
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Foto Animasi Palindo KCR 40

BATAM - PT Palindo Marine Industries telah berhasil menyelesaikan pengerjaan Kapal Cepat Rudal (KCR) yang diberi nama KCR-40 Clurit. Kapal yang memiliki panjang 44 meter dan mempunyai Kecepatan maksimal 30 knot ini kualitasnya tidak kalah dengan buatan luar.

Kapal Cepat berbahan baja-alumnium ini keseluruhan proses pembuatannya di kerjakan di Batam oleh PT Palindo Marine Industries, kapal akan dilengkapi dengan sistem persenjataan modern, Close in Weapon System (CIWS) serta peluru kendali.

KCR ini terbuat dari baja High Tensils Steel pada bagian lambung. Sementara untuk bagian atasnya, kapal ini menggunakan aluminium Alloy yang memiliki stabilitas dan kecepatan yang tinggi saat berlayar.




Friday, February 4, 2011

AS Tak Putus Asa Selamatkan Mubarak

Gedung Putih Kamis malam (3/2) menyatakan bahwa Amerika Serikat tengah mengkaji berbagai solusi dan berdialog dengan ptinggi Mesir untuk mensukseskan transisi kekuasaan di negara ini dengan cara terbaik. Tommy Vietor, juru bicara Gedung Putih di bidang dewan keamanan nasional mengatakan, Presiden Barack Obama menyatakan bahwa kini adalah saatnya dilakukan proses transisi kekuasaan secara damai di Mesir dan dibarengi dengan kesepakatan menyeluruh.
Ia menambahkan,"Kami bersama pihak Mesir berdialog soal berbagai mekanisme untuk memajukan proses ini, namun semua ini tergantung keputusan rakyat Mesir." (IRIB/IRNA/AHF)


Aircraft Carrier Makes First E-2D Advanced Hawkeye Launch

Aircraft Carrier Makes First E-2D Advanced Hawkeye Launch

The E-2D Advanced Hawkeye, the Navy's newest airborne early warning and control aircraft, made its first launch Feb. 1, from USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75).
Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 20 representatives and aircrew from Patuxent River, Md., are aboard Truman to conduct suitability testing on the new aircraft.
"Truman is here to provide the squadron with the platform they need to perform the testing," said Lt. Cmdr. Rodney Moss, USS Harry S. Truman aircraft handler. "We will be supporting their test equipment on board, as well as aiding them in launch and recovery efforts."
"The idea of the E2-D started in the late 90's as kind of just a concept," said Cmdr. Mike Santomauro, flight test director. "The aircraft they are landing today began its initial testing back in 2007. The fact that we are even coming out to this ship is the culmination of more than a year-and-a-half of effort to get to here."
The E-2D Advanced Hawkeye will not provide a significant change in the mission of early warning and control; however, it will enable the aircraft to perform its mission with greater improvements.
"It is a two-generation leap in surveillance capabilities, and it's going to be a game changer in information dominance for the U.S. Navy," Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Gary Roughead said during a speech in 2010.
The new aircraft will be able to scan a larger area, detect smaller objects and process information quickly than its predecessor. The aircrews will be able to accomplish these tasks through improved all-glass cockpits and tactical operator stations.
"There are a lot of things that have changed," said Santomauro. "The old E-2C had a lot of steam gauges, but the cockpit of the new E2-D is composed entirely of glass with flat screen control panels."
The aircraft will go through a rigorous six-day testing period during which the squadron will determine whether the E2-D is effective in a operational shipboard environment.
"We will make our determinations based on any discrepancies with the airframe or whether we see any gaps in the anticipated capability," said Santomauro. "We have about 200 test points we are trying to accomplish."
Truman provided the pilots of VX-20 the chance to make the E-2D's much-anticipated first recovery and launch from an aircraft carrier.
"So far, the testing is going very well," said Santomauro. "Through developmental tests we are moving toward making determinations of whether the aircraft is suitable for use."
"There is not going to be anything new for the guys working on the flight deck," said Moss. "It is more about the data the pilots are collecting while they are up there."
This new aircraft serves as the U.S. Navy's continual effort to maintain excellence and gain the competitive advantage over all challengers.
"We are fulfilling the CNO's vision for how he wants to fight wars in the future," said Santomauro. "I think we are going to link a lot of pieces together to make a more effective fighting force."


Senjata SS2 Pindad menunjukkan kehandalannya sebagai senjata kelas dunia

Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan keberhasilan kontingen TNI AD menjadi juara umum di ajang lomba tembak internasional. Kali ini Tim Tembak berhasil menjadi juara umum pada lomba tembak Australian Army Skill Arms Meeting (AASAM) 2010 yang berlangsung di Puckapunyal Victoria Australia dari tanggal 6-20 Mei 2010. Tim Tembak TNI AD berhasil memperoleh 22 medali emas, 13 medali perak dan 14 medali perunggu.

Pada lomba AASAM 2010, TNI AD mengirim 10 atlit petembak dan 5 official. Para Petembak merupakan prajurit-prajurit yang dipilih secara selektif dan dibekali berbagai materi tentang kemampuan menembak. Kontingen TNI AD dipimpin oleh Letkol. Inf. Budiman Danyonif Linud 328/Kostrad.

Keberhasilan kontingen Indonesia menjadi juara umum untuk kedua kalinya selain didukung oleh kemampuan dan kesiapan tim petembak TNI AD juga didukung oleh kualitas dan kehandalan senjata produksi PT. Pindad (Persero), senapan serbu SS2 - V4. Hal ini merupakan suatu pencapaian prestasi yang membanggakan bagi TNI AD khususnya dan bangsa Indonesia pada umumnya.

Lomba AASAM merupakan ajang lomba tembak antar Angkatan Perang berskala internasional yang diikuti oleh negara – negara dikawasan Asia Pasifik, Eropa dan negara - negara Persemakmuran. AASAM diselenggarakan sejak tahun 1984 dan tahun ini diikuti oleh 10 negara yaitu Australia, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapura, Thailand, Philipina, Papua New Guinea, East Timor, Perancis dan Kanada. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

US and China launched space weapon tests: documents

US and China launched space weapon tests: documents

Defense Technology News — By Agence France-Presse on February 4, 2011 5:50 am 

 The United States and China both used advanced missiles to blow up their own satellites in a mutual show of military strength, documents published in Thursday's Telegraph newspaper showed.
The memos, leaked by the WikiLeaks website, revealed that the US responded to China's 2007 destruction of a weather satellite by blowing up its own malfunctioning satellite in a "test" strike.
The US insisted at the time that it undertook the operation to prevent the satellite returning to earth with a toxic fuel tank which would pose a health hazard.
A leaked cable sent from the US embassy in Beijing in February 2008, the day after the US strike, revealed that China was doubtful of this explanation.
"Teng Jianqun, Deputy Secretary General of the China Arms Control and Disarmament Department, described the shoot-down as unnecessary and simply an opportunity to test the US missile defense system," the memo said.
According to the cable, Teng said the shoot-down was "an ideal opportunity to voice their (the US) objection" and proved "the US missile defense system is also an offensive system."
Another leaked cable revealed that the US embassy in China received "direct confirmation of the results of the anti-satellite test" from the US military command in the Pacific.
The White House was shocked in February 2007 when China demonstrated its capability to strike in space by blowing up a weather satellite 530 miles above earth.
In another leaked cable sent in January 2008, it was communicated that officials working for the then secretary of state Condoleezza Rice had warned Beijing.
"A Chinese attack on a satellite using a weapon launched by a ballistic missile threatens to destroy space systems that the US and other nations use for commerce and national security," the officials said.
"Destroying satellites endangers people. Any purposeful interference with US space systems will be interpreted by the US as an infringement of its rights and considered an escalation in a crisis or conflict," they added.
A month later, Robert Gates, then US defence secretary, authorized the USS Lake Erie cruiser to fire a highly-sophisticated SM-3 rocket at the USA 193 spy satellite, the US's first such strike in 23 years.
The strike raised tensions between the two countries, with "angry" China claiming at a defence summit in 2008, that the US and themselves were "neither allies nor adversaries," the cables said.
Another memo claimed that China was worried over US plans to place defence radars in Japan and alleged the US was developing an "airborne laser system" which could "attack a missile in launch phase over the sovereign territory."
The latest memo, dated January 2010, showed that China had successfully used a SC-19 missile to destroy a CSS-X-11 missile 150 miles above earth, an action the US considered as an anti-satellite test.
The cable showed that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton shared the previous administration's concern over China's plans and said "objections... previously delivered in January 2007 and January 2008 are still valid."


Sustainment for Australian MH-60R Multi-Mission Helicopters

Air Force News — By US Defense Security Cooperation Agency on February 4, 2011 4:57 am 

 The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress Feb. 1 of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Australia of a 10-year Through-Life-Support (TLS) for 24 MH-60R Multi-Mission Helicopters, and associated equipment, parts, and logistical support for an estimated cost of $1.6 billion.
The Government of Australia has requested a possible sale of ten year Through-Life-Support (TLS) for (24) MH-60R Multi-Mission Helicopters. The sustainment effort will include spare and repair parts provisioning, support and test equipment, publications and technical documentation, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistical and program support. The estimated cost is $1.6 billion.

Sustainment for Australian MH-60R Multi-Mission Helicopters
MH-60R Multi-Mission Helicopter

Australia, one of our most important allies in the Western Pacific, contributes significantly to ensuring peace and economic stability in the region. Australia’s efforts in peacekeeping and humanitarian operations in Iraq and in Afghanistan have served U.S. national security interests.
The proposed sale will provide Australia the resources necessary to properly maintain its 24 MH-60R helicopters. Australia, which already has S-70B helicopters in its inventory, will have no difficulty performing the actions necessary to properly sustain these additional helicopters.
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.
The principal contractors will be Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation of Stratford, Connecticut; Lockheed Martin of Owego; New York; GE of Lynn, Massachusetts; and the Raytheon Corporation of Portsmouth, Rhode Island. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale
Implementation of this proposed sale will require temporary assignment of approximately 20 U.S. Government and contractor representatives to Australia on an intermittent basis over the life of the case.
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.
This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.


Pangarmatim: Peran Lantamal Sangat Penting Dalam Tugas Pokok TNI AL

Peran Pangkalan Utama TNI Angkatan Laut (Lantamal) sangatlah penting di dalam pencapaian tugas pokok TNI AL, karena operasi laut tidak akan berjalan dengan optimal tanpa diimbangi oleh aspek dukungan yang baik dan memadai.
Penegasan tersebut disampaikan dalam amanat Panglima Komando Armada RI Kawasan Timur (Pangarmatim) Laksmana Muda TNI Bambang Suwarto pada saat memimpin upacara serahterima jabatan Komandan Lantamal V dan Komandan Lantamal IX yang berlangsung di Lapangan Mako Lantamal V Surabaya, Jumat (4/2).
Komandan Lantamal V diserahterimakan dari Brigjen TNI (Mar) Halim A, Hermanto kepada penggantinya Laksma TNI M. Atok Urrahman. Sedangkan Komandan Lantamal IX diserahterimakan dari Laksma TNI DR. Dadang S. Wirasuta kepada penggantinya Kolonel Laut (P) Rahardjo Dwi Prihanggono, SH.
Dikatakan Pangarmatim, guna menempatkan kedudukan Lantmal yang proporsional, maka peran maupun fungsi pangkalan sebagai tempat penangkalan, pembekalan, penyelenggarakan pemeliharaan  dan perbaikan unsur-unsur operasional TNI Angkatan Laut serta perawatan personel harus terus ditingkatkan kemampuannya.
Sebagai representasi TNI AL di daerah, lanjut Pangarmatim, Lantamal juga mempunyai peranan yang sangat strategis. Kedudukan Lantamal yang berada di daerah merupakan  kepanjangan tangan dari Koarmatim dalam mendukung unsur-unsur operasional. Sampai saat ini tindak pelanggaran di laut masih cukup tinggi, seperti,  permasalahan di perbatasan dengan negara tetangga, kejahatan lintas negara (perampokan, human trafficking, illegal logging, illegal fishing dan kegiatan illegal lainnya), pelanggaran wilayah, dan jaminan keamanan jalur perhubungan laut internasional.
“Untuk itu, Lantamal harus mampu berperan di baris terdepan dalam mempertahankan wilayah perairan yurisdiksi nasional dan ikut bertanggung jawab dalam memberikan jaminan keamanan laut di wilayahnya. Disamping itu, tugas Lantamal yang tidak kalah penting adalah perannya dalam memberikan kontribusi sebagai motivator dan dinamisator dalam pembangunan kelautan di daerah,”kata Pangarmatim.
Masih menurut Pangarmatim, untuk menindaklanjuti hasil Rapim TNI/TNI AL 2011 yang dilaksanakan beberapa waktu lalu terhadap evaluasi kekuatan dan kemampuan TNI Tahun 2010, analisa ancaman dan tugas TNI, maka kebijakan Panglima TNI yang perlu ditindaklanjuti meliputi kebijakan pembinaan kekuatan dan kemampuan, reformasi birokrasi TNI, optimalisasi peran TNI, kesejahteraan prajurit dan PNS TNI, pengawasan dan tertib administrasi serta kebijakan growth and right sizing.
Adapun arah kebijakan program dan anggaran Tahun 2012, kata Pangarmatim, tetap melanjutkan kesinambungan pembinaan kekuatan/kemampuan dan pembangunan kekuatan agar tercapaianya sasaran pada tahun ke tiga Renstra 2010-2014. (Dispenarmatim).