
Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Pentak Lanud Iwj - 2/03/2011

Komandan Lanud Iswahjudi, Marsma TNI Ismono Wijayanto, memecah telor diatas kepala Letda Pnb Argantara yang berhasil lulus terbang solo,disaksikan oleh para pejabat dan anggota di “Eagle Nest” Skadron Udara 15 ( Foto: Pentak Lanud Iswahjudi).
Berkat ketekunan dan kerja kerasnya, Letda Pnb Argantara Heli Kurniyanto, berhasil terbang secara mandiri (solo), dengan menggunakan pesawat tempur Hawk MK-53 TS-5309, setelah melaksanakan serangkaian tes sebagai penerbang tempur, Rabu (2/3).
Dalam prosesi tradisi terbang solo, yang dipimpin langsung oleh Komandan Lanud Iswahjudi Marsma TNI Ismono Wijayanto di ”eagle nest” Skadron Udara 15, mengatakan bahwa untuk menjadi penerbang yang handal, dan profesional diperlukan ketekunan belajar dan berlatih terus menerus serta melaksanakan prosedur terbang dengan benar.
Letda Pnb Argantara Heli Kurniyanto, yang merupakan alumnus Akademi Angkatan Udara tahun 2008 dan Sekolah Penerbang angkatan 80 tahun 2009 tersebut dinyatakan, lulus terbang solo oleh Komandan Skadron Udara 15, Letkol Pnb Irwan Pramudya, dengan menggunakan pesawat tempur Hawk MK-53.
Alumnus SMA Taruna Nusantara Magelang tersebut, lulus terbang solo dengan area terbang North West dengan ketinggian 1000 feet saat ini masih tercatat sebagai siswa transisi Hawk MK-53 ke-XIII.
Tradisi lulus terbang solo ditandai dengan penyiraman air kembang dan pemecahan telur diatas kepala Letda Pnb Argantara oleh Komandan Lanud Iswahjudi Marsma TNI Ismono Wijayanto, yang disaksikan oleh Komandan Wing 3 Kolonel Pnb Andyawan M.P., para Kadis serta para Komandan Skadron Lanud Iswahjudi.


Kasum TNI : Intel dan Operasi Harus Sinergis

rakornasJakarta, - Dalam menghadapi permasalahan-permasalahan yang berkembang saat ini diharapkan adanya sinergitas antara kegiatan Intel dan kegiatan Operasi.  Jalin koordinasi yang baik antara Staf Operasi selaku pengguna kekuatan TNI dengan Staf Intelijen,  dalam pelaksanaan tugas yang dihadapi.
Karena Satuan Intelijen TNI memiliki peran yang sangat penting bagi Pimpinan TNI sebagai mata dan telinga dalam menyediakan informasi/intelijen untuk dijadikan bahan pertimbangan dalam mengambil keputusan. Demikian amanat Kepala Staf Umum (Kasum) TNI Marsdya TNI Edy Harjoko, yang dibacakan Asisten Operasi (Asops) Panglima Mayjen TNI Hambali Hanafiah pada pembukaan Rapat Koordinasi Operasi TNI dan Rapat Kerja Teknis Latihan TNI Tahun 2011, di Mabes TNI Cilangkap, Jakarta, Rabu (2/3/2011).
Rakor tersebut  mengambil tema “Melalui Rakorops dan Rakernislat TNI Tahun 2011, Kita Tingkatkan Kesiapan Operasional Satuan dengan Kerjasama Trimatra Terpadu dalam rangka melaksanakan Tugas Pokok TNI” Menurut Kasum TNI, tema tersebut sangat tepat dan relevan serta mengandung arti sangat strategis, karena berkaitan dengan pokok-pokok kebijakan Panglima TNI Tahun 2011 tentang kebijakan penggunaan kekuatan, seperti Operasi Intelijen, Operasi Teritorial Secara Terpadu, Operasi Pengamanan Publik, Operasi Pengamanan Perbatasan dan Operasi Pengamanan Pulau-Pulau Terluar serta melaksanakan Patroli Laut, Udara dan Patroli Terkoordinasi maupun Operasi Misi Perdamaian Dunia.
 Kecenderungan perkembangan situasi internasional yang terjadi sampai saat ini menunjukkan bahwa tuntutan tentang penerapan nilai-nilai universal semakin mengemuka khususnya yang berkaitan dengan mesalah demokrasi,  HAM dan lingkungan hidup. Sedangkan perkembangan situasi nasional yang terjadi telah mengakibatkan pergeseran paradigma dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara.  Perkembangan tersebut telah mengakibatkan berbagai konflik atau benturan kepentingan seperti sengketa perbatasan, klaim wilayah, konflik politik maupun senjata antar negara dan konflik komunal yang mengakibatkan tindak kekerasan. 
Guna menghadapi ancaman yang terjadi baik ancaman militer maupun non militer, TNI menggunakan kekuatannya berdasarkan peraturan Panglima TINI Nomor Perpang/45/VI/2010 tanggal 15 Juni 2010 tentang Doktrin TNI Tridek  (Tridarma Ekakarma), yaitu kekuatan TNI digunakan dengan mengedepankan keterpaduan Trimatra dalam rangka melaksanakan OMP (Operasi Militer untuk Perang) dan OMSP (Operasi Militer selain Perang), dilakukan untuk kepentingan penyelenggaraan pertahanan negara dan/atau dalam rangka mendukung kepentingan nasionl sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan.          
 Rakor yang berlangsung 2 hari ini diikuti oleh 129 peserta yaitu Pimpinan : 5 orang, Peninjau : 10 orang, Peserta : 114 orang yang terdiri dari Mabes TNI : 26 orang,  Mabes TNI AD : 33 orang, Mabes TNI AL : 32 orang dan Mabes TNI AU : 23 orang. [puspen/is]

Panglima TNI terima Ketua BKPM

tni_bkpmJakarta, - Panglima TNI Laksamana TNI Agus Suhartono, S.E., didampingi Aspers Panglima TNI Marsda TNI Daryatmo, S.IP,  Aslog Panglima TNI Mayjen TNI H. Hari Krisnomo, Askomlek Panglima TNI Laksda TNI Ir. Sudjiwo, M.Sc.,  Aster Panglima TNI Mayjen TNI Azmyn Yusri Nasution, Kapuspen TNI Laksda TNI Iskandar Sitompul dan Waasintel Panglima TNI Mayjen TNI Tisna Komara W., S.E., menerima kunjungan Ketua
Badan Koordinasi  Penanaman Modal (BKPM) Gita Wiryawan yang didampingi Anhar Adel (Sekretaris Utama), Himawan Hariyoga ((Deputi Perencanaan), Achmad Kurnadi (Deputi Kerjasama), Othman Rasyid (Deputi Pelayanan), Azhar Lubis (Deputi Pengendalian Pelaksana dan Silmy Karim (Staf Ahli), di Mabes TNI Cilangkap Jakarta, Rabu (2/3). Dalam pertemuan tersebut antara lain dibicarakan tentang kerjasama bidang pertahanan. [puspen/is]

Spyder will be Fully Operational

03 Maret 2011

Spyder-SR air defence system (photo : Mindef)

Surface-to-Air PYthon-5 and DERby - Short-Range Air Defence System (SPYDER-SR)

The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) will be replacing its 30-year old RAPIER air defence system with the Surface-to-air PYthon-5 and DERby – Short-Range (SPYDER-SR) ground base air defence system. The SPYDER-SR will form part of the 3rd Generation RSAF Networked Air Defence capability that builds upon the existing multi-layered air defence system to further strengthen Singapore's air defences. An all-weather air defence system, the SPYDER-SR will enhance the RSAF's capability to effectively deal with a wide spectrum of aerial threats.

The capabilities of the SPYDER-SR air defence system include :

-Anti-aircraft and anti-missile capability. The SPYDER-SR is a quick reaction surface-to-air missile system capable of engaging a wide spectrum of aerial threats ranging from fighter aircraft, helicopters and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to precision-guided munitions. The SPYDER-SR is able to employ both the Python-5 and Derby missiles which are fitted with infrared imaging and radio frequency seekers respectively.

-Enhanced effectiveness. Compared to the RAPIER, the SPYDER-SR possesses a longer range for interception and higher altitude. These enhanced capabilities will provide Singapore with an extended air defence envelope against aerial threats. It is also equipped with a 360 degree engagement capability and is able to engage multiple aerial targets simultaneously.

-Enhanced awareness and responsiveness. Integrated into the RSAF’s Networked Air Defence system, the SPYDER-SR will be able to tap on a real-time integrated air picture created by the RSAF’s wide array of sensors. This gives the SPYDER-SR the ability to respond faster and engage targets with greater precision.

Technical Specifications:


Thales and Hitech Padu Cooperate for Malaysian Naval Combat Management System

02 Maret 2011

Tacticos 430W (photo : Thales)
HeiTech Padu and Thales Nederland to cooperate in Naval Combat Management System
HeiTech Padu Berhad and Thales Nederland have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that confirms their cooperation in the development of a Malaysian Naval Combat Management System.

Both companies agree that, based on a transfer of technology and the implementation of a sophisticated joint software development environment, the Thales Tacticos Combat Management System offered for the Second Generation Patrol Vessel will be developed and produced in Malaysia. Additionally HeiTech Padu will also be involved in the delivery of the Tacticos system currently built for the modernization of the Kasturi Class.

With the experience of HeiTech Padu to deliver real-time network and software applications for the security and defence domain, Thales is convinced to start a cooperation that will serve the Royal Malaysian Navy with first class systems as well as contribute to the development of the Malaysian defence industry. One of the immediate effects will be the establishment of an in-country support facility.

HeiTech Padu selected Thales Nederland as preferred partner based on the leading position of Thales in Naval Combat Management Systems as well as the extensive and proven track record of Thales in international industrial cooperation.

HeiTech Padu Executive Chairman, Dato' Mohd Hilmey Mohd Taib: "is honoured by the confidence given by Thales for HeiTech to spearhead the integration and localisation of their state of the art Combat Management System. HeiTech is committed to take full advantage of this opportunity and hence contribute significantly to the Malaysian defence industry."

Thales Nederland CEO Gerben Edelijn is proud of this MoU: “This agreement emphasizes the strength of our Tacticos Combat Management System and it reinforces the excellent relation between Thales and its Malaysian partners.”

About HeiTech Padu
HeiTech Padu Berhad, a public listed company on the main board of the Bursa Malaysia is Malaysia's leading Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Solutions Provider. HeiTech has delivered high impact ICT solutions, focusing on niche market segments for the defence and security, insurance, financial, health, education, manufacturing and utility industries. Our testimonies include the delivery of mission critical projects for Malaysian Government agencies. The two decades of collaborative partnership with the Government reflects the trust and confidence in our value proposition and commitment. Capitalizing on HeiTech's technical strength and expertise of more than 1,000 workforce, coupled with our home-grown solutions, we are well poised to deliver breakthrough ICT solutions for Malaysian and beyond.

About Thales
Thales is a global technology leader for the Aerospace and Space, Defence, Security and Transportation markets. In 2009, the company generated revenues of 12.9 billion euros with 68,000 employees in 50 countries. With its 25,000 engineers and researchers, Thales has a unique capability to design, develop and deploy equipment, systems and services that meet the most complex security requirements. Thales has an exceptional international footprint, with operations around the world working with customers as local partners.

Thales Nederland employs about 2,000 staff members The company, established in 1922, is one of the leading companies in integrated naval systems for surveillance, weapon control, combat management and system integration

(Thales Nederland)

Myanmar to Receive New Batch of MiG-29s from March

02 Maret 2011

MiG-29 of the Myanmar Air Force (photo : Keypublishing Forum)
Myanmar will in March receive the first of 20 RSK MiG-29s ordered under a roughly €400 million ($553 million) deal, with their introduction to more than double the country's MiG-29fleet.

Ordered in November 2009, the aircraft will be delivered in three configurations, comprising 10 MiG-29B and six MiG-29SE single-seat fighters and four MiG-29UB twin-seat operational trainers.
The acquisition effectively clears the remaining MiG-29B/SE stock at RSK MiG's Lukhovitsy plant, with the airframe parts having been manufactured in the Soviet and Perestroika eras. Myanmar's aircraft will be delivered in an original export configuration, with analogue instruments and Phazotron N-019 radars.

MiG-29 of the Myanmar Air Force (image : Mars Slupsk)

Myanmar previously bought used MiG-29s from Belarus, but approached the type's manufacturer and Russian arms export company Rosoboronexport for help after encountering a high attrition rate. Moscow responded with help on weapons, spare parts and training, including the installation of a simulator at one of its air bases.

Acquiring an additional batch of fighters directly from RSK MiG should radically improve the combat readiness and effectiveness of Myanmar's fleet, sources say. Its air force now has 12 MiG-29s, says
Flightglobal's MiliCAS database.

Meanwhile, RSK MiG says a new logistics support system to be established in co-operation with Indian companies will enable it to provide increased customer support for the nation's MiG-29s, plus those flown by the air forces of Malaysia and Myanmar.


Awak KRI Badik-623 Latihan Peran Tempur

Personel KRI Badik-623 melakukan latihan peran tempur melewati medan ranjau di atas kapal yang sedang sandar di dermaga Koarmatim, Rabu (02/03).

2 Maret 2011, Surabaya -- (Dispenarmatim): Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia (KRI) Badik – 623 yang berada dibawah jajaran Satuan Kapal Cepat (Satkat) Koarmatim melakukan Gladi persiapan L-1 dan L-2. Latihan yang meliputi beberapa aspek peperangan laut itu diikuti oleh seluruh Perwira, Bintara dan Tamtama KRI Badik yang sedang sandar di Dermaga Koarmatim Surabaya, (02/03).

Dalam latihan ini seluruh peran-peran dilaksanakan dengan sungguh-sungguh oleh seluruh anggota KRI, mulai dari peran Administratif, peran Operatif hingga peran peninggalan kapal. Dalam pelaksanaan uji L-1 dan L-2, unsur-unsur KRI melakukannya secara rutin dua tahun sekali.

Kegiatan itu meliputi uji L-1 bertempat di dermaga dan uji L-2 untuk manufer di laut, dimana Tim Uji dari Komando Latihan (Kolat) Koarmatim yang akan menilai tingkat kemampuan tiap-tiap persone,l dalam mengawaki persenjataan dan peralatan yang ada di kapal sesuai dengan tugas dan fungsinya.

“Tujuan dilakukannya latihan ini untuk meningkatkan kemampuan anggota guna menghadapi L-1 dan L-2 yang rencananya akan di gelar pada bulan Mei 2011 nanti”, kata Perwira Pelaksana (Palaksa) KRI Badik Mayor Laut (P) Ari Krisdiyanto.

Sumber: Dispenarmatim