be highly averse to giving up their own defense capabilities and relying on another nation to provide it. Such collaboration would require clear understanding and communication to work, he said.
While such sweeping recommendations aren’t likely to be adopted in the near term, Abrial said, he’s encouraging the task force to offer the broadest range of new approaches possible. “All aspects are on the table today,” he said.
What’s most important, he emphasized, is that despite budget cuts, the alliance continues to improve its capabilities so it’s ready to stand up to whatever threat or challenge comes its way.
“We are making sure [the] forces of NATO nations are ready to face any kind of situation today, tomorrow and the day after,” Abrial said. “What we see around us today shows the absolute necessity to be ready for everything.”

Thursday, March 17, 2011

DK PBB Setuju Serangan Udara ke Libya

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011 07:54 WIB | 1066 Views
Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (PBB) (istimewa)
Berita Terkait
PBB (ANTARA News) - Dewan Keamanan PBB pada hari Kamis sepakat untuk membolehkan serangan udara untuk  menghentikan  pasukan Muamar Gaddafi yang mengincar pemberontak di Libya. 

Resolusi itu mengijinkan "semua tindakan seperlunya" untuk melindungi tempat-tempat sipil dan menerapkan gencatan senjata terhadap militer pemimpin Libya Gaddafi.

Persetujuan itu disahkan dengan 10-0 dengan lima negara abstain di dewan yang memiliki 15 negara anggota tersebut. Anggota tetap Dewan Keamanan PBB China dan Rusia termasuk di antara yang abstain, tapi tidak menggunakan hak veto mereka.