
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fayakhun Andriadi: TNI Tak Hanya Berperang

Ilustrasi (ANTARA/Yusran Uccang
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Anggota Komisi I DPR RI dari Fraksi Partai Golkar, Fayakhun Andriadi, mengatakan, TNI tidak hanya mendapat mandat rakyat untuk berperang, tetapi menjalankan tugas non militer, terutama membangun infrastruktur serta hal lain berkenaan dengan kesejahteraan rakyat.

"Berdasarkan Undang Undang Tentara Nasional Indonesia, kalau tak salah pada pasal (7), bisa dicek lagi, maka TNI mempunyai tugas Militer dan Non Perang, termasuk di antaranya membangun infrastruktur dan memberantas terorisme," tegasnya di Jakarta, Sabtu.

Pos Pengamanan Marinir di Pulau Terluar

Ia mengatakan itu, mengomentari penempatan pasukan Korps Marinir di pulau-pulau terdepan kawasan perbatasan RI, yang diharapkan bisa juga membantu pemberdayaan kesejahteraan masyarakat, terutama ikut membenahi infrastruktur, tak hanya urusan militer.

"Komisi I DPR RI mendukung kegiatan penempatan TNI di pulau-pulau terdepan, dengan mengedepankan misi Kesejahteraan Rakyat (Kesra), khususnya membangun infrastruktur," katanya.

Selain itu, ujarnya, para anggota Korps Marinir ini bisa pula disiapkan untuk memberikan pelatihan ketahanan pangan, seperti bercocoktanam, menangkap dan menangkar ikan, serta ketrampilan teknis tertentu, di antaranya mesin, elektronika, maupun bangunan.

"Yang perlu dipahami, bahwa yang disebut menjaga perbatasan, harus diimplementasikan secara komprehensif, yaitu darat, bawah tanah, laut, bawah laut, udara dan atas udara," ungkapnya.

Karenanya, ia lalu mempertanyakan, apakah kemampuan untuk mengamankan batas-batas wilayah tersebut, sudah mumpuni?

"Komisi I DPR RI sendiri menilai, bahwa kemampuan TNI masih kurang dari memadai. Ini yang harus disadari, dan dicarikan solusinya secara bertahap, `multi years`, namun menuju satu tujuan yang jelas," kata Fayakhun Andriadi..(*)

Editor: Ruslan

Naval Eurofighter: An Aircraft Carrier Version Under Development

Naval Eurofighter: An Aircraft Carrier Version Under Development

The development of carrier aviation during the 20th century led to a dramatic paradigm shift in military capability. For the first time, navies had the ability to exert their influence far over the horizon – supporting land campaigns and allowing hostile fleets to be engaged from beyond the range of a battleship’s guns. From Pearl Harbor to more recent conflicts in the Falklands and the Middle East, the carrier and its aircraft provide commanders with an unrivaled ability to project military and political influence; several acres of sovereign territory which can be moved close to potential trouble spots at short notice.
Historically, carrier aircraft have been highly specialized and designed specifically for the role. In the majority of cases, there is little or no commonality between the aircraft operated by a nation’s air force, and the different aircraft performing the same role in the Navy. Design decisions taken in order to optimise an aircraft for carrier operations can lead to trade-offs elsewhere – such as additional weight and low-speed handling characteristics that compromise performance in other areas of the envelope.
A classic example today is the F-18 in all its versions, heavy, slow and not capable of facing the most advanced threats emerging around the world.
For a number of years, Eurofighter GmbH and its industrial partners have been studying the feasibility of adapting Eurofighter Typhoon for the naval role. These studies have included the assessment of required design changes, piloted simulations to refine the aircraft’s handling qualities and discussions with key suppliers. The studies indicate that these changes are feasible, and would lead to the development of a world-beating, carrier-based fighter aircraft.
Modern carrier aircraft typically take off with the use of a catapult that attaches to the nose gear. These catapults are expensive to procure, maintain and operate. Catapult launch also leads to a heavier aircraft as a result of the additional weight on the aircraft’s structure.
Typhoon is well known for its exceptional thrust-to-weight ratio which has been regularly demonstrated at air shows and in customer flight trials. It also allows the aircraft to take off from a carrier using a “ski-jump”. Detailed simulations have shown that the aircraft will be able to take off in this way with a full weapon and fuel load – providing a nation with a truly potent naval aviation capability.
Clearly one of the major challenges for any carrier-based aircraft is the arrested landing. Carrier aircraft fly a steep approach path and are brought to a halt rapidly by the arrestor gear. This leads to much higher loads being generated than would be the case for a land-based aircraft. Navalized Typhoon tackles this problem in two ways.
  • The introduction of a thrust-vectored variant of the Eurojet EJ200 engine would allow for a reduction in the aircraft’s approach speed and the resulting landing loads. Thrust vectoring (Engines with TVN are already tested on bench) could be fully integrated into the Typhoon’s advanced Flight Control System (FCS), allowing the pilot to focus on flying the approach path while the FCS manages the engine nozzle position.
  • The basic design of Typhoon also works in its favour during an arrested landing. The aircraft’s structure is exceptionally strong, having been designed from the outset for the high dynamic loads associated with extreme air combat maneuvering. This helps to minimize the structural changes required to enable carrier operations – usually seen as the biggest obstacle to developing a carrier-based variant of the aircraft.
In any discussion of a navalized Typhoon, the differences from the land-based aircraft are the natural focus. However, one should also focus on the similarities. A key design driver for a navalized Typhoon has been to maximize commonality between the two variants. Design changes are minimized, allowing for many spare parts and test equipment to be shared across a customer’s air force and navy fleets. The sensors, systems and weapons available to both variants will be common, allowing for a reduction in the aircrew training requirements. And in addition, the two variants will benefit from a common upgrade path – new capabilities will be available to both the air force and navy in similar timescales.
The introduction of Thrust Vectoring potentially provides an additional boost to Typhoon’s capability. The ability to change the angle of the engines’ thrust will allow for a further enhancement in Typhoon’s already outstanding maneuverability, supercruise performances, fuel consumption and the handling of asymmetric weapon configuration.

India to start talks on $12 billion fighter aircraft order

India to start talks on $12 billion fighter aircraft order

The announcement came a day after Indian Defence Minister A.K. Antony said the long-delayed contract to modernise India's decades-old aircraft fleet would be handed out during the next fiscal year starting April 1."The contract negotiation committee will begin discussions in a week or two," Indian Airforce chief P.V. Naik told reporters on the sidelines of South Asia's biggest airshow in Bangalore, the hub of India's aviation industry.
Six global aeronautical companies, which are in a dogfight to grab the deal to sell the 126 Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA), each claimed at the airshow that their products were the world's best.
"The Indian air force is very pleased with the performance of the F-16 and we are hopeful of being shortlisted," said Orville Prins of U.S-based Lockheed Martin which wants to sell its front-line fighter jet to India.
India, the biggest buyer of military hardware among emerging nations, issued the request for proposals to the six firms in 2007 and the long-awaited trials of the aircraft competing for the deal began a year later.
Industry sources say the F-16 and Seattle-based Boeing, which is offering its F-18 "Superhornet," have emerged as front-runners after the grueling trials.
The contract includes the outright purchase of 18 combat aircraft by 2012 with another 108 to be built in India. India would also have an option to buy 64 more such jets.
The other companies bidding include France's Dassault Aviation, pan-European manufacturer Eurofighter Typhoon and Sweden's Saab.
Saab will have the "technological lead in five years," said Peter Nilsson, an executive from the Swedish firm.
India also announced Thursday it is set to agree a contract with Dassault for the upgrade of its fleet of Mirage fighter aircraft but would not disclose the value of the deal.
Russia, a longtime military supplier to India, pipped its Western rivals last December when it signed a mammoth agreement with New Delhi to co-produce some 250 stealth fighter jets worth $30 billion by 2017


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Kavaleri Peroleh 178 Unit Kendaraan Tempur

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T-90S Rusia (Main Battle Tank Russia)
Kavaleri Peroleh 178 Unit Kendaraan Tempur

Kaveleri TNI Angkatan Darat (AD) akan mendapatkan tambahan peralatan baru sebanyak 65 unit kendaraan tempur MBT, 53 unit kendaraan tempur Tank Medium dan 60 unit kendaraan tempur Panser Kanon Medium dalam kurun tahun 2011-2014.
K1 Main Battle Tank Korea Selatan

Tambahan peralatan baru itu dalam rangka pemenuhan Satuan Kavaleri yang akan dibentuk maupun dalam rangka Rematerialisasi Alat utama Sistem Senjata satuan kavaleri pada satuan yang telah dibentuk serta melaksanakan Program retrofiting 65 unit kendaraan tempur Tank AMX-13.

Hal itu disampaikan Danpusenkav Kodiklat TNI Angkatan Darat Brigadir Jendral TNI Burhanudin Siagian dalam amanatnya yang dibacakan Waasintel Kasdam I/BB, pada acara syukuran HUT ke 61 Kavaleri tahun 2011 di lapangan apel Makoyon Kav 6/Serbu di Asam Kumbang Medan, Rabu Malam (9/2).

Hadir pada acara tersebut, Danyon Arhanudse 11/BS Letnan Kolonel Arh Sony Hendayana, Danyon Armed 2/105 Letkol Arm Surya Darma Damanik, Danyon Zipur 1/DD letkol Czi Ahmad Rijal Ramdhani SSos SH, Danyonif 100/Raider Letkol Inf Heri Susandi, Dandeninteldam I/BB Letkol Kav Hendi Suhendi SSos, para sesepuh Korps Kavaleri serta serta Ibu-ibu Ketua Persit Batalyon Kavaleri 6/Serbu dan tamu undangan lainnyaDalam amanatnya, Burhanudin Siagian menyampaikan, Pusenkav Kodiklat TNI AD telah melaksanakan Revisi Bujukbin Kavaleri. Semula satuan Kavaleri hanya berwenang melaksanakan pemeliharaan kendaraan tempur pada tingkat 0, sekarang ditingkatkan pada tingkat 2.

“Di samping itu Pusenkav dan jajarannya juga telah melaksanakan beberapa penataan pangkalan, dari uraian tersebut dapat kita tarik benang merah bahwa tantangan tugas ke depan yang semakin berat dan kompleks, akan dapat dijawab apabila prajurit Kavaleri memiliki jati diri yang tangguh, dan selalu meningkatkan kemampuannya serta memegang teguh nilai-nilai kejujuran dan nilai-nilai kebenaran.”

Sesuai dengan tema HUT Kavaleri ke 61 yakni Dengan semangat Jaya dimasa perang berguna dimasa damai, Korps Kavaleri bertekad meningkatkan profesionalisme prajurit dan memantapkan kemanunggalan TNI-Rakyat guna mendukung tugas pokok TNI Angkatan Darat.

Perkiraan Admin Indonesia Defence untuk Calon Main Battle Tank TNI AD yang akan dibeli :
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T-90S Rusia
GPO Uralvagonzavod T-90 adalah Tank tempur utama rancangan Russia yang dikempabangkan dari T-72, dan sampai saat ini menjadi tank paling modern di angkatan darat Rusia , saat ini tank ini juga dioperasikan beberapa negara lain. Sebagai penerus dari T-72BM, T-90 menggunakan senjata dan 1G46 gunner sight dari T-80U, sebuah mesin baru, dan pengindera panas . Peralatan pelindung termasuk ERA Kontakt-5 ERA, laser warning receiver, pembangkit gelombang elektromagnetik EMT-7 untuk menghancurkan ranjau elektromagnetik dan Shtorasistem pengacau rudal anti tank kendali infra merah infrared ATGM .
  • BREM-72 - Kendaraan perawatan
  • MTU-90 - Tankk Jembatan.
  • IMR-3 - Kendaraan perawatan.
  • BMR-3 - Pembersih ranjau.


  • Russia – sekitar 480 unit. 1,100 total including 300 T-72s modernized to T-90 standards.
  • India – 310 T-90S "Bhishma" 1,000+ T-90S "Bhishma" to be manufactured in India.
Arab Saudi juga dilaporkan sedang dalam negosiasi untuk membeli 150 unit T-90. As of 15 October 2008, UPI published an article by analyst Jack Sweeney, reporting that Venuzualan president Hugo Chavez “wants to replace his army's obsolescent AMX-30 main battle tanks with between 50 and 100 Russian-built T-90 main battle tanks.”

sumber : Wiki Pedia

K1 88-Tank

Korean K1 Tank.JPEG

The K1 is a South Korean third-generation main battle tank in use with the Republic of Korea Armed Forces, developed by Hyundai Precision (later Hyundai Rotem).[1] The vehicle's early design work was based on General Dynamics' M1 Abrams, with some noticeable differences including a combined system of hydropneumatic suspension and torsion bars, and a river-crossing fording kit, to meet the required operational capability that was specific to combat operations in the mountainous and swampy terrain of the Korean Peninsula.[1] The K1A1 entered service in 1999, upgraded with a 120mm smoothbore gun, and outfitted with more modern electronics, ballistic computers, and fire control systems developed by Samsung Electronics.[1] Hyundai Rotem produced 1,511 K1 and K1A1 tanks between 1985 and 2010.


In the 1970s, the Republic of Korea was desperately in need of additional main battle tanks. M4A3E8 "Easy Eight" variant of Sherman tanks, dating back to World War II, had been retired from service by the Republic of Korea Army, and the backbone of the South Korean armor was formed up of M47 and M48 Patton tanks. Meanwhile, North Koreans had both numerical and technological advantages over the South Korean armor with their T-62 main battle tanks.
At first, attempts were made to obtain the United States' M60A1 Pattons, but they ended in failure. It was deemed that, even if the M60A1s were obtainable, there would not be enough of them to give the South Korean forces a significant advantage over existing North Korean tanks. A number of other plans were also devised, such as upgrading the existing M48 Pattons to the M48A3 and A5 standard, as well as obtaining the license to domestically produce Germany's Leopard 1 main battle tank. Only the upgrades to the Pattons were carried out, with the results being the M48A3K and M48A5K, while producing Leopard 1s was deemed counterproductive, as a newer generation of main battle tanks were already being developed and tested in both the U.S. and Germany, namely the M1 Abrams and Leopard 2.
In light of this, the Park Chung-hee administration announced plans to domestically produce main battle tanks that were comparable to the newer generation of main battle tanks. However, having absolutely no experience in the design, development and manufacture of main battle tanks to speak of, the task assigned to the South Korean industry was all but impossible. Upon realization of this, foreign designs were considered and evaluated, on condition that the winning design be licensed and produced domestically. The winning design was based on the XM1, the prototype of M1 Abrams, by Chrysler Defense, the company which was later sold to General Dynamics and renamed General Dynamics Land Systems. Soon afterwards, South Korean officials were dispatched to General Dynamics Land Systems for supervision of the design, which would spawn the XK1.
With its design being based on XM1, the XK1 shared various similarities with it. However, upon closer inspection, numerous differences can be found. The differences included the weight (55-ton XM1 versus 51-ton XK1), height (2.37 m versus 2.25 m), engine (1,500 hp Honeywell AGT1500C for XM1 versus 1,200 hp Teledyne Continental AVCR-1790, also used on Merkava 3, for XK1, although the XK1's engine will later be replaced with MTU MB Ka-501, a compact version of the 1,500 hp MB-873 Ka-503 used on Leopard 2), transmission (Allison DDA X-1100-3B for XM1 versus ZF Friedrichshafen LSG 3000 for XK1), and several other components used in the vehicles.
The XK1 retained the XM1's M68E1 105 mm rifled main gun, which would also be domestically produced under license with the designation KM68, as well as a fire control system by Hughes Aircraft Company and the Nd:YAG laser rangefinder. One of the major differences was the addition of tank commander's independent panoramic sights on the XK1, which was missing on XM1, giving the XK1 the capability to utilize the FCS more effectively, notably by engaging in hunter-killer tactics, which the M1 series could not do until the introduction of the M1A2. The tank commander's panoramic sights were not, however, equipped with light amplification or thermal optics, which led to the tank commander having to rely on personal night vision goggles to operate his sights, while the gunner's sights were equipped with a thermal observation device, which meant that the XK1 had superior sensors until the introduction of the M1A2.
XK1 tanks are also equipped with a hybrid suspension system consisting of hydropneumatic system on road wheels 1, 2 and 6, while 3, 4 and 5 are equipped with torsion bars, a feature not present on the XM1, granting the XK1 greater stability and ability to elevate and depress the main gun nearly twice as much as tanks equipped with torsion bars alone (+20 to -9.7 degrees for the XK1 versus +10 to -5 for the XM1).
The development of the vehicle was completed in 1983, with a prototype being delivered to the South Korean government in the same year. As mentioned above, however, the AVCR-1790 used for the design was replaced by MTU MB Ka-501 just prior to mass production, which resulted in the K1's engine deck and exhaust grilles becoming cosmetically similar to the Leopard 2's.
Hyundai Precision, now known as Hyundai Rotem, took responsibility for manufacturing the tanks, and the mass production began in 1985, with deployment lasting from the same year to 1987. The vehicle was not, however, unveiled until 1987 for security purposes. Foreign journalists were invited to the unveiling ceremony, and a massive training exercise using the new tanks took place during the event for publicity.
After the production of approximately 450 K1s, the Gunner's Primary Sights (GPS) designed by Hughes was replaced by the Gunner's Primary Tank Thermal Sights (GPTTS) by Texas Instruments. The new system also replaced the Nd:YAG laser rangefinder used in the Hughes unit with a CO2-based one, which has proven to be safer to the users' eyes, although having less effective range than the former in foul weather.
While the exact composition of the armor has still not been released, it has been confirmed that K1 is equipped with composite Chobham armour. The vehicle is also equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing system. The engine compartment detector is thermocouple wire, and the crew compartment detector is an optical sensor. The extinguishant used is Halon1301, commonly used by western main battle tanks. While the air conditioning system is installed to aid in crew comfort, the vehicle lacks an overpressure system to effectively protect the crew against nuclear, biological, or chemical attacks, requiring the crew to don protective gear while operating in a contaminated environment.
Production remained at approximately 100 units per year at its peak.
On August 6, 2010, during a live firing exercise at Paju, a round exploded in the barrel of a K1's 105mm gun, destroying the gun, but leaving crew uninjured. This was reported to be the latest in a series of such accidents since the K1 entered service.[2


The K1A1 was accepted into Korean service on October 13, 2001, after the first one was produced on April 3, 1996[3] and is an upgraded version of the K1 MBT. The KM68 main gun has been replaced with the KM256 120 mm main gun (a licensed production model of the U.S. M256 which, in turn, is a licensed production model of the Rheinmetall L44) which nearly doubled the penetration power of the original vehicle. In addition, its fire control system, thermal sights, LASER rangefinder, turret and gun stabilization and armor have been improved, giving the vehicle greater survivability and lethality. The improved armor is called 'Korean Special Armour Plate(KSAP)'. The weight of the vehicle has increased along with the upgrade, and has slightly lowered its power-to-weight ratio and speed, the former of which was considered already too low for the rough Korean terrain by some critics.
The KCPS specifications for K1A1 is as follows;
  • Zoom: 3× / 10× (day & night)
  • Vertical scan angle (the amount of angle which the optics can move up and down): +/- 35˚
  • Horizontal scan angle (the amount of angle which the optics can turn): 360˚
  • Gunner's alternate sight zoom: 8×
The carbon dioxide laser rangefinder's specification is as follows;
  • Range: 200 ~ 7,990 m
  • Daytime magnification: 1× / 10×
  • Nighttime magnification: 3× / 10×
The K1A1 can easily be distinguished from the K1 by the shape of the gun, location of the co-axial machinegun, shape of the commander's panoramic sight, and overall angular shape of the turret. (The K1A1 has more curved surfaces than the K1.) The 120 mm smoothbore gun of K1A1 is thicker than the K1's 105 mm rifled gun and has a thicker thermal sleeve a third of the way from the base of the gun. The co-axial machinegun on K1A1 is located at a much higher point compared to the K1. The K1A1 also features a somewhat cone-shaped day/night KGPS compared to day-only sight of the K1, which has a plain, tube-like appearance to it.


The K1 Armored Recovery Vehicle is based on the K1 tank.[1] It has a crane, winch and dozer system built on the vehicle.[4] It was developed with assistance from Krupp Mak Maschinenbau GmbH (now Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH) between 1988 to 1992, with first deployment in 1993.[4]


The K1 Armoured Vehicle-Launched Bridge Vehicle variant uses a scissor-type bridge system mounted on the chassis. It was developed from 1988 to 1992 with help from Vickers Defense Systems.[5]


This is a proposed export variant for Malaysia that never took off. In 1997, Malaysia expressed great interest in obtaining the K1, and the ROK responded by showing them the concept for K1M, which had several features not present in the baseline K1, including a LASER warning system and an air conditioning unit. It was to weigh 49.7 tons, while the total ammunition capacity would have been reduced to 41 rounds. The two nations never reached an agreement. The ROK offered a contract for 210 K1M's, but Malaysia responded that it was too many, and chose to go with Poland's PT-91M in 2003.


K2 Black Panther

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a mockup of K2 Black Panther

K2 Black Panther (Hangul: K2 '흑표', hanja: K2 '黒豹') is a South Korean main battle tank that will replace the M48A5K Patton tanks and complement the K1 series of main battle tanks currently fielded by the Republic of Korea. Full-scale mass-production is currently under way.
The K2 Black Panther features state-of-the-art technology and is certified as the world's most expensive tank by Guinness World Records, costing over US$$8.5 million per unit.[2]


Although the K1 and K1A1 were considered more than adequate to counter opposing North Korean tanks, most of which are obsolete and aging Soviet-era equipment such as the T-34 and the T-54/55, development was started in 1995 to create and field a new main battle tank with heavy emphasis on using domestic technologies. The intent was to further modernize the South Korean military and allow the vehicle to enter the export market without pressure from foreign nations due to licensing issues.
The Agency for Defense Development (Hangul: 국방과학연구소), or ADD, was given the task of developing a modern armored fighting vehicle with state-of-the-art technology. The design was finally deemed production-ready in 2006, following 11 years in development and a research budget expenditure of approximately US$230 million.
Two major designs were under consideration during development: one fitted with a manned turret, and another fitted with an unmanned turret. The latter was scrapped in favour of the former at the early design stage. It was also originally planned for the K2 to field the experimental 140 mm smoothbore gun developed by German arm manufacturer Rheinmetall. This plan failed to materialize following Rheinmetall's decision to stop development due to the lack of foreseeable threats that their latest gun, the 120 mm / L55, could not defeat. The K2's gun was subsequently reconfigured to the L55, along with necessary modifications for ammunition capacity. The vehicle is, however, capable of mounting the 140 mm gun with minimum modifications should the need arise. The gun's autoloader is similar to the French Leclerc.
The Black Panther reached its production phase on March 2, 2007, when the first of the three production models rolled out of the assembly line in Changwon, South Korea. At that time, several media sources speculated that the K2's main gun was a L52 (6.24 m) main gun similar to the one used on the Leclerc. This was incorrect as the K2 uses a L55 (6.6 m) main gun.

[edit] Contractors

The following agencies and companies are known to have participated in the development and manufacturing process of the K2 Black Panther:
  • Agency for Defense Development (Hangul: 국방과학연구소): Main development of the project.
  • Doosan Infracore Corporation (Hangul: 두산인프라코어): Developing and manufacturing the main engine for the vehicle.
  • Doosan Mottrol (Hangul: 두산모트롤): Electric Gun/Turret Drive (EG/TD), oil pressure system, etc.
  • Hanwha (Hangul: 한화): Combustible cartridge cases for main gun ammunitions.
  • Hyundai Rotem (Hangul: 현대로템): Main supplier of the vehicle.
  • LS Mtron (Hangul: LS엠트론): T-156 tracks.
  • Poongsan (Hangul: 풍산): Ammunitions such as the K276 (APFSDS-T), K277 (HEAT-MP-T) and so on.
  • S&T Dynamics (Hangul: S&T대우): Developing and manufacturing the transmission for the vehicle.[3]
  • Samsung Techwin (Hangul: 삼성테크윈): Providing vetronics and other components, including the gas-turbine auxiliary power unit.
  • Samsung Thales (Hangul: 삼성탈레스): Responsible for the vehicle's IFF system, Driver's Thermal Periscope (DTP), Gunner's Primary Sight (KGPS), Commander's Panoramic Sight (KCPS), Fire Control System, etc.
  • World Industries Ace (Hangul: 위아): Manufacturing the armaments of the vehicle, notably the 120 mm / L55 gun.
The South Korean Army operates about 2,300 tanks, many of which will be replaced by the state-of-the-art K2 Black Panther main battle tank and modified K1A1 tank.

Mobility and maneuverability

The Black Panther features a 1,500 horsepower (1,100 kW) 12 cylinder diesel engine (more powerful than the 1,200 horsepower (890 kW) engines of the K1 series of tanks), developed and manufactured by Doosan Infracore Corporation. Transmission was developed and manufactured by S&T Dynamics. The powerpack was not ready for service during early stages of prototype testing, and the MTU-890 was used as a temporary measure until the domestic powerpack could be manufactured. The new engine will be similar to the MTU-890.
The K2 can travel at speeds of up to 70 km/h on road surfaces, and maintain speeds of up to 52 km/h in off-road conditions. It can accelerate from 0 to 32 km/h within 7 seconds. It can also climb 60 degree slopes and vertical obstacles 1.3 meters in height. Due to the relatively compact design of the engine, the designers were able to fit an additional gas-turbine engine, developed by Samsung Techwin, which also provided many of the electronic components for the vehicle, into the remaining compartment space. It is capable of producing 100 horsepower (75 kW), and intended to act as an auxiliary power unit with which the tank may power its onboard systems, even when its main engines are turned off. It will also allow the tank to conserve fuel when idling and reduce the vehicle's overall thermal and acoustic signatures.
The vehicle can cross rivers as deep as 4.1 meters using a snorkel system, which also serves as a conning tower for the tank commander. The system takes approximately 30 minutes to prepare. The turret becomes watertight while fording, but the chassis can take in 440 liters (116 gallons) of water to prevent excessive buoyancy from air inside the vehicle and keep the tracks planted firmly on the ground. This is a considerable improvement over the K1 and K1A1, as those vehicles were only able to cross rivers up to 2.2 meters deep. Furthermore, the tank can enter combat-ready status as soon as it resurfaces.
The Black Panther fields an advanced suspension system, called the In-arm Suspension Unit (ISU). The K1 series currently uses a hybrid package of torsion bars in conjunction with a Hydropneumatic Suspension Unit (HSU). The ISU, which is installed on every bogie on the tracks, allows them to be individually controlled. Thus, the K2 will be able not only to "sit", "stand" and "kneel", but to "lean" towards a side or a corner as well. "Sitting" gives the tank a lower profile and offers better handling over roads. "Standing" gives the vehicle higher ground clearance and allows it to have better maneuverability over rough terrain. "Kneeling" increases the amount of angle that the tank's gun barrel can elevate and depress, which allows the tank to fire its main gun downhill and give it greater ability to engage low-flying aircraft. The new suspension unit also gives the tank an advantage when traveling on uneven terrain as the bogies can be adjusted on-the-fly to lessen vibration, as well as being lighter and simpler to maintain than the HSU.

Offensive capability

The K2's main armament is the L55 120 mm smoothbore gun, developed under license by ADD and manufactured by World Industries Ace Corporation. It also deploys a 12.7 mm K-6 heavy machine gun and a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun. The ammunition for the main gun is loaded in a 16-shell magazine, with a total ammunition capacity of 40.
The autoloader enables the tank to fire up to 15 rounds per minute[citation needed], or one round every four seconds, without being affected by the gun's angle. It has recently been confirmed by GIAT that the K2 autoloader's design is derived from that of GIAT's Leclerc. Despite the similarity of the two autoloaders, many of the components of the two designs are not interchangeable.

[edit] Munitions

The K2's primary anti-tank munition is an indigenously developed and improved tungsten APFSDS kinetic energy penetrator. This new munition offers significantly greater penetration than the current generation of tungsten rounds[citation needed] through better heat treatment of the tungsten alloy[citation needed] and a technique referred to as the "self-sharpening process"[citation needed]. The latter works by making the tungsten core sharpen rather than deform during the penetration of armor. For attacking unhardened targets, the K2 can use a newly designed multi-purpose HEAT chemical energy round, which is similar to the U.S. M830A1 HEAT MP-T, providing good offensive capabilities against personnel, unarmored and lightly armored vehicles on the ground as well as low-flying helicopters.
The KSTAM (Korean Smart Top-Attack Munition) is a top-attack anti-tank munition designed specifically for use with the Black Panther. This projectile is fired in a high trajectory profile comparable to that of a mortar or that of long-range artillery. This is not an anti-tank missile—it does not contain any rocket propellant or motors, and travels through the air solely with the kinetic energy applied to it during the initial propulsion from the main cannon. The KSTAM round does, however, house internal guidance and obstacle-avoidance systems, in the form of a small millimeter band radar, IR and radiometer sensors. Should the need arise, it also has a limited ability to be manually controlled via live data link with the launch vehicle. Upon reaching its designated target area, a parachute deploys, giving the onboard radar system and sensors enough time to seek and acquire stationary or moving targets and fire its explosively formed penetrator from a top-down position, offering excellent anti-tank capabilities due to less protection present at top armor of turrets and hulls of tanks. Due to the fire-and-forget nature of these rounds, the launch vehicle can remain concealed behind cover while firing successive rounds towards the known location of an enemy. It can also provide effective indirect fire support against targets hidden behind obstacles and structures. The minimum range of the munition is 2 km, while the maximum range is 8 km.

[edit] Fire Control System and Optics

The K2 will be equipped with a millimeter band radar system, located at the frontal arc of the turret, along with the traditional laser range-finder and crosswind sensor. This will be complemented by an advanced Fire Control System (FCS), that will allow it to track and engage low-flying aircraft with the main gun quickly and accurately, as well as detect incoming projectiles fired at the tank. The FCS is capable of a "lock-on" mode to maintain acquisition of a specific target, with the system calculating, adjusting and updating the target's information constantly, and allowing the tank to fire while moving without significant loss of accuracy. The lock-on mode can acquire and track its target using thermal optics integrated to the FCS up to 9.8 km away.
Another subtle, but significant, feature of the Black Panther's FCS is a built-in trigger-delay mechanism. Other main battle tanks, including the French Leclerc (the closest counterpart to the Black Panther in terms of electronics, sensors and fire control system) can miss their target while moving[citation needed];, if they open fire at the very moment they hit an uneven terrain feature. The designers foresaw this and compensated by installing a simple mechanism consisting of a tiny laser emitter and receiver linked to the FCS. The laser emitter is installed near the top of the gun barrel, with the receiver being placed at the base. The gun can only be fired when the receiver is precisely aligned with the emitting laser. An example of the mechanism's usage is when the gunner presses the trigger, which is linked directly to the FCS, and the tank comes upon an irregularity on the terrain at the same moment, the laser will find itself off the mark by the sudden shaking and the FCS will delay the round from being fired until the very moment when the laser beam is re-aligned to the receiver again as the barrel shakes up and down repeatedly, where the FCS will automatically fire the gun by itself. This system, combined with an advanced gun stabilizer and fire control system, will significantly improve the tank's ability to hit its target while moving on uneven terrain.
The KGPS (Korean Gunner's Primary Sight) and the KCPS (Korean Commander's Panoramic Sight) are present in the Black Panther as in the original series of K1A1 tanks. The optics system on the Black Panther, however, will be further modified to utilize the advantages of the sensors and armaments offered on the new vehicle.
The commander of the tank has the ability to override the command to take control of the turret and gun from the gunner. Moreover, unconfirmed reports state that, in the event of an emergency, the vehicle can be operated by only two, or even a single, crew member. It is speculated that the FCS can automatically spot and track visible targets, compare them using the data link established with other friendly vehicles to prevent redundant target engagements, and fire its main gun without manual input.

Defensive capability

Details on the composite armor of the Black Panther are unknown. The frontal armor has been proven to be effective at defeating the 120 mm APFSDS round fired from the L55 gun. Explosive Reactive Armor blocks are also present, with the addition of Non-Explosive Reactive Armor planned for the K2 PIP version (See below).
Defense against incoming missiles is currently provided by a soft-kill anti-missile system. The K2 PIP will likely deploy a hard-kill anti-missile defense system when it is released within the next few years.
The vehicle's millimeter band radar system can double as a Missile Approach Warning System (MAWS). The vehicle's computer in turn can triangulate incoming projectiles, immediately warn the vehicle crew and fire off Visual and Infrared Screening Smoke (VIRSS) grenades, which can effectively block optical, infrared and radar signatures. Once the hard-kill AMS is installed, the radar system will also be responsible for tracking and targeting the incoming missiles for the AMS. The K2 also has a Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) and radar jammer. Four all-bearing Laser warning receivers (LWR) are also present to alert the crew should the vehicle become "painted", and the computer can also fire off VIRSS grenades in the direction that the beam is coming from.
An automatic fire-suppression system is programmed to detect and put out any internal fires that may occur, and atmospheric sensors alert the crew if the tank enters a hazardous environment.

Network-centric considerations

The K2 houses the following features which help to improve situational awareness for the crew:
  • C4I (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence) uplink.
  • GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) uplink.
  • IFF/SIF (Identification Friend or Foe/Selective Identification Feature) system compliant with STANAG 4579. Located on the main gun mantlet, just above the gun, the system fires a 38 GHz beam in the direction of the gun for a response from the targeted vehicle. If a proper response signal is shown by the target, the fire control system automatically identifies it as a friendly. If the target fails to respond to the identification signal, it is then declared as a hostile.
  • Battle Management System (Similar to the Inter-Vehicular Information System used in the United States military) allows the vehicle to share its data with friendly units, including other armored vehicles and helicopters.
Work is also under way to integrate the XAV unmanned wheeled reconnaissance vehicle into the Black Panther's systems, giving the tank's crew the ability to remotely scout an area without exposing its position.

K2 product improvement program

The K2 PIP is an improved version of the initial production model of the K2 that will be released within the next few years. Improvements will include:
  • Upgrading the Semi-Active In-arm Suspension Unit to an Active In-arm Suspension Unit
  • Integration of a high-resolution terrain-scanning system to the vehicle's suspension system. This is purported to allow the vehicle to "plan ahead" by scanning nearby terrain up to 50 meters away in all directions and calculate the optimal position of the bogies in order to improve vehicle handling over uneven terrain.
  • Integration of a hard-kill anti-missile system.
  • Addition of Non-Explosive Reactive Armor (NERA).
  • Potentially replacing the 120 mm / L55 gun with an electrothermal-chemical gun, which will significantly increase the vehicle's firepower and potential payload.


After competing against the Leclerc and Leopard 2, the K2 finally established its first export customer in Turkey. In June 2007, South Korea and Turkey successfully negotiated an arms deal contract worth ₩500 billion (approximately US$540 million) licensing the design of the K2, as well as exporting 40(+15) KT-1 trainer planes, to Turkey.[4]
On July 30, 2008, South Korea's Rotem and Turkey's Otokar signed a contract worth $540 million for technological and design assistance, also technology transfer of some of the parts of the K2. The technology is to be incorporated to Turkey's own indigenous future main battle tank, dubbed MİTÜP Altay. As of May, 2009, no design details of the Altay tank have been made public. Despite sharing many subsystems with the K2, such as protective armor and main gun, it is expected to feature a different look and have different performance characteristics.


 Republic of Korea - At least 3 prototypes made. The ROK Army is planning to field at least 390 Black Panthers after full-scale mass-production starts in 2010 or 2011.










Friday, February 11, 2011

Iran Bangun Reaktor Fusi Nuklir

 Republik Islam Iran telah mengembangkan reaktor fusi nuklir dan kini menjadi negara keenam di dunia yang memiliki teknologi fusi. AS, Jepang, Korea Selatan, Australia dan Perancis adalah negara yang mengembangkan teknologi fusi.
Para ilmuan di Badan Energi Atom Iran (AEOI) telah merancang dan membangun sebuah perangkat fusi nuklir yang diberi nama IR-IECF. Demikian dilaporkan IRNA pada hari Kamis. Penelitian dan riset pada reaktor itu dilakukan oleh para ilmuan dari Laboratorium Fisika Plasma dan Fusi Nuklir AEOI.
Perangkat ini menggunakan metode elektrostatik dan dapat menghasilkan isotop dan radioisotop yang digunakan dalam mendiagnosis dan menyembuhkan kanker.
Reaktor fusi nuklir merupakan salah satu sumber energi alternatif masa depan yang menggunakan bahan bakar yang tersedia melimpah, sangat efisien, bersih dari polusi, tidak akan menimbulkan bahaya kebocoran radiasi dan tidak menyebabkan sampah radioaktif yang merisaukan seperti pada reaktor fisi nuklir.
Reaktor-reaktor nuklir yang saat ini dioperasikan untuk menghasilkan energi merupakan reaktor fisi nuklir. Dalam reaktor fisi nuklir, energi diperoleh dari pemecahan satu atom menjadi dua atom. Pecahan hasil reaksi fisi tersebut merupakan sampah radioaktif dengan waktu paruh yang sangat panjang sehingga menimbulkan masalah baru pada lingkungan. (IRIB/RM)


Latihan Cargo Delivery System Skadron Udara 31 di Lanud Suryadarma

9 Februari 2011, Subang -- (Pentak Lanud Sdm): Dalam rangka memelihara kemampuan prajurit bertugas, Skadron Udara 31 Lanud Halim Perdana Kusuma Jakarta, Senin (8/2) selama dua hari mengadakan latihan dropping barang dari udara yang berparasut bernama Cargo Delivery System (CDS) di Landasan Lanud Suryadarma, Subang. CDS merupakan latihan dropping logistik bagi pasukan yang berada di medan depan operasi yang tidak dapat dijangkau melalui jalan darat. Unsur-unsur pendukung latihan meliputi tim Pengendali Tempur (Dalpur) Paskhas dari Batalyon 461 Paskhas, Tim Batalyon Perbekud 5 Ditbekangad TNI AD, Tim Batalyon Angrat TNI AD dan Lanud Suryadarma.

Tim Dalpur Paskhas bertugas memandu dua Pesawat Herkules dari Skadron Udara 31 ketika menerjunkan barang di Landasan Lanud Suryadarma sedangkan Tim Perbekud merupakan pemilik payung udara bertugas mengemas sekaligus membereskannya setelah CDS selesai. Menurut Letda CBA Victor Komandan Peleton dari Tim Yon Perbekud 5, latihan CDS menggunakan delapan payung udara barang berdiameter 8 meter. Masing-masing payung disimulasikan membawa 1 koli barang terdiri dari 4 drum dengan berat 850 kilogram Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) yang sebenarnya berisi air.

Sedangkan Letda Pnb Galuh Yudi, kru Skadron Udara 31 yang ada di landasan Lanud Suryadarma menyatakan pada hari pertama dilakukan penerjunan terhadap 4 koli barang dalam 4 empat round penerbangan menggunakan dua Pesawat Herkules dengan tail number 1318 dan 1321, masing-masing round menerjunkan 1 koli barang. Pada hari kedua terdapat 8 koli barang dengan 4 round penerbangan, masing-masing round menerjunkan 2 koli barang. Selama dua hari pelaksanaan CDS di Lanud Suryadarma berlangsung dengan aman dan lancar.

Sumber: TNI AU

Hovercraft Kartika

11 Februari 2011

Hovercraft Kartika milik TNI AD (all photos : Defense Studies)

Hovercraft adalah suatu kendaraan yang berjalan di atas bantalan udara (air cushion). Bantalan udara tersebut ditimbulkan dengan cara meniupkan udara ke ruang bawah kapal (plenum chamber) melalui skirt (sekat yang lentur) sehingga tekanan udara di dalam plenum chamber lebih tinggi daripada tekanan udara luar sehingga timbul gaya angkat.

Untuk menggerakkan kapal bantalan udara, digunakan gaya dorong yang diperoleh dari baling-baling seperti pada pesawat udara. Gaya angkat kapal ini bekerja pada penampang yang luas, sehingga tekanan terhadap tanah atau air (ground pressure) yang ditimbulkan tidak besar. Dengan demikian, kendaraan ini dapat berjalan di atas lumpur, air maupun daratan dengan membawa beban yang cukup berat. Karena tidak adanya kontak langsung antara hovercraft dan permukaan daratan atau air, maka hambatan yang terjadi kecil sehingga hovercraft dapat melaju dengan kecepatan tinggi.

Saat ini TNI-AD telah mampu menciptakan Hovercraft sendiri, Hovercraft ini merupakan hasil karya Litbang Bekang TNI AD yang bermitra dengan Kabindo dan PT Sri Rejeki Isman, dan diberi nama Hovercraft KARTIKA. bahkan Hovercraft ini pernah dipamerkan di dipelataran display statis depan Hall pameran Indo-Defence 2010, pada hari Rabu (10/11) hingga Sabtu (13/11) tahun 2010 yang lalu.

Berbeda dengan Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC) yang digunakan marinir AS, Kartika menggunakan struktur material sandwich composite pada lambungnya dan open loop dengan Finger Skirt pada bantalan craftnya. Ditenagai oleh 2 buah mesin diesel berkekuatan 330Hp dengan thrust engine 2x502Hp, hovercraft ini ditengarai mampu dipacu hingga kecepatan 20-25 knot (cruising speed) dengan endurance 7 jam. Muatan maksimum yang bisa diangkut hingga 3 ton, sehingga sanggup membawa 1 mobil truck 3/4.

Hovercraft yang diberinama Kartika ini memiliki dimensi panjang 14,2m, lebar 7m dan tinggi 3,1m. Untuk propeller menggunakan variabel pitch control dengan sistem belt transmision, sedangkan daya angkatnya (lifter) dan pengendalinya memakai sistem centrifugal fan yang terhubung dengan hydraulic motor.
Fungsi utamanya untuk mengangkut pembekalan TNI. Tapi Hovercraft ini juga bisa dimanfaatkan untuk misi kemanusian, misalnya menyalurkan bantuan ke daerah-daerah yang sulit dijangkau, Hovercraft Kartika juga mampu menerjang ombak dengan ketinggian 1,2 meter.Hovercraft mampu beroperasi hingga tujuh jam, dengan bahan bakar 1,2 ton Solar, juga masih mampu menerjang ombak di atas ketinggian tersebut.
Mengenai daya angkut Hovercraft Kartika dapat mengangkut beban 5,5 ton. Meski dalam spesifikasinya tertulis 3 ton. Itu juga masih dapat ditambah.
