
Monday, August 9, 2010


06 Aug 2010

PUSPEN (6 / 8), - Soldiers of Task Force Mechanical Yon XXIII-D/Unifil Garuda Contingent (Indobatt) with a sprightly act professionally and impartially in the duties and responsibilities as the Peacekeeper when there is tension between the IDF (Israeli Defence Forces) and LAF (Lebanese Armed Forces) on one of the Observation Post (OP) in the area of Al-Adaisse the famous "Panorama Point" and is still in the Area of Responsibility (AOR) Indobatt in South Lebanon, Tuesday (3 / 8).

According to Battalion Commander Task Force contingents Mechanical XXIII-D/Unifil Garuda (Indonesian Battalion / Indobatt), Lt Col Andi Inf Prime Kahar, mediates a very bold actions carried out by TNI soldiers of the planned activities began cutting a fallen pine trees and on fence / Technical Fence by the IDF (Israeli Defence Forces). IDF activity is not approved by the LAF (Lebanese Armed Forces) and received opposition, because according to the LAF is located in the area tree country. Although this activity has been monitored and obtained permission from the UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon) as the holder peacekeeping mandate in South Lebanon region, but in fact the IDF activities in this field get very loud opposition from the LAF and trigger tension between the two parties .

The commander further stated Indobatt, as peacekeepers, Company A has made every effort Indobatt procedural as possible for maximum ease the situation. Efforts on both sides in the negotiations mediated by Indobatt field and Liaison Officer (LO) from the headquarters of UNIFIL, has been carried out for approximately 4 (four) hours. In order to ease tension that occurred, Capt. Inf Indobatt Danki A Fardin Wardhana skip to risk the safety rail road, then down to an area near the Blue Line is not yet fully-clean by the mines (UXO), by waving the UN flag and stood in the middle both parties are face to face with heavily armed (pointing). Not only that, the members of A Company Team Indobatt who was on guard at the Observation Post (OP) is, all helped with the flag raising his hand and asked the two parties in order to hold back and be able to find a deal on cutting pine trees these.

According to information obtained from eyewitnesses Inf Arief Widyanto First Lieutenant, as the Force Protection Officer Indobatt the moment are on the scene, explained that the situation becomes increasingly tense and very out of control when one side opened fire. Shots were then trigger a contact fire between IDF and LAF. Appropriate procedures, tactical action Indobatt soldiers seeking refuge in the surrounding scene during a shootout between the LAF and the IDF. In accordance with the command Command, Indobatt soldiers seeking the resignation of then carrying out a safe sheltered position and wait for further instructions. This shootout involving two planes and Apache Heli 3 (three) Tank "Markava" the IDF, who opened fire towards the troops LAF position.

Combat the increasingly severe situation and endanger UNIFIL personnel in this regard Indobatt, Eastern Sector Command Headquarters forced UNIFIL to take a decision and ordered the commander Indobatt Indobatt to attract personnel who are in contact location shoot to a safer position while still monitoring the situation. In the process of withdrawal of these troops, personnel Indobatt Company A was split into two separate groups with each other because of the incessant gunshots issued by both sides in the fighting. One group in the direction of Al-Adaisse and other groups toward Kafer kela. From the results of checks of personnel, found there were two personnel who are not yet known to exist in and out of contact with the parent squad.

For an hour more, the existence of two soldiers apparently still in the location of gunfire events. Both soldiers Indobatt this, trapped in armed contact both parties and could only take refuge behind the building without being able to malakukan resignation from the battle area. After a contact gunshot slightly subsided Kopda Zulkarnain and PFC Oksa trying to find a friend to the troops who are expe Kafer Area of Responsibility (AOR) Spain Battalion. Both these soldiers did not meet with any members of the Peacekeeper who was expected at the observation post Spainbatt since been withdrawn by Top Command.

From the description of the two soldiers, they decided to go to the Fatima Gate, crossing the road where there is OP (Observation Post) Spainbatt other. Just as events in the previous post, they did not find a single member of the UN standby at the venue. In the disconnected state of communication with the main army and without knowing the latest situation, they receive the aid of one of the Lebanese people who are willing to deliver it to the UN headquarters Indobatt Posn 7-1 Adshit al-Qusayr village, a distance of 15 km from the Fatima-Gate.

From the event firing contacts between the LAF and the IDF have fallen victims from both sides. From the Lebanon, three members of the LAF and one AL-Akhbar Lebanese journalist was killed on the spot. While the part of the IDF, two men become victims of their officers and died. For Indobatt own party, there is no loss of personnel and material. This is because soldiers Indobatt alacrity in implementing actions in accordance with the steering withdrawal (Standardize Tactical Incident Reaction) which is based on the Command command in this case by the Eastern Sector UNIFIL.

06 Agu 2010

PUSPEN (6/8),- Prajurit Satgas Yon Mekanis Kontingen Garuda XXIII-D/Unifil (Indobatt) dengan sigap bertindak profesional dan imparsial dalam mengemban tugas serta tanggung jawabnya selaku Peacekeeper saat terjadi ketegangan antara IDF (Israeli Defence Forces) dan LAF (Lebanese Armed Forces) di salah satu Observation Post (OP) di daerah Al-Adaisse yang terkenal dengan sebutan ”Panorama Point” dan masih dalam Area of Responsibility (AOR) Indobatt di Lebanon Selatan, Selasa (3/8).

Menurut Komandan Satuan Tugas Batalyon Mekanis Kontingen Garuda XXIII-D/Unifil (Indonesian Battalion/Indobatt), Letkol Inf Andi Perdana Kahar, tindakan menengahi yang sangat berani dilakukan oleh prajurit TNI berawal dari rencana kegiatan pemotongan batang pohon cemara yang tumbang dan mengenai pagar/Technical Fence oleh pihak IDF (Israeli Defence Forces). Kegiatan IDF ini tidak disetujui LAF (Lebanese Armed Forces) dan mendapat tentangan, karena menurut LAF pohon tersebut berada di wilayah negaranya. Walaupun kegiatan ini telah dipantau dan mendapatkan ijin dari UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon) selaku pemegang mandat pemelihara perdamaian di wilayah Lebanon Selatan, namun pada kenyataannya kegiatan IDF di lapangan ini mendapatkan tentangan yang sangat keras dari LAF serta memicu ketegangan antara kedua belah pihak.

Lebih lanjut Komandan Indobatt menyatakan, sebagai pasukan penjaga perdamaian, Kompi A Indobatt telah melakukan segala upaya prosedural se-maksimal mungkin untuk meredakan situasi. Upaya negosiasi kedua pihak di lapangan yang dimediasi oleh Indobatt dan Liaison Officer (LO) dari markas UNIFIL, telah dilakukan selama kurang lebih 4 (empat) jam. Demi meredakan ketegangan yang terjadi, Danki A Indobatt Kapten Inf Fardin Wardhana mengambil resiko meloncati pagar pengaman jalan, kemudian turun mendekat ke area Blue-Line yang belum sepenuhnya bersih oleh ranjau (UXO), dengan mengibar-ngibarkan bendera PBB dan berdiri di tengah-tengah kedua belah pihak yang sedang berhadap-hadapan dengan bersenjata lengkap (pointing). Bukan hanya itu saja, anggota Tim Kompi A Indobatt yang saat itu berjaga-jaga di Observation Post (OP) tersebut, seluruhnya membantu dengan mengibarkan bendera sambil mengangkat tangan serta meminta kepada kedua pihak agar dapat menahan diri dan dapat mencari kata sepakat mengenai pemotongan pohon cemara tersebut.

Menurut keterangan yang diperoleh dari saksi mata Lettu Inf Arief Widyanto, selaku Perwira Force Protection Indobatt yang saat itu berada di tempat kejadian, dijelaskan bahwa situasi menjadi makin menegangkan dan sangat tidak terkendali saat salah satu pihak melepaskan tembakan. Tembakan tersebut selanjutnya memicu terjadinya kontak tembak antara IDF dan LAF. Sesuai prosedur, prajurit Indobatt melakukan tindakan taktis mencari tempat perlindungan di sekitar lokasi kejadian saat terjadi baku tembak antara LAF dan IDF. Sesuai dengan perintah Komando, prajurit Indobatt kemudian melaksanakan pengunduran diri mencari posisi berlindung yang aman dan menunggu perintah lebih lanjut. Baku tembak ini melibatkan dua pesawat Heli Apache dan 3 (tiga) Tank ”Markava” IDF, yang melepaskan tembakan ke arah kedudukan pasukan LAF.

Situasi pertempuran yang makin hebat dan membahayakan personel Unifil dalam hal ini Indobatt, memaksa Markas Komando Sektor Timur Unifil mengambil keputusan dan memerintahkan Komandan Indobatt untuk menarik personel Indobatt yang berada di lokasi kontak tembak ke posisi yang lebih aman sambil tetap memonitor keadaan. Dalam proses penarikan pasukan tersebut, personel Kompi A Indobatt terpecah menjadi dua kelompok yang terpisah satu sama lain karena gencarnya tembakan yang dikeluarkan oleh kedua pihak dalam pertempuran tersebut. Satu kelompok ke arah Al-Adaisse dan kelompok yang lain ke arah Kafer Kela. Dari hasil pengecekan personel, didapati masih ada dua personel yang belum diketahui keberadaannya dan putus kontak dengan induk pasukan.

Selama satu jam lebih, keberadaan dua prajurit tersebut ternyata masih berada di lokasi peristiwa kontak senjata. Kedua prajurit Indobatt ini, terjebak dalam kontak senjata kedua belah pihak dan hanya bisa berlindung di balik bangunan tanpa dapat malakukan pengunduran dari daerah pertempuran. Setelah kontak tembak sedikit mereda Kopda Zulkarnain dan Praka Oksa berusaha mencari pasukan kawan ke arah Kafer Kela yang merupakan Area of Responsibility (AoR) Spain Battalion. Kedua prajurit ini tidak bertemu dengan satupun anggota Peacekeeper yang diharapkan berada di pos pengamatan Spainbatt, karena telah ditarik mundur oleh Komando Atas.

Dari keterangan kedua prajurit tersebut, mereka memutuskan untuk menuju ke arah Fatima Gate, persimpangan jalan dimana terdapat OP (Observation Post) Spainbatt lainnya. Sama seperti kejadian pada pos sebelumnya, mereka tidak menemukan satupun anggota UN yang siaga di tempat tersebut. Dalam keadaan putus hubungan komunikasi dengan pasukan induk serta tanpa mengetahui situasi terakhir, mereka menerima bantuan salah satu masyarakat Lebanon yang bersedia mengantarkannya ke markas Indobatt UN Posn 7-1 desa Adshit Al-Qusayr yang berjarak 15 Km dari Fatima-Gate.

Dari peristiwa kontak tembak antara LAF dan IDF telah jatuh korban dari kedua belah pihak. Dari pihak Lebanon, tiga anggota LAF dan satu orang jurnalis AL-Akhbar Lebanese tewas di tempat. Sedangkan dari pihak IDF, dua orang Perwiranya menjadi korban dan meninggal dunia. Untuk pihak Indobatt sendiri, tidak ada kerugian personel maupun material. Hal ini dikarenakan kesigapan prajurit Indobatt dalam melaksanakan tindakan pengunduran pasukan sesuai dengan STIR (Standardize Tactical Incident Reaction) yang dilakukan berdasarkan perintah Komando Atas dalam hal ini oleh Sektor Timur UNIFIL.

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