
Monday, April 1, 2013

The First Molniya Made by Vietnam will be Joined to the Navy

Project 1241.8 Molniya, the missile boat has length 56.1m, displacement 550 ton (photo : giaoduc)

(ĐVO) - After a startup time and hard work, the first high-speed missile boats Molniya made by Vietnam is going to be joined in the arsenal.

Recently in LIMA 2013 defense exhibition held in Malaysia, Director General Vympel Shipyard , Mr. Oleg Belkov revealed that the first of six high-speed missile boats Molniya (Lightning) under the Project 1241.8 is being built in Vietnam under the Russian license, and will be delivered to customers by the end of 2013.

"Right now, the second one is in the workshop and the third is preparing to play."

Thus, the missile ship is strong as the uncle, "he read," first played by Vietnam may have been launched and run sea trials. In the end of the year, the ship will be delivered to the Navy in Vietnam, contributing to strengthening the fight for the whole fleet.

Vympel Shipbuilding Plant has helped Vietnam in close range missile ships Moniya under Project 1241.8. Vympel and Vietnam provide parts and synchronization details such as radar, weapons, electronic systems for assembly 6 Vietnamese high-speed missile boats Moniya in chain transfer agreement shipbuilding technology under license from Russia.

In the shipbuilding process in Vietnam, with the participation of technical supervision from the Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau in Saint-Petersburg and Vympel Shipyard.

Vietnam plans to close all 10 cruise missiles of this type, of which 6 units are in a contract made under license in Vietnam, the first four ships Molniya be played in Russia and fully handed over to the Vietnam Navy.

Vympel plant started supplying parts and components for the six ships of the Vietnam since 2010 in the framework of the contract and this work will continue until 2016.

According to schedule, late December  2012, combination of science and manufacturing gas tubine Zoria-Ukrainian Mashproekt just completed unit provides gas turbine engine next to Vietnam for installation on Molniya missile ships are packed in the factory.

This is the result of cooperation between ZORYA-Mashproekt (Ukraine) and Vympel Shipbuilding Plant (Russia) on the provision of motor ships, in Khuong suffering agreement Intergovernmental Russia-Ukraine.

According to the plan, until the end of 2013, ZORYA-Mashproekt will ensure complete unit offers four gas turbine engines for Vietnam to ensure the progress of shipbuilding missiles Molniya.


PT DI Tawarkan Pesawat Casa 212 ke Myanmar

Pesawat NC-212 seri 400 yang diproduksi PT DI (photo : PTDI)

TEMPO.CO , Jakarta:PT Dirgantara Indonesia berencana menawarkan pesawat Casa 212 (C-212) ke Myanmar dalam kunjungan 15 BUMN ke negara itu awal bulan April. "Jumlahnya belum ditentukan (karena) masih ada kendala," kata Direktur Utama PT DI Budi Santoso dalam pesan singkat singkat kepada Tempo, Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013. "Nanti yang akan menawarkan ke Myanmar itu dari Direktur Marketing kami."

Kendala yang dimaksud adalah masalah komponen. "(Di sana) masih ada masalah embargo untuk komponen Amerika seperti engine dan avionic," katanya. Meski begitu PT DI tetap akan berusaha menawarkan pesawatnya. "Saya dengar Amerika juga menawarkan produk mereka."

Sebanyak 15 BUMN akan pergi ke Myanmar guna menjajaki peluang kerjasama dan bisnis. Deputi Bidang Usaha Jasa Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Gatot Trihargo mengatakan para delegasi akan ditemani oleh Menteri Kordinator Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa dan Menteri BUMN Dahlan Iskan.

Budi menyebutkan beberapa BUMN yang ikut antara lain: PT Pertamina (Persero), PT PLN (Persero), PT Timah (Persero), PT Garuda Maintenance Facilities (GMF), PT Bukit Asam (Persero), Perum Bulog, PT Bank BNI (Persero) Tbk , PT Pupuk indonesia, PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, PT WIKA (Persero) Tbk. 

"Pertemuan nanti lebih banyak G to G (pertemuan antar pemerintah). Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) nantinya sebagai koordinator bank lokal. Dan kami akan membuat kantor yang dikoordinasi BNI, Wika, dan Pertamina," katanya.

Casa C-212 Aviocar adalah pesawat berukuran sedang bermesin turboprop yang dirancang dan diproduksi di Spanyol untuk kegunaan sipil dan militer. Pesawat ini telah diproduksi di PT. Dirgantara Indonesia, sebagai satu-satunya perusahaan pesawat pemegang lisensi di luar pabrik produsen utamanya. Pada bulan Januari 2008, EADS CASA memutuskan memindahkan seluruh fasilitas produksi C-212 ke PT. Dirgantara Indonesia di Bandung.

The Jupiters Pukau Masyarakat Langkawi

Penampilan tim aerobatik The Jupiter (all photos : TNI AU)

LANGKAWI -  Penampilan The Jupiter Aerobatic Team TNI Angkatan Udara dihari keempat Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition 2013 (LIMA’13) yang diperuntukan umum memukau ribuan pengunjung khususnya masyarakat Langkawi, Jum’at (29/3).

The Jupiter yang diterbangkan oleh para instruktur penerbang dari Skadron Pendidikan (Skadik) 102 Lanud Adi Sutjipto Yogyakarta, tidak saja memukau masyarakat namun juga para penerbang aerobatik dari Malaysia dan Russia.

“Saya sangat salut formasinya rapi, gerakannya bagus dan jarak antar pesawat terjaga”, ujar Major Shamsul salah satu penerbang aerobatik dari TUDM “Krisakti”.

Hal senada juga dikatakan penerbang aerobatik “Russian Knight” dari Angkatan Udara Russia, sangat sulit aerobatik dengan pesawat bermesin propeler, lebih mudah menggunakan pesawat bermesin jet, ujarnya.

Dihari keempat the Jupiters masih mengandalakan akrobatik andalannya seperti Jupiter Roll, Arraw Head

Loop, Clover Leaf, Leader Benefit, Arraw Head Loop-Break Off, Half Cuban-Jupiter Wheel, Tanggo To Diamond Loop, Mirror, Screw Roll, Heart, Roll Slide, Kite Barrel Roll, jupiter Roll Back, Knife Edge dan Arraw Head Loop-Bomb Burst.

The Jupiters dipimpin oleh Letkol Pnb Dedy “Leopard” Susanto, dengan Mayor Pnb Frando “Fennec” Marpaung sebagai Right Wingman, Kapten Pnb I Gusti Ngurah “Greyhound” Adi Brata Left Wingman, Mayor Pnb H.S “Condor” Romas Slot, Mayor Pnb H.M “Razor” Kisha Lead Syncro dan Mayor Pnb Marcellinus “Tiger” Dirgantara sebagai Syncro. 


Russian Navy Develops New Mini Submarines

Project 865 Piranha L - 28.2m, W - 4.8m, Displacement - 218 ton surface, 319 ton dived, Speed - 7 kts surfaced, Crew - 3 + 6 (photo : Vitaly V Kuzmin)

LANGKAWI  (RIA Novosti) – Russian shipbuilders are working on developing new “super mini” submarines, the United Shipbuilding Corporation state holding company said on Friday.

USC vice president Igor Zakharov said work on the sea craft is in progress at the St. Petersburg-based Malakhit naval machine manufacturing bureau and that Navy command has been showing interest in the project.

Alexander Terenov, an advisor to Malakhit’s general director, said the Project 865 Piranha submersible (NATO reporting name Losos) could go beyond just “hit and run” operations.

“They have a broad range of applications and can carry full-fledged missile and torpedo systems,” Terenov said.

Terenov said the Piranha could also be deployed for the protection of naval installations, and would be operated by small crews and cost little to maintain.

Piranha is a midget submarine designed for special operations and is almost completely silent. Only two Piranha-class submarines were reportedly ever built in Russia.

(RIA Novosti)

1 Kapal Replenishment Oiler dan 2 Kapal LST Ditargetkan Selesai 2014

Desain kapal LST 117m dari galangan kapal DKB yang dipamerkan pada ajang JIDD 2013 (all photos : ARC)

TNI AL Bangun Kapal BCM dan AT

Jakarta, —TNI Angkatan Laut saat ini tengah membangun kapal perang jenis BCM (Bantu Cair Minyak) di galangan kapal PT Dok dan Perkapalan Kodja Bahari. Wakil Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Wakasal) Laksamana Madya TNI Hari Bowo, S.E., M.Sc., melaksanakan peninjauan di galangan I PT Dok dan Perkapalan Kodja Bahari, Pondok Dayung, Jakarta Utara, Rabu (27/3).

Dalam peninjauan tersebut, Wakasal didampingi oleh Direktur Utama PT Dok dan Perkapalan Kodja Bahari Riry Syeried Jetta selain meninjau pengerjaan kapal BCM di galangan I, juga meninjau pengerjaan  kapal jenis Angkut Tank (Landing Ship Tank) yang dibangun di galangan II. “Saat ini Kapal BCM proses pembangunannya  sudah berjalan 60,27%, dan Kapal Angkut Tank sudah berjalan 37,47% dan 38,31%. Ketiganya merupakan kapal yang dipesan oleh TNI AL dan dijadwalkan akan selesai pada tahun 2014,” kata Dirut PT Dok dan Perkapalan Kodja Bahari Riry Syeried Jetta.

Kedua jenis kapal yang tengah dibangun tersebut memiliki spesifikasi sebagai berikut: Kapal Bantu Cair Minyak  (BCM) memiliki panjang keseluruhan 122,40 m, panjang garis tegak 113,90 m, lebar 16,50 m, tinggi 9,00 m, kecepatan maksimal 18 knots, jarak jelajah 7.680 nm, kapasitas muatan cair 5.500 m3, tenaga penggerak utama berjumlah dua buah daya 6.114 PS, berat baja 2.400 ton, dengan sistem propulsi twin screw dan fixed pitch propeller. Sedangkan spesifikasi Kapal Angkut Tank memiliki panjang keseluruhan 117,00 m, panjang antara garis tegak 107,77 m, lebar 16,40 m, tinggi 7,80 m, kecepatan maksimal 16 knots, jarak jelajah 6.240 NM, tenaga penggerak utama berjumlah dua buah daya 3.600 HP, dengan sistem propulsi fixed pitch propeller.

Pembuatan kapal ini sebagai tindak lanjut program Kementerian Pertahanan RI yang telah tertuang dalam Kesepakatan Bersama antara Menteri Pertahanan RI dengan Panglima TNI, dan Kepala Kepolisian Negara RI tentang “Revitalisasi Industri Pertahanan” dalam menerapkan Program MEF (Minimum Essential Force). PT Dok dan Perkapalan Kodja Bahari adalah salah satu industri strategis milik pemerintah yang telah mendapat kepercayaan untuk mengerjakan program pemerintah dimaksud, dan juga sebagai upaya dalam memberdayakan industri perkapalan dalam negeri untuk membangun alutsista TNI.

Sementara itu, Wakasal Laksamana Madya TNI Hari Bowo, S.E., M.Sc. dalam kesempatan tersebut mengatakan, bahwa maksud peninjauannya adalah untuk mengetahui sampai sejauh mana perkembangan pengerjaan kapal tersebut, serta ingin melihat pemenuhan terhadap kriteria yang dipesan, baik spesifikasi teknis, kualitas, serta keamanannya (zero accident). “Saya harap pengerjaan kapal ini sesuai dengan spesifikasi teknis yang telah direncanakan, serta senantiasa memperhatikan kualitas dan keamanan pengerjaannya,” kata Wakasal.

Turut mendampingi Wakasal dalam peninjauan ini adalah Asisten Logistik Kasal Laksamana Muda TNI Sru Handayanto, Kadismatal Laksamana Pertama TNI Ir. Bambang Naryono, M.M., Kadiskomlekal Laksamana Pertama TNI Ir. Yuhastihar, Kadissenlekal Laksmana Pertama TNI Bambang Sugeng, S.E., Kadislaikmatal Laksamana Pertama TNI Ir. Harry Pratomo, dan Kadisadal Kolonel Laut (E) Agus Setiadji.


Myanmar Parliament Approves Controversial Defense Budget

29 Maret 2013

MiG-29 Fulcrum (photo : Radzi Desa)

RANGOON—Burma’s Union Parliament approved the government’s US $1.15 billion military budget on Friday with an overwhelming majority. More than $600 million will be spent on military hardware, accounting for over half of the controversial budget this year, according to documents obtained by The Irrawaddy.

In a joint vote by the Upper House and Lower House in Naypyidaw, 445 parliamentarians voted in support of the proposed military budget, 60 voted for a reduction of the budget and 7 MPs abstained.

The budget approval will again make the military by far the largest recipient of public funds, granting it more than one-fifth of the total budget—slightly lower than the amount it was awarded last year.

By comparison, this year’s proposed national budget allocates just 4.4 percent of government funds to education and 3.9 percent to health care in the impoverished country, according to opposition MPs.

Steven Thar Bate, an MP with the Chin National Party, had proposed a reduction of military spending to 17 percent of the overall national budget, but his proposal was rejected by the Union Parliament, where the military still holds sway.

Under the 2008 Constitution, military appointees hold 25 percent of seats in Parliament. Many other MPs with the ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party are former members of the armed forces.

It is the first time however, that the Ministry of Defense has shared details of its annual military budget.

Nanchang A-5C Fantan (photo : Radzi Desa)

The documents show that it will spend about $631.1 million on military hardware, with about $200 million going to aircraft, $93 million on ships, $30 million on military vehicles, $195 million on military accessories, $112 million on military industries and $1.1 million on weapons.

The remainder of the budget will go on construction projects, including the building of army bases, roads, military-owned businesses and maintaining military universities and schools.

Although it is thought to be a minor decrease on previous budgets, but the size of expenditure – accounting for 21 percent of the total budget – remains controversial.

Figures from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute show there are only four other countries that spend over 20 percent of their government budget on defense: Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Singapore.

Moreover, the government’s figures may represent only part of military spending. Under the Special Funds Law enacted in March 2011, the military is able to access additional funds without parliamentary oversight. This can include the use of Burma’s abundant natural resources to pay for military hardware purchased abroad.

Chengdu F-7M Airguard (photo : Radzi Desa)

A report by IHS Jane’s, a London-based defense consultancy, this week stated: “Both Moscow and Beijing are known to favor military deals based on deliveries of natural gas and such a payment mechanism is likely to have underpinned major recent deals.”

Earlier this week opposition MPs criticized the high spending on defense.

“The government should use more money for education and health sectors,” said Dr Saw Naing, a senior member of the National League for Democracy from South Okkalapa Township.

Another opposition MP from the Upper Hose, who declined to be named, said that officers in Parliament had approached the opposition to support the defense budget.

“Some of the military MPs unofficially request us not to reduce budget because it is already the lowest among neighboring countries,” he said. “They also said that reducing military budget will hurt national security. I think what they said is right.”


Malaysian Prime Minister is Interested PAK FA

PAK FA fifth generation fighter (photo : RIA Novosti)

Langkawi (RIA Novosti) -  Malaysian Prime Minister was interested in the Russian fifth generation fighter T-50 (PAK FA), said Air Force Commander Viktor Bondarev at the air show LIMA -2013.

"Development Program for the PAK FA is underway. Yesterday met with Malaysian Prime Minister - he was very interested in the aircraft," - said the commander in chief.

Answering the question of when the PAK FA to be delivered to the Russian Army, Bondarev said: "As you know, these new machines are now actively being tested, and in 2016 the first aircraft expected to begin flowing to the troops."

Earlier this Airshow deputy director of "Rosoboronexport" Victor Komardin said Royal Malaysian Air Force would be inappropriate to adopt and buy a Russian fifth-generation fighter, but Moscow will continue to advance in this country modernized versions of the Su-30 MKM.

(RIA Novosti)

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