
Friday, January 14, 2011

Rusia: Iran Tidak Boleh Diancam

Sergey Lavrov
Rusia mengecam ancaman sanksi lebih keras atau penggunaan aksi kekerasan terhadap Iran dan menilainya kontraproduktif. Moskow bersikeras bahwa kebuntuan atas program nuklir Iran hanya dapat diselesaikan melalui cara-cara diplomatik. Hal itu dikemukakan Menteri Luar Negeri Rusia Sergey Lavrov, dalam konferensi persnya di Moskow Kamis (13/1). Ia memperingatkan aksi-aksi nekat terhadap program nuklir sipil Republik Islam Iran. Ia menilai seruan Amerika Serikat untuk meningkatkan tekanan terhadap Tehran dan rencana Israel untuk menyerang akan berdampak "kontraproduktif."
Pada hari Selasa (11/1), Perdana Menteri Israel Benyamin Netanyahu mengusulkan opsi militer terhadap Iran dalam upaya memaksa Tehran menghentikan program nuklirnya.
Di lain pihak, Menteri Luar Negeri AS Hillary Clinton, berusaha untuk menggalang dukungan dari negara-negara tetangga Iran untuk lebih memberlakukan sanksi yang disponsori Washington atas Tehran, saat memulai turnya ke negara-negara Timur Tengah pekan ini.
Pernyataan-pernyataan bombastis dari AS dan Israel itu muncul di saat Delegasi Iran untuk Badan Energi Atom Internasional (IAEA), Ali Asghar Soltanieh Selasa (11/1) menyatakan bahwa sejumlah delegasi yang mewakili "kelompok geografis dan politik anggota IAEA di Wina telah diundang untuk meninjau fasilitas pengayaan uranium Natanz dan reaktor air berat Arak.
Dalam hal ini, Menteri Luar Negeri Rusia, menyambut hangat undangan Iran itu dan menilainya patut diperhatikan.


Provokasi Beirut, Jet Tempur Israel Langgar Zona Udara Lebanon

Menyusul semakin meningkatnya ketegangan politik di Lebanon pasca bubarnya pemerintah persatuan Lebanon setelah pengunduran diri 11 menteri yang dipimpin Hizbullah dan aliansinya, sejumlah pesawat tempur rezim Zionis Israel terbang di atas teritorial Lebanon dan melanggar zona udara negara ini. Menurut laporan Fars News Kamis kemarin (13/1) mengutip situs Lebanon el-Nashra, jet-jet tempur Israel Kanis pagi melakukan aksi mata-mata di kawasan Marjeyoun, Hasbaya, barat Bekaa, Jabal el-Barouk dan Toumat Niha.
Sementara itu pesawat-pesawat pengintai Israel Kamis dinihari juga melakukan terbang di atas kawasan ladang Shebaa selama hampir satu jam.
Berdasarkan laporan resmi Departemen Luar Negeri Lebanon, rezim Zionis Israel tahun lalu telah melakukan penerbangan lebih dari 4 ribu kali di atas wilayah negaranya dan telah melakukan pelanggaran nyata atas resolusi Dewan Keamanan PBB bernomor 1701.
Padahal aksi-aksi pelanggaran Israel itu saat ini justru akan meningkatkan ketegangan di antara kelompok-kelompok politik di Lebanon dan memberikan makna lain pada krisis yang tengah terjadi. (IRIB/SL)


Maret, Iran Luncurkan Satelit Baru

 Pemerintah Iran berencana meluncurkan satelit pengintai akhir Maret mendatang. Satelit buatan lokal ini diklaim lebih irit bahan bakar sehingga dapat bertahan di luar angkasa lebih lama.
Pengumuman itu disampaikan Presiden Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Rabu 12 Januari 2011. Ahmadinejad mengatakan bahwa satelit itu untuk mendukung pertahanan negara tersebut dari luar angkasa.
"Satelit ini akan diluncurkan ke luar angkasa dari landasan peluncuran di Iran dan akan dipantau oleh stasiun pengendali Iran," ujar Ahmadinejad yang dikutip kantor berita Fars dan laman stasiun televisi CNN.
Pada Desember 2010, Menteri Pertahanan Ahmad Vahidi mengatakan bahwa satelit Fajr ini bertenaga surya dan digunakan sebagai sarana pengintai dari luar angkasa.
"Satelit ini berbeda dari satelit sebelumnya. Satelit ini memiliki sistem bahan bakar yang lebih baik dan dapat bertahan di luar angkasa lebih lama," ujar Vahidi dilansir dari kantor berita IRNA.
Sebelum peluncuran satelit Fajr, Vahidi mengatakan Iran juga akan meluncurkan satelit Rasad I pada peringatan ke-32 revolusi Islam 1972 yang jatuh pada tanggal 11 Februari 2011. Satelit Rasad I ini merupakan satelit komunikasi yang akan berada di bawah pengawasan Kementerian Komunikasi Iran.
Sebelumnya pada 2009, Iran juga telah meluncurkan satelit buatan dalam negeri pertamanya keluar angkasa. Satelit bernama Omid atau harapan ini sukses memutari orbit bumi sebanyak 700 kali selama tujuh minggu tanpa kendala apapun. Satelit ini kembali ke bumi pada April tahun lalu.
Ahmadinejad mengatakan pada Oktober 2010 lalu bahwa Departemen Luar Angkasa Iran (ISA) akan mengirimkan astronotnya ke luar angkasa dalam waktu 10 tahun. Hal ini oleh ISA dianggap tidak mustahil.
"Berdasarkan perintah presiden dan studi pendahuluan yang telah dilakukan, mengirimkan astronot Iran ke luar angkasa akan dapat terwujud dalam waktu sepuluh tahun," ujar Mohammad Mardani, juru bicara ISA.(IRIB/vivanews)


Gates: No Doubt President Hu Controls Chinese Military

Gates: No Doubt President Hu Controls Chinese Military

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates says he has no doubt that Chinese President Hu Jintao is in charge of the military, despite what he calls a “disconnect” between China's military and civilian leadership.
Speaking to students in Tokyo Friday, Gates said there are clear indications Chinese leaders were unaware that the military tested a new combat jet this week able to avoid radar detection. But he said Chinese President Hu Jintao is in command of his country's military.
Gates described China's military modernization program as “opaque” and a concern to its neighbors.
He said this is precisely the reason the United States needs a heathy dialogue with Beijing.
Gates earlier met with Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan.
He did not call on the Japanese to take a bigger military role in the region — which would violate their constitution.
But he said Washington and Tokyo should review their “force posture” to respond to increased Chinese aggression and possible threats from North Korea.
Gates is expected to arrive in Seoul later Friday for meetings with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak and other senior officials.
Gates' Asian trip comes as Chinese President Hu plans a state visit to the United States next week and talks with President Barack Obama.


F-35 looking more like white elephant

F-35 looking more like white elephant

The F-35 fighter jet, set to replace a large part of the US warplane fleet, has become the most expensive weapons program ever, drawing increased scrutiny at a time of tight public finances.
Following a series of cost overruns and delays, the program is now expected to cost a whopping 382 billion dollars, for 2,443 aircraft.
The so-called 5th generation fighter was built with features designed to help avoid enemy radar and ensure American supremacy in the skies for decades.
But there is now the potential for competition from China, which this week unveiled its first radar-evading combat aircraft and fueled a sense of a military rivalry between the two powers.
At home, the Lockheed Martin F-35 is getting increased criticism even from some at the Pentagon.
Defense officials say the original cost estimates have now doubled to make each plane's price tag reach some 92 million dollars.
At the same time, the contract awarded in 2001 had been planned to last 10 years, but has been extended to 2016 because of testing and design issues.
Lockheed Martin, which is working with Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems, is developing three versions of the aircraft, which are being designed for ground attack as well as reconnaissance missions.
The F-35A is designed to replace the F-16 and A-10 of the US Air Force, while the F-35C is designed for deployment on aircraft carriers to supplant to F-18, and the F-35B would have a vertical takeoff capacity and replace Harrier aircraft.
US Defense Secretary Robert Gates has warned the cost overruns cannot continue and expressed particular concern over the short take-off and vertical landing variant.
"The culture of endless money that has taken hold must be replaced by a culture of restraint," he said recently.
For the short-takeoff version, Gates has ordered "the equivalent of a two-year probation," adding that "if we cannot fix this variant during this time frame and get it back on track in terms of performance, cost and schedule, then I believe it should be canceled."
As part of a cost-saving drive, the Pentagon chief has decided to delay the purchase of 124 of the 449 units of this version until 2016.
Another bone of contention is a second engine being developed for the fighter by General Electric and Rolls Royce in case the Pratt & Whitney engine is not up to par. Gates contends this second engine is "unneeded."
Private analysts say the whole F-35 program is becoming a money pit.
"The incredibly unfortunate phrase 'too big to fail' applies to this aircraft more than any other defense program," said Richard Aboulafia, an aerospace industry analyst with the Teal Group.
"It's difficult to think of a civil or military program in the past decade that hasn't experienced similar delays and cost overruns."
Still, it may be hard to make many changes to the F-35 program because Britain and seven other countries have been closely involved in its development.
The United States is covering 90 percent of the cost of the development but has participation from Britain, Italy, Turkey, the Netherlands, Canada, Denmark, Norway and Australia.
Other nations, including Israel and Singapore, have signed contracts to buy the plane.
"The US wants a globalized JSF program for a combination of strategic and economic reasons," said Aboulafia.
"It greatly simplifies logistics, training and doctrine for coalition warfighting. Dominating the military aerospace export business is certainly a strong draw, too. It's as much an industrial policy as a fighter."


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II: Making Progress

Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II: Making Progress

NAVAL AIR STATION PATUXENT RIVER: The Marine Corps performed a significant maneuver today with the Corps’ short take-off and vertical landing variant of the Joint Strike Fighter, the STOVL F-35B Lightning II.
The BF-2, a test version of the fighter jet, accomplished its first vertical landing and conversion back to normal flight. This is an important step for the fighter that the Corps has scheduled to replace three other types of combat aircraft in its aging fleet: the EA-6B Prowler, AV-8B Harrier and F-18 Hornet.
The commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James F. Amos has communicated that the Corps will track the progress of the new aircraft to ensure engineering and test points are accomplished over the next two years.
Despite some recent concerns over performance, cost and schedule, the Marine Corps contends that it is dedicated to the success of this program – and being able to operate and land virtually anywhere in the world while supporting the continuous tactical air missions the Corps demands.
The STOVL JSF will carry more ordnance with greater range than the F/A-18 Hornet, operate from austere expeditionary environments like the AV-8B Harrier, and ultimately possess electronic warfare technology similar to the EA-6B Prowler.
The Marine Corps anticipates reaching initial operational capability for the JSF F-35B in 2012-2013. This first proven capability step will include the a training squadron of 15 aircraft in VMFAT-501 at Eglin AFB, an operational test and evaluation detachment of 4 aircraft at Edwards AFB, and VMFA-332, the Corps’ first operational squadron of 10 aircraft, at MCAS Yuma.
The VMFA-332 aircraft will be equipped, manned and trained to execute Marine missions and deploy ashore or afloat from U.S. Navy amphibious assault (L-Class) ships.


Mengasah Naluri Tempur

13 Januari 2011, Surabaya -- (Penarmatim): Tim Ship Boarding Party dan Close Quarters Batle (CQB) dari Satuan Kapal Patroli Koarmatim (Satrol Koarmatim) terus mengasah kemampuan, persiapan menghadapi even bergengsi Lomba Ship Boarding Party dan CQB yang akan dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 28 – 30 Januari 2011 bertempat Koarmatim, Ujung, Surabaya.

Satrol Koarmatim akan menerjunkan 4 tim Boarding Party dan CQB-nya. Tim handalan tersebut kini terus menempa diri, meningkatkan kemampuan fisik maupun mentalnya. Persipan matang sangat diperlukan, mengingat lomba Ship Boarding Party dan CQB ini cukup menantang. Ajang unjuk kemampuan yang memperebutkan Piala Pangarmatim tersebut merupakan lomba yang membutuhkan kemampuan mental dan fisik yang prima, terlatih serta professional.

Disamping berlatih fisik, hari ini Tim Satrol juga melaksanakan latihan menembak dengan menggunakan senjata jenis SAVZ Kaliber 7,62 mm buatan Cina. Senjata yang mirip dengan senjata AK 47 serbu ini, akan menjadi andalan Tim Ship Boarding Party dan CQB Satrol Koarmatim. Mereka berharap dapat meraih tempat terhormat melalui penilaian menembak gaya bebas dalam jarak 100 meter dengan 5 butir peluru. Kegiatan ini juga merupakan salah satu cara untuk tetap menjaga dan memelihara serta meningkatkan naluri tempur prajurit. Kegiatan lomba bergengsi ini juga diharapkan mampu mendongkrak semangat prajurit untuk terus berlatih guna mencapai pofesionalime prajurit.

Sumber: Dipenarmatim