Malaysia akan Membangun Enam Littoral Combatant Ship Dalam Sepuluh Tahun ke Depan
31 Agustus 2010
Littoral Combatant Ship yang diajukan oleh Boustead Naval Shipyard (photo : KLS Review)
Kuala Lumpur, KLS: Pemerintah Malaysia baru-baru ini mengumumkan bahwa enam kapal Littoral Combatant Ship mulai dibangun pada tahun 2011.
Ketika Departemen Pertahanan menjawab pertanyaan parlemen yang diajukan oleh Senator Tunku Abdul Aziz pada bulan Juli, ia mengatakan bahwa batch kedua dari proyek Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) tercantum di bawah Rencana Malaysia Kesepuluh.
"MINDEF rencananya akan membangun enam kapal tersebut di Boustead Naval Shipyard (BNS) sedangkan periode pembangunannya akan diperpanjang hingga Rencana Malaysia Kesebelas. Kapal baru ini akan memiliki kemampuan melawan ancaman perang tiga dimensi."
Pengumuman ini telah menegaskan bahwa BNS akan tetap sebagai konstruktor utama untuk proyek OPV tersisa.

Beberapa alternatif rancangan NGPV batch kedua yang pernah dipamerkan (photo dari atas : KLSReview, KLSReview, Malaysia Defence, Chan Jun)
Batch pertama OPV disebut sebagai Next Generation Patrol Vessel sedangkan batch kedua diganti dengan Littoral Combatant Ship. Pembangunan batch pertama akan selesai pada tahun ini dan kapal terakhir akan diserahkan pada bulan Agustus 2010.
Galangan kapal dari Jerman dan Turki telah menyampaikan penawaran mereka kepada MINDEF dan Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Malaysia pada saat LIMA 2009 untuk dapat dipertimbangkan. Namun, belum ada keputusan akhir yang dibuat.
Selain itu, kata MINDEF menurut MoU tahun 1995 yang ditandatangani antara pemerintah dan PSC-ND (sekarang diganti nama dengan BNS), pada awalnya ditetapkan untuk membangun 27 OPV untuk Angkatan Laut.
"Perumusan jumlah 27 OPV didasarkan pada faktor untuk menggantikan kapal patrol mereka yang telah diserahkan kepada MMEA (Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency) dan usia Fast Attack Crafts yang akan mencapai 45 tahun hingga tahun 2015," kata MINDEF dalam jawaban ke parlemen.
MINDEF mengatakan rencana pengadaan 27 OPV masih relevan untuk saat ini, tetapi pembangunannya akan mempertimbangkan kemampuan keuangan pemerintah melalui jangka waktu lima tahunan dalam Rencana Malaysia.
(KLS Review)

Kuala Lumpur, KLS: Pemerintah Malaysia baru-baru ini mengumumkan bahwa enam kapal Littoral Combatant Ship mulai dibangun pada tahun 2011.
Ketika Departemen Pertahanan menjawab pertanyaan parlemen yang diajukan oleh Senator Tunku Abdul Aziz pada bulan Juli, ia mengatakan bahwa batch kedua dari proyek Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) tercantum di bawah Rencana Malaysia Kesepuluh.
"MINDEF rencananya akan membangun enam kapal tersebut di Boustead Naval Shipyard (BNS) sedangkan periode pembangunannya akan diperpanjang hingga Rencana Malaysia Kesebelas. Kapal baru ini akan memiliki kemampuan melawan ancaman perang tiga dimensi."
Pengumuman ini telah menegaskan bahwa BNS akan tetap sebagai konstruktor utama untuk proyek OPV tersisa.

Batch pertama OPV disebut sebagai Next Generation Patrol Vessel sedangkan batch kedua diganti dengan Littoral Combatant Ship. Pembangunan batch pertama akan selesai pada tahun ini dan kapal terakhir akan diserahkan pada bulan Agustus 2010.
Galangan kapal dari Jerman dan Turki telah menyampaikan penawaran mereka kepada MINDEF dan Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Malaysia pada saat LIMA 2009 untuk dapat dipertimbangkan. Namun, belum ada keputusan akhir yang dibuat.
Selain itu, kata MINDEF menurut MoU tahun 1995 yang ditandatangani antara pemerintah dan PSC-ND (sekarang diganti nama dengan BNS), pada awalnya ditetapkan untuk membangun 27 OPV untuk Angkatan Laut.
"Perumusan jumlah 27 OPV didasarkan pada faktor untuk menggantikan kapal patrol mereka yang telah diserahkan kepada MMEA (Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency) dan usia Fast Attack Crafts yang akan mencapai 45 tahun hingga tahun 2015," kata MINDEF dalam jawaban ke parlemen.
MINDEF mengatakan rencana pengadaan 27 OPV masih relevan untuk saat ini, tetapi pembangunannya akan mempertimbangkan kemampuan keuangan pemerintah melalui jangka waktu lima tahunan dalam Rencana Malaysia.
(KLS Review)
29 Agustus 2010
Anti-Terrorism Academy Proposed for Langkawi
29 Agustus 2010
SF troopers fast-roping from a Nuri helicopter (photo : Malaysian Defence)
LANGKAWI : An academy will be set up on the island to fight terrorism and other global crimes, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein.
He said the ministry had agreed to use the spacious 202ha Langkawi International Shooting Range here as the centre for the proposed academy.
"The shooting range will be used as a training ground, a research center and to host meeting by enforcement and intelligence agencies from around the world.
"The Ministry is currently finetuning the proposal, which will be presented to the Cabinet soon", he told reporters after chairing a meeting with department leaders and heads of agencies and the police here yesterday.
He said the academy would focus on applying the latest techniques to fight terrorism, human trafficking, drug smuggling, money laundering, cyber crime, biological warfare and the use of explosives.
"The academy will also study new crime trends and identify criminal types" he said that the ministry would seek foreign assistance to set up the academy.
The academy which will also have facilities for sports, recreation, administration and simulation exercises, will be managed by a chairman and a board of directors.
(The Star)

LANGKAWI : An academy will be set up on the island to fight terrorism and other global crimes, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein.
He said the ministry had agreed to use the spacious 202ha Langkawi International Shooting Range here as the centre for the proposed academy.
"The shooting range will be used as a training ground, a research center and to host meeting by enforcement and intelligence agencies from around the world.
"The Ministry is currently finetuning the proposal, which will be presented to the Cabinet soon", he told reporters after chairing a meeting with department leaders and heads of agencies and the police here yesterday.
He said the academy would focus on applying the latest techniques to fight terrorism, human trafficking, drug smuggling, money laundering, cyber crime, biological warfare and the use of explosives.
"The academy will also study new crime trends and identify criminal types" he said that the ministry would seek foreign assistance to set up the academy.
The academy which will also have facilities for sports, recreation, administration and simulation exercises, will be managed by a chairman and a board of directors.
(The Star)
14 Agustus 2010
First Macchi MB339A at RMAF Museum
14 Agustus 2010

SHAH ALAM : The first of the last remaining batch of the Aermacchi MB-339As was put on display at the RMAF Museum at the Sg Besi Airbase last week. The plane serial number M34-12 is pictured here courtesy of NST journalist Sager Ahmad, who has a long history working with the museum.
Sager reported that the aircraft was transported to the museum on a low-loader with the wing taken out. The appearance of the M34-12 I believed marked the retirement of the As following the delivery of the 8 MB339CM last year. However there is no official confirmation from the RMAF just yet. But since the engines of the As had been taken out to be refurbished before they were fitted on the CMs, the argument is purely academic of course.
Only in Malaysia, so claimed DHEagle to me. He said such thing has never happen anywhere else. No other airforce he claimed would put an old engine into a new plane! How did this thing happened one may asked?
Well the short answer, based on conversations I had with DHEagle and confirmed by other sources, the RMAF had been planning to replace the As since 2000. But due to long negotiations plus an added requirement from the Ministry of Transport – extra landing rights to Malaysia Airlines for Rome – the deal was finally struck in 2006. However, by that time the allocation to purchase the new CMs had been fixed at around RM600 million. That means RMAF can only purchase 4 new CMs with new engines and eight, if they used the old engines from the As. We all know what happened next.
I was told that RMAF did not pursue the option of refurbishing the As into the CM version as it was expensive as buying new airframes. I am told that the As were retired prematurely as the airframes and engines had still half of their service lives when the deal to purchase the CMs was finalised, which was a pity of course…
The LOI for the 8 CMs was signed at DSA2006 while the contract was signed a few months later. The deal to refurbished the engines of the As (Viper Mk623.43) for the CMs was signed at Lima 2007. All of us (reporters) , including myself, missed out on that small print as we were always looking for bigger, newer things at such functions. Oh well, at least the museum got a new toy for display….
13 Agustus 2010
Boustead DCNS Secures Contract To Service Scorpene Submarines
13 Agustus 2010

KUALA LUMPUR, (Bernama) -- Boustead Holdings Bhd announced on Friday that its subsidiary Boustead DCNS Naval Corporation Sdn Bhd has secured a contract to provide in service support for the two Royal Malaysian Navy's Prime Minister Class Scorpene submarines.
The contract worth 193 million euro (one euro=RM4.07) and RM532 million and is effective for a period ending Nov 30, 2015, the company said in a filing to Bursa Malaysia.
Boustead Holdings said the contract included a full submarine integrated logistics support package which consisted of a comprehensive spare parts package as well as the outfitting of workshop equipment, respective yard facilities and equipment, submarine safety conditioning facilities and their corresponding upkeep and maintenance.
The contract also covered tugboat services and the operation and maintenance of the shiplift, transfer system and submarine "umbilical services", it added.
07 Agustus 2010
Malaysia's First Sub Makes Debut In Naval Exercise
07 Agustus 2010

KD Sri Indera Sakti, KD Lekiu, KD Lekir, KD Mahamiru, KD Ledang, KD Sri Gaya, KD Perak, KD Terengganu, KD Pahang, and KD Kedah also join in this naval exercise (photo : azwin yuza)
KOTA KINABALU, -- Malaysia's first submarine, the KD Tunku Abdul Rahman made its debut in an integrated Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) exercise in the South China Sea, which ended Friday.
The exercise among others involved 10 RMN warships besides Super Lynx and Fennec helicopters, RMN said in a statement here.

"Now that we have our own submarines, RMN no longer needs to depend on the submarines of other navies to conduct sub-hunting manoeuvres.
"Also involved in the exercise were naval commandos, divers, an air defence team, two Hawk fighters, a Beechcraft maritime aircraft and Nuri helicopters from the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF). Overall it involved over 1,000 RMN and RMAF personnel," said RMN.

RMN added that such integrated exercises were normally conducted three times a year but had been reduced to just once this year to save costs.
30 Juli 2010
Sights on Howitzer Sale
30 Juli 2010
Nexter Caesar (photo : norev)
PETALING JAYA: Foreign arms manufacturers are eyeing a possible tender to supply the Malaysian army with up to 18 self-propelled howitzers (SPH). An SPH, or artillery, is mounted on a tracked or wheeled motor vehicle. An armoured tracked SPH usually resembles a tank.
The Malay Mail was informed by defence industry sources that at least four manufacturers were eyeing the programme which is expected to be funded under the 10th Malaysia Plan.
The SPH programme was included in the two previous Malaysian plans but procurement was never finalised due to budget cuts and other priorities. However, there has been no official word from the Defence Ministry or the army on the matter.
BAe-Bofors Archer (photo : bofors)
The lack of official announcement has not stopped manufacturers from promoting their products, leading to speculation that a tender will be called soon.
At the recent Eurosatory land defence exhibition in Paris, a Malaysian army delegation was extensively briefed by exhibitors displaying their SPHs.
Our army, which operates up to 30 G5 and FH-70 towed 155mm howitzers, purchased some 30 years ago, reportedly hoped to procure 18 SPHs to form a single battalion for its armoured brigade.
Among the four interested manufacturers reportedly eyeing the SPH tender were Sweden's Bae Systems Bofors Archer, France's Nexter Caesar, Germany's KMW PzH 2000 and South Korea's Samsung Techwin K9 Thunder.
Both the Archer and Caesar are truck-mounted SPHs while the German and Korean contenders are tracked vehicles.
K-9 Thunder (photo : military today)
In recent years, the trend for SPHs has progressed towards truck-mounted vehicles as exemplified by Archer and Caesar as they are considered more mobile than their tracked counterparts. Being truck-mounted, these vehicles also offer lower maintenance and life-cycle costs, and an extended service life.
The Archer has a combat weight of 30 tonnes while the Caesar has a relatively lower weight of 17 tonnes. The PzH 2000 combat weight is 53 tonnes while the Korean entry comes in at 49 tonnes.
Although both the Archer and Caesar may suit the Malaysian army requirements better compared with tracked vehicles, they reportedly cost US$10 million (RM32 million) and US$5 million each, respectively, mostly due to the limited number of units.
Only 48 Archers have been procured so far, all of which were ordered by the Swedish and Norwegian armies, while up to 200 units of the Caesar have been ordered by the French, Thai and Saudi armies.
PzH 2000 (photo : military pictures)
The PzH 2000 reportedly costs US$4.5 million each although the ones being offered to Malaysia are completed vehicles which were used by the Dutch army may have brought down the price.
The Thunder is probably the cheapest contender with a reported per unit cost of US$3 million although it also comes with supply vehicles designated K10 Armoured Resupply Vehicle (ARV). The ARV, which uses the same chassis, is responsible for re-arming the K9.
South Korean SPH battalions with 18 Thunder also operate 18 K10s. Some 550 K9 Thunder have been procured by the South Korean and Turkish armies. Turkey locally manufactures the Thunder under the designation T-155 Firtina.
Denel G6-52 (photo : military today)
Apart from those four manufacturers, Denel of South Africa is also expected to enter the fray when the tender is offered. The South African firm is expected to offer its G6-52 wheel chassis SPH. The G6 reportedly costs around US$4 million per unit.

PETALING JAYA: Foreign arms manufacturers are eyeing a possible tender to supply the Malaysian army with up to 18 self-propelled howitzers (SPH). An SPH, or artillery, is mounted on a tracked or wheeled motor vehicle. An armoured tracked SPH usually resembles a tank.
The Malay Mail was informed by defence industry sources that at least four manufacturers were eyeing the programme which is expected to be funded under the 10th Malaysia Plan.
The SPH programme was included in the two previous Malaysian plans but procurement was never finalised due to budget cuts and other priorities. However, there has been no official word from the Defence Ministry or the army on the matter.

The lack of official announcement has not stopped manufacturers from promoting their products, leading to speculation that a tender will be called soon.
At the recent Eurosatory land defence exhibition in Paris, a Malaysian army delegation was extensively briefed by exhibitors displaying their SPHs.
Our army, which operates up to 30 G5 and FH-70 towed 155mm howitzers, purchased some 30 years ago, reportedly hoped to procure 18 SPHs to form a single battalion for its armoured brigade.
Among the four interested manufacturers reportedly eyeing the SPH tender were Sweden's Bae Systems Bofors Archer, France's Nexter Caesar, Germany's KMW PzH 2000 and South Korea's Samsung Techwin K9 Thunder.
Both the Archer and Caesar are truck-mounted SPHs while the German and Korean contenders are tracked vehicles.

In recent years, the trend for SPHs has progressed towards truck-mounted vehicles as exemplified by Archer and Caesar as they are considered more mobile than their tracked counterparts. Being truck-mounted, these vehicles also offer lower maintenance and life-cycle costs, and an extended service life.
The Archer has a combat weight of 30 tonnes while the Caesar has a relatively lower weight of 17 tonnes. The PzH 2000 combat weight is 53 tonnes while the Korean entry comes in at 49 tonnes.
Although both the Archer and Caesar may suit the Malaysian army requirements better compared with tracked vehicles, they reportedly cost US$10 million (RM32 million) and US$5 million each, respectively, mostly due to the limited number of units.
Only 48 Archers have been procured so far, all of which were ordered by the Swedish and Norwegian armies, while up to 200 units of the Caesar have been ordered by the French, Thai and Saudi armies.

The PzH 2000 reportedly costs US$4.5 million each although the ones being offered to Malaysia are completed vehicles which were used by the Dutch army may have brought down the price.
The Thunder is probably the cheapest contender with a reported per unit cost of US$3 million although it also comes with supply vehicles designated K10 Armoured Resupply Vehicle (ARV). The ARV, which uses the same chassis, is responsible for re-arming the K9.
South Korean SPH battalions with 18 Thunder also operate 18 K10s. Some 550 K9 Thunder have been procured by the South Korean and Turkish armies. Turkey locally manufactures the Thunder under the designation T-155 Firtina.

Apart from those four manufacturers, Denel of South Africa is also expected to enter the fray when the tender is offered. The South African firm is expected to offer its G6-52 wheel chassis SPH. The G6 reportedly costs around US$4 million per unit.
27 Juli 2010
Tembakan Misil KD Tunku Abdul Rahman Tepati Sasaran
27 Juli 2010
Misil bawah permukaan ke permukaan Exocet SM-39 (photos : standupper)
KUALA LUMPUR - Kapal selam pertama negara, KD Tunku Abdul Rahman hari ini berjaya melancarkan penembakan misil bawah permukaan ke permukaan, Exocet SM39 blok dua yang berjaya memusnahkan sasaran permukaan (STB) berukuran 40 meter.
Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Jeneral Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar berkata, pelancaran tepat pukul 10.15 pagi tadi di kawasan Laut China Selatan membuktikan keupayaan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) dan kapal selam negara menjalankan sebarang misi jika diperlukan.
"Misil yang dilancarkan tepat ke sasaran berukuran 40 meter pada kedudukan 40 kilometer (22 batu nautika) dari kedudukan kapal selam.
"Ia dilancarkan ketika KD Tunku Abdul Rahman berada pada kedalaman 55 meter iaitu paras di mana ia sukar dikesan oleh sistem penderia bawah air mana-mana kapal permukaan," katanya dalam kenyataan di sini hari ini.
Misil Exocet SM39 blok dua merupakan aset negara yang diperolehi dari Perancis pada pertengahan 2008. Peluru berpandu sepanjang enam meter dan berdiameter 35 sentimeter itu seberat 2,100 kilogram.
Abdul Aziz menambah, penembakan itu merupakan sebahagian daripada aktiviti kontrak ujian tropika.

"Ia juga bertujuan mengesahkan keberkesanan misil Exocet SM39 blok dua dan sistem persenjataan KD Tunku Abdul Rahman atau lebih dikenali sebagai SUBTICS KD TAR di kawasan laut beriklim tropika," ujarnya.
Beliau turut memberitahu, sebanyak 10 unit yang terlibat dalam penembakan tersebut akan turut menyertai latihan gabungan TLDM iaitu Eksesais Operasi Laut (Ostex) dan Latihan Integrasi Armada Kapal Selam (Subfit) yang berlangsung selama seminggu bermula Khamis ini di kawasan Gugusan Semarang Peninjau, Laut China Selatan.

KUALA LUMPUR - Kapal selam pertama negara, KD Tunku Abdul Rahman hari ini berjaya melancarkan penembakan misil bawah permukaan ke permukaan, Exocet SM39 blok dua yang berjaya memusnahkan sasaran permukaan (STB) berukuran 40 meter.
Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Jeneral Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar berkata, pelancaran tepat pukul 10.15 pagi tadi di kawasan Laut China Selatan membuktikan keupayaan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) dan kapal selam negara menjalankan sebarang misi jika diperlukan.

"Misil yang dilancarkan tepat ke sasaran berukuran 40 meter pada kedudukan 40 kilometer (22 batu nautika) dari kedudukan kapal selam.
"Ia dilancarkan ketika KD Tunku Abdul Rahman berada pada kedalaman 55 meter iaitu paras di mana ia sukar dikesan oleh sistem penderia bawah air mana-mana kapal permukaan," katanya dalam kenyataan di sini hari ini.

Misil Exocet SM39 blok dua merupakan aset negara yang diperolehi dari Perancis pada pertengahan 2008. Peluru berpandu sepanjang enam meter dan berdiameter 35 sentimeter itu seberat 2,100 kilogram.
Abdul Aziz menambah, penembakan itu merupakan sebahagian daripada aktiviti kontrak ujian tropika.

"Ia juga bertujuan mengesahkan keberkesanan misil Exocet SM39 blok dua dan sistem persenjataan KD Tunku Abdul Rahman atau lebih dikenali sebagai SUBTICS KD TAR di kawasan laut beriklim tropika," ujarnya.
Beliau turut memberitahu, sebanyak 10 unit yang terlibat dalam penembakan tersebut akan turut menyertai latihan gabungan TLDM iaitu Eksesais Operasi Laut (Ostex) dan Latihan Integrasi Armada Kapal Selam (Subfit) yang berlangsung selama seminggu bermula Khamis ini di kawasan Gugusan Semarang Peninjau, Laut China Selatan.
26 Juli 2010
Blenheim Signed Up for $5bn Malaysian Defence Offset Deal
26 Juli 2010

Some of Blenheims first customers are likely to be defence firms such as EADS, which has sold A400M transport planes to Malaysia. (photo: AFP)
Blenheim Capital Partners has been hired by the Malaysian government to finance and develop a $5bn ($3.3bn) defence and technology centre to offset hundreds of millions of dollars owed to the country from defence deals.
The outstanding defence offset obligations to Malaysia already mount up to $200m, and with the country planning to spend between $5bn and $7bn updating planes, ships and armoured vehicles over five years from 2011, there will be many more.
Malaysia currently asks for offsets of at least 50pc of the value of a defence contract, according to Grant Rogan, chief executive of Blenheim.
Grant Rogan, the chief executive of Blenheim, says there are around $100bn of outstanding offset obligations around the world, and another $150bn could be created in the next five years alone. US and European defence companies are chasing exports as growth slows at home.
London-based Blenheim, which was set up as joint venture with Barclays Capital in 1996 before a management buyout last year, will work with a local partner to raise long-term loans to build the Malaysia Defence and Security Technology Park and find companies to set up there.
Some of the first customers are likely to be firms which have sold expensive military kit to Malaysia in the past, and those that plan to do so in the future.
Those include EADS, which has sold A400M transport planes to Malaysia, Thales, AgustaWestland and the Russian fighter plane builder Sukhoi.
Malaysian officials view the technology park as a way of developing the country as a defence and security manufacturing hub for the south-east Asian region.
Blenheim has previously set up projects which dispensed of $12bn of obligations for defence companies offset projects in the Kuwait, in the form of an aircraft leasing business, and a five-star beach resort in Saudi Arabia, among others.
23 Juli 2010
Kementerian Pertahanan Sahkan Pembelian Radar Pasif Tercanggih
23 Juli 2010
VERA-E passive radar system (image : ERA)
KUALA LUMPUR - Kementerian Pertahanan hari ini mengesahkan pembelian dua unit radar pasif tercanggih yang pernah dicipta sehingga kini iaitu Vera-E, dari Republik Czech bernilai RM72.5 juta.
Timbalan Menterinya, Datuk Dr. Abdul Latiff Ahmad berkata, pembelian itu yang sebelum ini diklasifikasikan sebagai sulit bertujuan memenuhi keperluan pengawasan ruang udara negara secara berlapis.
"Hasil daripada pembelian ini kita memperoleh pemindahan teknologi dalam sistem peperangan elektronik," katanya dalam ucapan penangguhan perbahasan Rancangan Malaysia Kesepuluh (RMK-10) bagi Kementerian Pertahanan di Dewan Negara hari ini.
Malaysia membeli 2 Vera-E (photo : militaryphotos)
Berbanding radar konvensional yang kedudukannya mampu dikesan oleh peralatan elektronik pesawat musuh, Vera-E mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengawasi ruang udara secara pasif (tanpa dapat dikesan kembali oleh musuh) secara 360 darjah dan sejauh 450 kilometer.Kelebihan dan kecanggihan itu membolehkan mana-mana negara yang mengoperasikannya membuat persediaan awal untuk mempertahan dan menembak jatuh pesawat penceroboh tanpa disedari oleh pihak musuh.
Ekoran itu, Amerika Syarikat telah melarang Republik Czech daripada menjual radar itu kepada negara yang dianggap bukan sekutu yang boleh menjadi ancaman kepadanya termasuk Pakistan, China dan beberapa negara Asia Barat.

KUALA LUMPUR - Kementerian Pertahanan hari ini mengesahkan pembelian dua unit radar pasif tercanggih yang pernah dicipta sehingga kini iaitu Vera-E, dari Republik Czech bernilai RM72.5 juta.
Timbalan Menterinya, Datuk Dr. Abdul Latiff Ahmad berkata, pembelian itu yang sebelum ini diklasifikasikan sebagai sulit bertujuan memenuhi keperluan pengawasan ruang udara negara secara berlapis.
"Hasil daripada pembelian ini kita memperoleh pemindahan teknologi dalam sistem peperangan elektronik," katanya dalam ucapan penangguhan perbahasan Rancangan Malaysia Kesepuluh (RMK-10) bagi Kementerian Pertahanan di Dewan Negara hari ini.

Berbanding radar konvensional yang kedudukannya mampu dikesan oleh peralatan elektronik pesawat musuh, Vera-E mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengawasi ruang udara secara pasif (tanpa dapat dikesan kembali oleh musuh) secara 360 darjah dan sejauh 450 kilometer.Kelebihan dan kecanggihan itu membolehkan mana-mana negara yang mengoperasikannya membuat persediaan awal untuk mempertahan dan menembak jatuh pesawat penceroboh tanpa disedari oleh pihak musuh.
Ekoran itu, Amerika Syarikat telah melarang Republik Czech daripada menjual radar itu kepada negara yang dianggap bukan sekutu yang boleh menjadi ancaman kepadanya termasuk Pakistan, China dan beberapa negara Asia Barat.
21 Juli 2010
Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency Takes Delivery of First AW139
21 Juli 2010
Malaysian MMEA's AW-139 medium helicopter (photo : ftnews)
AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce that the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) has taken delivery of its first AW139 medium twin engine helicopter. This aircraft will be used to perform search and rescue, coastal patrol and law enforcement duties around Malaysia’s extensive coast line. An additional two helicopters will be delivered later this year.
AgustaWestland Malaysia Sdn Bhd, a wholly owned subsidiary of AgustaWestland, will be responsible for the provision of maintenance services to the MMEA’s AW139s. The MMEA signed a contract for three AW139s plus options for several additional aircraft in October 2008, marking the entrance of the AW139 helicopter into the Malaysian government market following earlier success for the aircraft in the Malaysian commercial market. The delivery of the MMEA’s first AW139 follows the handover of two AW139s to the Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) in April 2010. The MMEA adds to the growing number of customers who have placed orders or are already operating the AW139 for homeland security, maritime patrol and search and rescue type missions. Customers include agencies in Japan, South Korea, the UK, Italy, Spain, Estonia, Cyprus, UAE.
Giacomo Saponaro, Senior Vice President International Government Business Unit, AgustaWestland said “We are proud to deliver the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency’s first AW139 and look forward to the aircraft entering service and serving the people of Malaysia The best selling AW139 will provide a significant enhancement in the MMEA’s capabilities to cover Malaysia’s extensive coast line and we are hopeful that it will lead to a further expansion of the AW139 fleet.”
A new generation medium twin-turbine helicopter setting new standards against which all new medium twins are measured, the AW139 has been designed with inherent multi-role capability and flexibility of operation, offering unmatched performance and safety levels as well as the largest cabin in its class. With a maximum cruise speed of 165 kts (306 km/h), a maximum range of 573 nm (1061 km) and over 5 hours endurance, the AW139 helicopter offers class leading mission capability. State-of-the-art mission-dedicated technology and equipment and outstanding performance features enable the AW139 to accomplish the most demanding operations in the harshest weather and environmental conditions.
The MMEA’s AW139 are fitted with latest mission equipment including a FLIR, NVG compatible cockpit and a 4-axis Automatic Flight Control System with SAR modes. Orders for more than 460 AW139s have been placed by over 130 customers from nearly 50 countries for a wide range of applications including EMS/SAR, law enforcement, offshore transport, VIP/corporate transport, fire fighting, utility and other commercial and government roles.
AgustaWestland Malaysia Sdn Bhd continues to play a major role in the Malaysian helicopter market expanding its presence and increasing its capabilities through a continued programme of investment. Located at Kuala Lumpur’s Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport, AgustaWestland Malaysia’s regional maintenance and support centre is a Malaysian DCA approved maintenance and repair organization. AgustaWestland Malaysia Sdn Bhd is providing local support and training for the growing fleet of AgustaWestland customers in the region.

AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce that the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) has taken delivery of its first AW139 medium twin engine helicopter. This aircraft will be used to perform search and rescue, coastal patrol and law enforcement duties around Malaysia’s extensive coast line. An additional two helicopters will be delivered later this year.
AgustaWestland Malaysia Sdn Bhd, a wholly owned subsidiary of AgustaWestland, will be responsible for the provision of maintenance services to the MMEA’s AW139s. The MMEA signed a contract for three AW139s plus options for several additional aircraft in October 2008, marking the entrance of the AW139 helicopter into the Malaysian government market following earlier success for the aircraft in the Malaysian commercial market. The delivery of the MMEA’s first AW139 follows the handover of two AW139s to the Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) in April 2010. The MMEA adds to the growing number of customers who have placed orders or are already operating the AW139 for homeland security, maritime patrol and search and rescue type missions. Customers include agencies in Japan, South Korea, the UK, Italy, Spain, Estonia, Cyprus, UAE.
Giacomo Saponaro, Senior Vice President International Government Business Unit, AgustaWestland said “We are proud to deliver the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency’s first AW139 and look forward to the aircraft entering service and serving the people of Malaysia The best selling AW139 will provide a significant enhancement in the MMEA’s capabilities to cover Malaysia’s extensive coast line and we are hopeful that it will lead to a further expansion of the AW139 fleet.”
A new generation medium twin-turbine helicopter setting new standards against which all new medium twins are measured, the AW139 has been designed with inherent multi-role capability and flexibility of operation, offering unmatched performance and safety levels as well as the largest cabin in its class. With a maximum cruise speed of 165 kts (306 km/h), a maximum range of 573 nm (1061 km) and over 5 hours endurance, the AW139 helicopter offers class leading mission capability. State-of-the-art mission-dedicated technology and equipment and outstanding performance features enable the AW139 to accomplish the most demanding operations in the harshest weather and environmental conditions.
The MMEA’s AW139 are fitted with latest mission equipment including a FLIR, NVG compatible cockpit and a 4-axis Automatic Flight Control System with SAR modes. Orders for more than 460 AW139s have been placed by over 130 customers from nearly 50 countries for a wide range of applications including EMS/SAR, law enforcement, offshore transport, VIP/corporate transport, fire fighting, utility and other commercial and government roles.
AgustaWestland Malaysia Sdn Bhd continues to play a major role in the Malaysian helicopter market expanding its presence and increasing its capabilities through a continued programme of investment. Located at Kuala Lumpur’s Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport, AgustaWestland Malaysia’s regional maintenance and support centre is a Malaysian DCA approved maintenance and repair organization. AgustaWestland Malaysia Sdn Bhd is providing local support and training for the growing fleet of AgustaWestland customers in the region.
Malaysia Will Make Six Littoral Combat Ship in The Next 10 Years
21 Juli 2010

Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian government announced that it will build the new six coastal patrol boats in the 2011-2015 period.
Malaysian Ministry of Defence in the House of Lords yesterday to answer questions raised by Tunku Abdul Aziz, said that the Ministry has been under the 10th Malaysia Plan to include the first two batches of coastal patrol ship construction program.
"Department of Defense plans to Po, the actual (Boustead) construction of a further six shipyards, the construction period will last until the 11th Malaysia Plan. The new ships will have a three-dimensional combat capability."
Department of Defense announced the consolidation of the Po, the actual shipyards continue to be a coastal patrol vessel contractor status. The first two batches of inshore patrol vessels, or now renamed the construction of Littoral Combat Ship program, Defense Department did not give any explanation, but said the new ship will have 3D capability.
Malaysian Ministry of Defence in the House of Lords yesterday to answer questions raised by Tunku Abdul Aziz, said that the Ministry has been under the 10th Malaysia Plan to include the first two batches of coastal patrol ship construction program.
"Department of Defense plans to Po, the actual (Boustead) construction of a further six shipyards, the construction period will last until the 11th Malaysia Plan. The new ships will have a three-dimensional combat capability."
Department of Defense announced the consolidation of the Po, the actual shipyards continue to be a coastal patrol vessel contractor status. The first two batches of inshore patrol vessels, or now renamed the construction of Littoral Combat Ship program, Defense Department did not give any explanation, but said the new ship will have 3D capability.

In addition, Germany and Turkey Shipbuilding in LIMA 2009 to present the Malaysian government during the first two batches of the new inshore patrol vessel program, the Littoral combat ship will use the technology in Germany or Turkey, but also to be explored.
In addition, the Defense Ministry said that according to the Government in 1995 and "cooperation Penang Shipbuilding - Naval Dockyard" (PSC-ND), or now known as Po, the actual Naval Shipyard (BNS), signed the memorandum, the authorities hope that the company commissioned the construction of 27 navy patrol vessels.
"The number 27 is considered the navy to patrol over to the Malaysian maritime enforcement agencies (MMEA) and the upcoming annual session in 2015, age 45 years, the fast attack submarine ship factors."
Ministry of Defence said today, the number 27 is still valid, but ultimately depends on the number of warships in the construction of the Government of Malaysia for each 5-year plan to develop the budget allocation.
16 Juli 2010
KD Tun Razak tiba di Markas Kapal Selam Sepanggar
16 Juli 2010
Kapal Selam KD Tun Razak selamat tiba di Markas Angkatan Kapal Selam Pangkalan TLDM Kota Kinabalu di Teluk Sepangar, Kota Kinabalu. (photo : Utusan)
KD Tun Razak tiba di Sepanggar
KOTA KINABALU 15 Julai - Kapal selam kedua negara, KD Tun Razak hari ini melengkapkan perjalanannya setelah tiba di Markas Angkatan Kapal Selam Pangkalan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) Kota Kinabalu di Teluk Sepanggar hari ini.
Ketibaan kapal selam jenis Scorpene itu menandakan detik bersejarah markas tersebut yang kini menempatkan dua kapal selam selepas menerima kapal selam pertama, KD Tunku Abdul Rahman pada 17 September tahun lalu.
Ketibaan kapal selam kedua negara itu disambut oleh Yang Dipertua Negeri, Tun Ahmad Shah Abdullah dan Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Jeneral Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar.
Hadir sama Panglima Angkatan Kapal Selam, Laksamana Pertama Datuk Mohammad Rosland Omar; Panglima Wilayah Laut Dua, Laksamana Pertama Datuk Anuwi Hassan dan Panglima 5 Briged, Brigedier Jeneral Shahbani Ali.
Pangkalan Angkatan Laut Sepanggar (photo : Militaryphotos)
Ahmad Shah turut menaiki kapal berkenaan ditemani Abdul Aziz, Mohammad Rosland, Anuwi dan Shahbani.
KD Tun Razak yang dikendalikan 32 krew telah memulakan pelayaran pulang ke tanah air dari Toulon, Perancis pada 30 April lalu sebelum tiba di Lumut pada 2 Julai lalu.
Selepas mengambil masa 64 hari dengan jarak pelayaran sejauh 13,080.6 kilometer (7,063 batu nautika) untuk sampai di Lumut, KD Tun Razak mengambil masa lapan hari lagi untuk tiba di Pangkalan TLDM Sepanggar.
Dalam pada itu, Abdul Aziz berkata, kehadiran kedua-dua kapal selam itu telah melengkapkan jentera maritim negara ke arah kelengkapan peperangan tiga dimensi.
"Ketibaan KD Tun Razak ke pangkalan TLDM Kota Kinabalu hari ini telah melakar satu lagi sejarah dalam pemodenan dan pembangunan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia.
"Bersama-sama dengan KD Tunku Abdul Rahman, kehadiran KD Tun Razak sesungguhnya telah melengkapkan usaha penubuhan angkatan kapal selam negara yang kita impikan selama ini," ujarnya.
Sementara itu, seorang anak kapal, Luis Gundang, 36, berkata, ketibaan kapal selam itu di Pangkalan TLDM Sepanggar hari ini amat bermakna sekali bagi dirinya.
Katanya, ini kerana buat pertama kali dia dapat melihat anak sulungnya yang kini berusia enam bulan.
"Saya sangat gembira dan terharu sekali hari ini kerana bukan sahaja berjaya melaksanakan misi tetapi buat kali pertama dapat melihat dan mendukung anak sulung saya yang lahir Januari lalu.
"Saya juga amat gembira kerana dapat bertemu dengan isteri, Jenny Liu, 34, serta ibu dan bapa saya setelah hampir lima tahun berada di luar termasuk di Perancis," katanya yang berasal dari Kiulu di sini.

KD Tun Razak tiba di Sepanggar
KOTA KINABALU 15 Julai - Kapal selam kedua negara, KD Tun Razak hari ini melengkapkan perjalanannya setelah tiba di Markas Angkatan Kapal Selam Pangkalan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) Kota Kinabalu di Teluk Sepanggar hari ini.
Ketibaan kapal selam jenis Scorpene itu menandakan detik bersejarah markas tersebut yang kini menempatkan dua kapal selam selepas menerima kapal selam pertama, KD Tunku Abdul Rahman pada 17 September tahun lalu.
Ketibaan kapal selam kedua negara itu disambut oleh Yang Dipertua Negeri, Tun Ahmad Shah Abdullah dan Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Jeneral Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar.
Hadir sama Panglima Angkatan Kapal Selam, Laksamana Pertama Datuk Mohammad Rosland Omar; Panglima Wilayah Laut Dua, Laksamana Pertama Datuk Anuwi Hassan dan Panglima 5 Briged, Brigedier Jeneral Shahbani Ali.

Ahmad Shah turut menaiki kapal berkenaan ditemani Abdul Aziz, Mohammad Rosland, Anuwi dan Shahbani.
KD Tun Razak yang dikendalikan 32 krew telah memulakan pelayaran pulang ke tanah air dari Toulon, Perancis pada 30 April lalu sebelum tiba di Lumut pada 2 Julai lalu.
Selepas mengambil masa 64 hari dengan jarak pelayaran sejauh 13,080.6 kilometer (7,063 batu nautika) untuk sampai di Lumut, KD Tun Razak mengambil masa lapan hari lagi untuk tiba di Pangkalan TLDM Sepanggar.
Dalam pada itu, Abdul Aziz berkata, kehadiran kedua-dua kapal selam itu telah melengkapkan jentera maritim negara ke arah kelengkapan peperangan tiga dimensi.
"Ketibaan KD Tun Razak ke pangkalan TLDM Kota Kinabalu hari ini telah melakar satu lagi sejarah dalam pemodenan dan pembangunan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia.
"Bersama-sama dengan KD Tunku Abdul Rahman, kehadiran KD Tun Razak sesungguhnya telah melengkapkan usaha penubuhan angkatan kapal selam negara yang kita impikan selama ini," ujarnya.
Sementara itu, seorang anak kapal, Luis Gundang, 36, berkata, ketibaan kapal selam itu di Pangkalan TLDM Sepanggar hari ini amat bermakna sekali bagi dirinya.
Katanya, ini kerana buat pertama kali dia dapat melihat anak sulungnya yang kini berusia enam bulan.
"Saya sangat gembira dan terharu sekali hari ini kerana bukan sahaja berjaya melaksanakan misi tetapi buat kali pertama dapat melihat dan mendukung anak sulung saya yang lahir Januari lalu.
"Saya juga amat gembira kerana dapat bertemu dengan isteri, Jenny Liu, 34, serta ibu dan bapa saya setelah hampir lima tahun berada di luar termasuk di Perancis," katanya yang berasal dari Kiulu di sini.
12 Juli 2010
Navy Denies Sub Has Problems Diving
12 Juli 2010

PETALING JAYA: The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) has refuted claims the country's first submarine KD Tunku Abdul Rahman (KD TAR) has problems diving.
In a letter dated July 8, RMN Admiral (Laksmana Madya) Datuk Mohammed Noordin Ali denied The Malay Mail report on Friday "No dive for sub.. yet again."
Noordin wrote: "The facts in the article was not true and it did not mention the true status of the submarine at current time. As a submarine operating nation, the security and strategic asset capability of the country should always be a priority.
"The RMN is also concerned by the publication of information on national assets in regard its strategic asset readiness as there are parties who can manipulate the issue and use it for their own interests. Generally, no country will publicise theit strategic asset readiness to the public."
Noordin also wrote: "We appreciate and value The Malay Mail's interest in publicising all matters regarding the RMN as the exposure will bring the duties of the navy closer to the people and at the same time boosting the image of the RMN and the Malaysian military in general."
Meanwhile, a local English newspaper quoted RMN chief Admiral Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar as confirming the KD TAR did encounter some defects and shortcomings - but at no time did any of these defects endanger the crew or submarine to the extent of rendering it unable to dive.
He reportedly said: "The RMN had conducted rigorous safety inspection, appraisal and verification process, similar or even more stringent to that of aircraft safety processes, to certify a submarine 'safe-to-dive' before it was allowed to embark on any mission."
"The KD TAR has in fact been operational, a fact that the armed forces chief (General Tan Sri Azizan Ariffin) can attest to when he dived with the submarine during her operations in the South China Sea on March 5-8."
Aziz had also reportedly said, prior to arriving safely in Kota Kinabalu on Sept 17 last year, KD TAR had sailed approximately 8,300 nautical miles with 31 days submerged out of the 43 days spent at sea.
He added any submarine will have to undergo compulsory scheduled maintenance after a specified period of operations, similar to any aircraft. Aziz explained: "These scheduled maintenance periods have been planned in advance to fit into the operational cycle of the submarines. The KD TAR has undergone, as scheduled, several of those maintenance periods since returning to Malaysia.
"Thus, the news report in February that KD TAR suffered a technical defect which prevented it from diving for three months is untrue as the KD TAR had in fact been undergoing its scheduled maintenance period during that period."
"A submarine is constantly subjected to, and operates in, an extremely hostile and harsh environment which necessitates constant monitoring, maintenance and rectification of the systems and equipment onboard."Inadvertently, as in any submarine in the world, some equipment or systems can and will fail or be degraded in performance."The KD TAR did encounter some defects and shortcomings but at no time did any of these defects endanger the crew or submarine to the extent of rendering it unable to dive, as claimed by the news reports."
The RMN, Aziz added, also viewed very seriously the fact "defence industry sources" had divulged - albeit erroneously - information which were highly classified to the media.
"The RMN will initiate a thorough investigation to identify these sources, as these irresponsible elements can also be divulging information to other unauthorised parties," he said, adding the Official Secrets Act could be invoked on the culprits.
Last week in an article dated 7 July, The Malay Mail reported it was informed by defence industry sources unspecified problems were detected after the submarine completed its tropical water trials last month. A routine maintenance check later supposedly revealed the extent of these problems.
See Also :
'KD Tunku Abdul Rahman' Moored as More Problems Crop Up
07 Juli 2010
PETALING JAYA: KD Tunku Abdul Rahman remains at the Teluk Sepanggar naval base in Sabah as problems have again resulted in the submarine being docked.
The Malay Mail was informed by defence industry sources that the unspecified problems were detected after the submarine completed its tropical water trials last month. A routine maintenance check later revealed the problems.
Since then, the submarine has remained at the naval base unfixed.
It is learnt although the vessel obtained its Initial Operational Capability (IOC), it may take longer to be declared fully operational.
However, the arrival of the second Perdana Menteri-class submarine, KD Tun Razak, on July 2, was a godsend for the crew of its sister ship, KD Tunku Abdul Rahman. The crew is expected to take over the second submarine during its mandatory tropical water trial.
Sources said this was necessary as the KD Tunku Abdul Rahman crew may lose their submariners rating if they remained on land.
In February, The Paper That Cares reported that KD Tunku Abdul Rahman suffered a technical defect that prevented it from diving for three months. The submarine started tropical water trials on Feb 20.
KD Tunku Abdul Rahman was commissioned early last year after undergoing a two-year trial period in France.
The Royal Malaysian Navy procured the two submarines for RM3.4 billion in 2002 from French/Spanish shipbuilders, DCNS and Navantia.
03 Juli 2010
Malaysia's Second Submarine Arrives In Lumut
03 Juli 2010

LUMUT, (Bernama) -- The KD Tun Razak, the Royal Malaysian Navy's (RMN) second of two Scorpene submarines, has arrived at the RMN Base, here, at 4.40pm.
The official welcoming ceremony was attended by the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah and the Raja Dihilir of Perak, Raja Jaafar Raja Muda Musa, while the Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah got onboard the ship from Langkawi, Kedah.

Also seen welcoming the submarine were Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir.
The vessel will continue its journey to its base in Teluk Sepanggar, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah after a week here.
The 64-day travel which began in Toulon, France on April 30, included several transit stops at the Iskandariah Port (Egypt), Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), Salalah (Oman) and Cochin (India) before arriving in Lumut.
02 Juli 2010
KD Tun Razak Submarine Enters Malaysian Waters
02 Juli 2010

KD Tun Razak is a second Scorpene submarine for RMN (photo :Stephaue Saissi)
KUALA LUMPUR, (Bernama) -- KD Tun Razak, the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN)'s second of two Scorpene submarines, entered the national waters, Thursday.
The submarine, which was launched by Raja Permaisuri Agong Tuanku Nur Zahirah on Oct 8, 2008, is heading for the Lumut naval base for an official homecoming ceremony, Friday.
The ceremony will be graced by the Sultan of Perak Sultan Azlan Shah and the Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah who is also RMN captain-in-chief.
Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Armed Forces chief Tan Sri Azizan Ariffin will also be present.
Manned by a crew of 31, KD Tun Razak, which was named after second prime minister Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, can reach diving depths of up to 300 metres.
KD Tun Razak left for home from Madrid after successful sea trials. The country's first submarine, KD Tunku Abdul Rahman, arrived at Port Klang on Sept 3 last year.
Malaysia acquired both Scorpene submarines at the cost of RM3.4 billion in 2002 and they were built jointly by France's Direction des Constructions Navales Services and Spain's Navantia.
Both diesel-electric powered submarines of the Perdana Menteri-class will operate out of their main base - Teluk Sepanggar in Sabah.
A crew of 142 underwent training at Brest, France to prepare them for Scorpene duties.
NGV Tech Mungkin Bina Kapal Perang TLDM
02 Juli 2010
Armada kapal korvet TLDM (photo : Militaryphotos)
KUALA LANGAT - Kerajaan mempertimbangkan untuk memberi peluang kepada syarikat pembinaan kapal bumiputera, NGV Tech Sdn. Bhd. yang memiliki limbungan di Kampung Sijangkang di sini bagi membina kapal-kapal perang kegunaan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysi (TLDM) dan agensi-agensi maritim lain.
Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, peluang tersebut mungkin ditawarkan berikutan syarikat berkenaan telah membuktikan kejayaannya membina kapal-kapal untuk banyak syarikat di seluruh dunia dengan keseluruhan kontrak mencecah berbilion ringgit sejak beroperasi di Terengganu 10 tahun lalu.
Sehingga kini tambah beliau, NGV Tech telah membina 227 kapal yang mengesahkan satu cerita kejayaan dan menjadi kayu pengukur kepada syarikat-syarikat dalam industri maritim antarabangsa.
''Saya diberitahu oleh Pengerusi Eksekutif NGV Tech, Zulkifli Shariff bahawa NGV boleh buat kapal perang yang canggih untuk kegunaan TLDM dan agensi-agensi lain.
''Semoga dengan keputusan yang sedang dibuat (untuk membina kapal perang) menjadi satu lagi rekod yang boleh dipaparkan kepada syarikat-syarikat lain dan kerajaan asing kerana mendapat kontrak yang besar," katanya.
Najib berkata demikian ketika berucap semasa lawatan kerja dan pelancaran 'Safir Kish 3', kapal krew 52 meter milik KISH ACME Tower Company Iran di Limbungan NGV Tech di sini hari ini.
Turut hadir Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamid; Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar, Datuk Seri Douglas Uggah; Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Datuk Seri Noh Omar dan Pangliman Tentera Darat, Jeneral Tan Sri Azizan Ariffin.
NGV Tech terkenal di peringkat antarabangsa kerana kejayaan membina kapal pesisir pantai bagi industri petroleum dan 80 peratus pesanan adalah dari luar negara.
Perdana Menteri turut menyatakan rasa bangga terhadap usaha NGV Tech itu kerana kejayaan diraih membolehkan syarikat tersebut menempah nama dan semakin tersohor di persada antarabangsa selain boleh dijadikan cerita kejayaan dari sudut pembangunan maritim di negara ini.
Malah tambah beliau, kualiti keusahawanan yang ada pada Zulkifli dan NGV boleh dijadikan teladan serta membuktikan berjaya meraih kontrak berbilion ringgit dari negara-negara seperti Amerika Syarikat, Norway, Belanda, India, Brazil dan Pakistan dilakukan tanpa ada apa-apa keistimewaan daripada kerajaan.
''Ini yang saya tekankan membina keupayaan kita untuk bersaing di peringkat global dan menjadikan kerajaan Malaysia berjaya dan maju dalam abad ke-21 tidak boleh dicapai kalau kita terus bersandar kepada kuota atau apa-apa keistimewaan dari kerajaan.
''Kita rakyat Malaysia, sama ada bumiputera atau tidak, boleh berjaya contoh
terbaik kejayaan yang dicapai oleh NGV Tech," ujarnya.
Najib berharap NGV Tech terus meningkatkan kemahiran ke tahap lebih tinggi kerana kepakaran canggih diperlukan dalam membina kapal-kapal perang.
(Utusan Malaysia)

KUALA LANGAT - Kerajaan mempertimbangkan untuk memberi peluang kepada syarikat pembinaan kapal bumiputera, NGV Tech Sdn. Bhd. yang memiliki limbungan di Kampung Sijangkang di sini bagi membina kapal-kapal perang kegunaan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysi (TLDM) dan agensi-agensi maritim lain.
Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, peluang tersebut mungkin ditawarkan berikutan syarikat berkenaan telah membuktikan kejayaannya membina kapal-kapal untuk banyak syarikat di seluruh dunia dengan keseluruhan kontrak mencecah berbilion ringgit sejak beroperasi di Terengganu 10 tahun lalu.
Sehingga kini tambah beliau, NGV Tech telah membina 227 kapal yang mengesahkan satu cerita kejayaan dan menjadi kayu pengukur kepada syarikat-syarikat dalam industri maritim antarabangsa.
''Saya diberitahu oleh Pengerusi Eksekutif NGV Tech, Zulkifli Shariff bahawa NGV boleh buat kapal perang yang canggih untuk kegunaan TLDM dan agensi-agensi lain.
''Semoga dengan keputusan yang sedang dibuat (untuk membina kapal perang) menjadi satu lagi rekod yang boleh dipaparkan kepada syarikat-syarikat lain dan kerajaan asing kerana mendapat kontrak yang besar," katanya.
Najib berkata demikian ketika berucap semasa lawatan kerja dan pelancaran 'Safir Kish 3', kapal krew 52 meter milik KISH ACME Tower Company Iran di Limbungan NGV Tech di sini hari ini.
Turut hadir Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamid; Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar, Datuk Seri Douglas Uggah; Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Datuk Seri Noh Omar dan Pangliman Tentera Darat, Jeneral Tan Sri Azizan Ariffin.
NGV Tech terkenal di peringkat antarabangsa kerana kejayaan membina kapal pesisir pantai bagi industri petroleum dan 80 peratus pesanan adalah dari luar negara.
Perdana Menteri turut menyatakan rasa bangga terhadap usaha NGV Tech itu kerana kejayaan diraih membolehkan syarikat tersebut menempah nama dan semakin tersohor di persada antarabangsa selain boleh dijadikan cerita kejayaan dari sudut pembangunan maritim di negara ini.
Malah tambah beliau, kualiti keusahawanan yang ada pada Zulkifli dan NGV boleh dijadikan teladan serta membuktikan berjaya meraih kontrak berbilion ringgit dari negara-negara seperti Amerika Syarikat, Norway, Belanda, India, Brazil dan Pakistan dilakukan tanpa ada apa-apa keistimewaan daripada kerajaan.
''Ini yang saya tekankan membina keupayaan kita untuk bersaing di peringkat global dan menjadikan kerajaan Malaysia berjaya dan maju dalam abad ke-21 tidak boleh dicapai kalau kita terus bersandar kepada kuota atau apa-apa keistimewaan dari kerajaan.
''Kita rakyat Malaysia, sama ada bumiputera atau tidak, boleh berjaya contoh
terbaik kejayaan yang dicapai oleh NGV Tech," ujarnya.
Najib berharap NGV Tech terus meningkatkan kemahiran ke tahap lebih tinggi kerana kepakaran canggih diperlukan dalam membina kapal-kapal perang.
(Utusan Malaysia)
27 Juni 2010
Malaysia's 40 SM-39 Block 2 Missiles and 30 Black Shark Torpedoes Overpaid ?
28 Juni 2010

Tian Chua wants emergency motion on Scorpene missiles
KUALA LUMPUR, — PKR’s Chua Tian Chang today demanded that Parliament hold an emergency motion to discuss the acquisition of two types of missiles for the two Scorpene submarines Malaysia had purchased.
Chua claimed that Malaysia had overpaid for the purchase of 40 SM 39 Exocet Block 2 missiles and 30 Black Shark torpedoes.
Citing payment figures from Pakistan and Portugal, Chua said that Malaysia had paid 20 per cent more than the original market value of the two missiles.
“Based on the acquisition records by the Pakistan government the SM39 missiles only cost €3.07 million (RM12.26 million) per unit while the acquisition records by Portugal show that the Black Shark torpedoes only cost €2 million per unit.
“After calculations were made, the total market price costs of the two types of missiles amounted to €182.8 million. But the Malaysian government’s cost of purchase is €219.265 million. This means that the government had overpaid 20 per cent (€36.465 million) compared to the market price,” said Chua.
The Batu MP said that he had sent a notice letter earlier today to the Dewan Rakyat speaker regarding the matter.
He also questioned the delay in the delivery of the missiles.

Blackshark torpedoes (photo : sousmarin)
“The missiles should have been received sometime between 2008 and 2009 but till today the Malaysian government has yet to receive it.
“Also the warranty for the submarines have expired. The expiry date is in May 2010. After May, there is no warranty. The missiles have not arrived,” said Chua.
Another PKR MP, William Leong said that the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) should conduct an independent investigation into the acquisition of the Scorpene submarines.
“The French authorities have raided DCN, which has had a history of bribing and paying government officials to secure projects.
“Why has the Malaysian government not done anything when the French government have?” said the Selayang MP.
The Defence Ministry revealed last week that it had spent a total of RM6.7 billion on the purchase of two Scorpene submarines.
In a written reply to PKR MP Chua Tian Chang, the ministry stated that the acquisition was completed last year, during the 2009 LIMA exhibition.
The reply listed down the cost of the two submarines as well as the price of buying 40 SM-39 Block 2 torpedoes from France and 30 Black Shark torpedoes from Italy.
According to the ministry, the purchase of two Scorpene submarines cost €1.084 billion, while the cost of the submarine “support and test” equipment amounted to €37.5 million.
The total cost of the torpedoes amounted to €219.265 million.
23 Juni 2010
Scorpene Sub ‘Tun Razak’ Arriving in Lumut on July 2
23 Juni 2010

KUALA LUMPUR: The country’s second Scorpene submarine, KD Tun Razak, is heading for a momentous homecoming at the Royal Malaysian Navy base in Lumut on July 2.
The sultans of Perak and Selangor, Sultan Azlan Shah and Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, are expected to grace the ceremony along with Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and military top brass, said a Defence Ministry spokesman. The Sultan of Selangor is captain-in-chief of the RMN.
It is understood KD Tun Razak is presently in the Indian Ocean after departing from Toulon in France on April 30 following successful sea trials in the Mediterranean. The country’s first submarine, KD Tunku Abdul Rahman, arrived at Port Klang on Sept 3 last year.
It has since become operational after overcoming minor hitches during tropical water trials in Malaysian waters.
Both SSK diesel-electric powered submarines of the Perdana Menteri-class will operate out of their main base — Teluk Sepanggar in Sabah. More than 150 RMN submariners were initially trained at Brest, France, to man the two submarines. Once here, KD Tun Razak, commissioned into the RMN at Cartagena, Spain in November last year, will undergo tropical water and operational trials.
Both the SSK submarines and an Agosta-class second-hand vessel boat were procured following an agreement with DCNS and its partner Navantia under a RM3.4 billion package in June 2002. The Scorpenes were jointly built at the Navantia shipyard in Spain and DCNS facility in Cherbourg, France. Each Scorpene submarine is 67.5m long, has a displacement of 1,550 tonnes, is manned by a crew of 31 and can sail for 45 days.
21 Juni 2010
KD Tun Razak to Call at Kochi
21 Juni 2010
KD Tun Razak is the RMN's second submarine (photo : KDN)
Malaysian submarine to call at Kochi
The Royal Malaysian Navy's Scorpene submarine KD Tun Razak, which is on its maiden journey home from Toulon in France accompanied by corvette KD Lekiu will dock at the port here for a four-day visit on Friday.
The submarine, the second of the two Scorpene submarines procured by the Malaysian Navy from the French firm DCNS, will cast off for the Malaysian port of Lumut on Monday.
Commissioned into the Malaysian Navy in November last, the submarine will undergo its second phase of maintenance prior to tropical water trials once it reaches Malaysia.
Malaysia's Defence Attache in New Delhi Colonel Yusri bin Haji Anwar will be in Kochi in connection with the port call of Tun Razak.
Colonel Anwar, along with Tun Razak's Commanding Officer Commander Mohamad Azuwan bin Haroun and Lekiu's Commanding Officer Commander Baharudin bin Wan Mohamad Nor will call on Rear Admiral S.S. Jamwal, Chief of Staff of the Southern Naval Command, on Friday.
Besides courtesy visit to each others' vessels, a game of football has been organised between the Indian and the Malaysian Navies.
(The Hindu)

Malaysian submarine to call at Kochi
The Royal Malaysian Navy's Scorpene submarine KD Tun Razak, which is on its maiden journey home from Toulon in France accompanied by corvette KD Lekiu will dock at the port here for a four-day visit on Friday.
The submarine, the second of the two Scorpene submarines procured by the Malaysian Navy from the French firm DCNS, will cast off for the Malaysian port of Lumut on Monday.
Commissioned into the Malaysian Navy in November last, the submarine will undergo its second phase of maintenance prior to tropical water trials once it reaches Malaysia.
Malaysia's Defence Attache in New Delhi Colonel Yusri bin Haji Anwar will be in Kochi in connection with the port call of Tun Razak.
Colonel Anwar, along with Tun Razak's Commanding Officer Commander Mohamad Azuwan bin Haroun and Lekiu's Commanding Officer Commander Baharudin bin Wan Mohamad Nor will call on Rear Admiral S.S. Jamwal, Chief of Staff of the Southern Naval Command, on Friday.
Besides courtesy visit to each others' vessels, a game of football has been organised between the Indian and the Malaysian Navies.
(The Hindu)
New Shipyard in Bagan Datoh
21 Juni 2010

Bagan Datoh, Perak, Malaysia (image : Google Maps)
KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is to officiate the new shipyard in Bagan Datoh tomorrow. The ceremony will be conducted after he officiated the Bagan Datoh Umno division meeting headed by its MP and Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamid. The shipyard is reportedly to be the facility to built two of three MPSS to be built for the navy.
NGV Tech Sdn Bhd, is the preferred local partner for the MPSS project and since it had already signed an MOU to purchase a shipyard in South Korea (during Lima 2009), one can surmised that a baby Dokdo would probably be the chosen design.
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