Sunday, July 10, 2011
TNI AL, RAN dan US Navy Latihan di Laut Jawa

7 Juli 2011, Laut Jawa (SURYA Online): TNI Angkatan Laut dan Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat melakukan selintas latihan bersama (passing exercises/passex) di perairan Laut Jawa, Kamis.
Latihan bersama itu melibatkan USN Ship 73 (USS George Washington), USN Ship 54 (Fregatte), USN Ship 63 (Fregatte), HMAS Darwin (04), sedangkan TNI Angkatan Laut mengerahkan KRI Diponegoro-365 dan KRI Slamet Riyadi-352.
Latihan itu disaksikan para pejabat angkatan laut kedua negara dari kapal induk USS George Washington. Hadir meninjau latihan itu Wakil Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut Laksamana Madya TNI Marsetio dan pejabat kapal angkatan laut AS yang mengawaki kapal induk USS George Washington.
Materi latihan dalam Passing Exercise itu meliputi “Flash ex-Flaghoist”, “Manuver Tactical”, dan pertukaran perwira.
Dalam latihan bersama itu dilakukan pula demonstrasi Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) oleh tim USS George Washington.
Kehadiran kapal induk USS George Washington dan jajarannya di Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI) I dalam rangka “TF 70 Battle Ships” yang melintas dari perairan Indonesia dari arah Laut China Selatan ke arah Laut Natuna, Selat Karimata, Selat Sunda, serta Samudera Hindia menuju Australia untuk melakukan latihan bersama.
Wakasal Kunjungi USS George Washington

Wakil Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Wakasal) Laksamana Madya TNI Marsetio berkesempatan naik kapal Induk AS USS George Washington yang saat ini berada di perairan Laut Jawa, kamis (7/7).
Wakasal beserta stafnya dijemput di Bandara Halim Perdanakusuma dengan menggunakan pesawat C2 US Navy VRC-30DET5 milik Amerika, kemudian take off menuju ke Kapal Induk USS George Washington.
Keberadaan Kapal Induk USS George Washington adalah dalam rangka kegiatan TF 70 Battle Ships yang melintas di ALKI-1 dari arah Laut China Selatan menuju Australia dalam rangka latihan.
Pada kesempatan tersebut, dimanfaatkan kegiatan Passing Exercises dengan unsur-unsur TNI AL yang melibatkan USN Ship 73 (USS George Washington), USN Ship 54 (Fregatte), USN Ship 63 (Fregatte), HMAS Darwin (04) dengan unsur TNI AL KRI Diponegoro-365 dan KRI Slamet Riyadi-352 di Selat Sunda, serta Demonstrasi EOD oleh tim USN di USS GWA. TNI AL mengirimkan 7 orang Perwira dalam Officers Exchange.
Turut hadir mendampingi Wakasal dalam peninjauan tersebut, Wakil Asisten Operasi (Waasops)
Kasal Laksamana Pertama (Laksma) TNI Ari Soedewo, serta Kepala Staf Armada Barat (Kasarmabar) Laksamana Pertama (Laksma) TNI Herry Setianegara.
Sumber: Surya/Jurnas
TNI Butuh Anggaran Rp50 Triliun

Pesawat CN235 MPA Korea Selatan.Made in INDONESIA
T50 golden eagle made in korea selatan
8 Juli 2011, Jakarta ( Untuk mendorong percepatan pembangunan Minimal Essential Forces yang diharapkan tercapai pada tahun 2014, TNI membutuhkan dana Rp50 Triliun. "TNI membutuhkan Rp50 triliun dengan rincian, Rp11 triliun pada 2011, Rp12 triliun pada tahun 2012, Rp13 triliun pada 2013, dan Rp 14 triliun pada 2014,"kata Panglima TNI Laksamana TNI Agus Suhartono di Jakarta, Jumat (8/8).
Dikatakan Agus, dari harapan Rp11 triliun pada 2011, pemerintah hanya memberikan Rp2 triliun. "Kalau memang kemampuan negara saat ini hanya Rp2 triliun, kami optimalkan untuk kepentingan pengadaan alutsista," ujarnya.
Agus menegaskan, proyeksi terbesar dari dana tersebut dialokasikan untuk pengadaan Alat Utama Sistem Senjata (Alutsista). Pengadaan alutsista tersebut, jelas Agus, tidak bisa diprioritaskan untuk matra tertentu. Pengadaan alutsista harus berjalan bersama untuk tiap matra. "Karena pada dasarnya sudah ada program peta pembangunan kekuatan jadi tak bisa diprioritaskan antara matra yang satu dengan yang lain. Harus sama-sama supaya jalannya sama,"kata Agus.
Agus berharap, ada peningkatan alokasi anggaran agar bisa menutupi kebutuhan dan menjalankan program yang direncanakan. "Kalau 2011 hanya dapat Rp2 triliun dari harapan Rp11 triliun, tentu kami prioritaskan dalam konteks yang sudah kami buat. Mudah-mudahan ada peningkatan ditahun mendatang sehingga bisa menggeser kebutuhan di 2012,"ungkap Agus.
Sumber: Jurnas
Raja Brunei Kunjungi Stand Indonesia di BRIDEX

7 Juli 2011, Bandar Seri Begawan ( Stan Indonesia di acara Brunai Darussalam International Defence Exibition 2011 (BRIDEX) dikunjungi Raja Brunei Darussalam Sultan Hasanah Bolkiah. Selain Raja Brunei, Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Letnan Jenderal TNI (Purn) Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin dan Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (KSAL)Laksamana TNI Soeparno juga mengunjungi Stand Indonesia tersebut. Brunai Darussalam International Defence Exibition 2011 (BRIDEX) itu sendiri dilaksanakan pada 6-9 Juli 2011 di Jerudong, Brunai Darussalam.
Acara yang diselenggarakan untuk memperingati ulang tahun emas angkatan bersenjata Brunai Darusalam tersebut dibuka oleh Raja Brunai Sultan Hassanah Bolkiah dan dihadiri oleh petinggi Militer dari negara-negara yang mengikuti pameran BRIDEX. Ditampilkan juga pada pembukaan BRIDEX, simulasi penanggulangan teroris dari angkatan bersenjata Brunai, demo pesawat tempur dari angkatan udara Brunai Darussalam, serta demo manuver dari panser produksi industri pertahanan Singapura dan panser industri pertahanan Indonesia oleh PT. PINDAD.
Panser Indonesia memamerkan kemampuan manuver dari panser Commando Anoa 1. Selain itu, dalam acara tersebut, Indonesia juga menampilkan replika dari Kapal TNI AL KRI Banjarmasin-592 produksi PT.PAL yang berjenis LPD. Kapal ini dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pergeseran personel dan material pameran pada event tersebut. Selain replika KRI Banjarmasin-592,Indonesia juga menampilkan replika kapal TNI AL seperti KRI Singa-651 dan KRI Lemadang-632, serta replika dari produk ke-6 industri pertahanan Indonesia yang mengikuti ajang tersebut.
Guna memamerkan produk industri pertahanan Indonesia, Kementerian Pertahanan RI mengikutsertakan industri pertahanan dalam negeri seperti PT.PINDAD, PT.PAL, PT.DI, PT.DAHANA, PT.Len Industri, serta PT. Palindo Marine yang juga memamerkan replika kapal TNI AL KRI Clurit.
Sumber: Jurnas
Friday, July 8, 2011
F-22 Deliveries Halt as Grounding Continues
Deliveries of F-22 Raptors to the U.S. Air Force have been halted due to the continuing suspension of flight operations for the stealthy fifth-generation air superiority fighter.

Even though manufacturer Lockheed Martin continues to build the aircraft at its Marietta, Ga., factory, the company is unable to do required flight testing for each aircraft as it leaves final assembly. Nor can government test pilots from the Pentagon's Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) fly their acceptance flights for new aircraft as they are readied for delivery.
"Our final assembly is scheduled through December 2011. That is still ongoing at Marietta. We delivered aircraft 4181, and that was on June 22, to the Air Force, so they have that as their aircraft," said Lockheed spokeswoman Stephanie Stinn. "After that aircraft, we can't do the required acceptance flights."
Technically, four aircraft have been delivered to the Air Force, but are being stored at Marietta pending the lifting of the flight restrictions. When the Air Force resumes F-22 flight operations, those aircraft will be flown to Langley Air Force Base (AFB), Va.
Two further aircraft, 4182 and 4183, have been completed, but the company and DCMA can't do required flight testing on those jets, Stinn said. The aircraft are being stored in a near-flight-ready status, she said.
Aircraft "4182 and 4183 were scheduled to deliver in July, but they're not in a position to do any sort of test flights, so we can't deliver," Stinn said. "Maybe early August, but we don't have a definitive date."
Aircraft 4182 and onwards, which have not undergone any of their acceptance flights, have yet to receive their final stealth coatings. The coatings are applied only after a number of flight tests have been completed, and as a result, a backlog is slowly building up.
Before the stealth coatings are applied, the aircraft fly coated only with a primer.
The Raptors have been "stood down" since May 3, according to Air Force spokeswoman Capt. Jennifer Ferrau, due to a suspected problem with the aircraft's oxygen generator.
According to one Air Force document, after reviewing work on a study of the F-22 On-Board Oxygen Generation System (OBOGS), the chief of Air Combat Command, Gen. William Fraser, instituted a temporary flight restriction for the F-22 and directed a Class E Safety Investigation.
The investigation, which began in January, includes the OBOGS installed in the A-10, F-15E, F-16, F-22, F-35 and T-6 aircraft. Fraser appointed Maj. Gen. Steve Hoog, commander of Ninth Air Force, as the investigating officer.
The flight restriction applies to all F-22 crews, but test pilots at Edwards AFB, Calif., are operating under a flight waiver that allows them to fly certain test sorties. Air Force officials at Edwards could not immediately say what kind of test sorties those aircraft are flying.
The grounding is hurting the readiness of operational F-22 pilots, who cannot maintain their currency on the twin-engine jet. The Air Force is using simulators to ease the problem as much as it can.
"Pilots and ground crew continue to train in simulators and perform ground tasks to stay as proficient as possible. Once the aircraft are cleared to fly again, there will be a period where the pilots will need in-flight training to become fully proficient on the aspects of flying that simulators cannot replicate," Ferrau said. "Some live flight is required for high-G maneuvering flight, a true outside visual, and in-flight decision-making in a dynamic environment where simulators are lacking."

A new F-22 Raptor sits at the Lockheed Martin production facility at Marietta, Ga., one of four that have technically been delivered to the U.S. Air Force but have yet to fly to their home base at Langley AFB, Va., because of a service-wide grounding (Lockheed Martin)
Related Topics.
Technically, four aircraft have been delivered to the Air Force, but are being stored at Marietta pending the lifting of the flight restrictions. When the Air Force resumes F-22 flight operations, those aircraft will be flown to Langley Air Force Base (AFB), Va.
Two further aircraft, 4182 and 4183, have been completed, but the company and DCMA can't do required flight testing on those jets, Stinn said. The aircraft are being stored in a near-flight-ready status, she said.
Aircraft "4182 and 4183 were scheduled to deliver in July, but they're not in a position to do any sort of test flights, so we can't deliver," Stinn said. "Maybe early August, but we don't have a definitive date."
Aircraft 4182 and onwards, which have not undergone any of their acceptance flights, have yet to receive their final stealth coatings. The coatings are applied only after a number of flight tests have been completed, and as a result, a backlog is slowly building up.
Before the stealth coatings are applied, the aircraft fly coated only with a primer.
The Raptors have been "stood down" since May 3, according to Air Force spokeswoman Capt. Jennifer Ferrau, due to a suspected problem with the aircraft's oxygen generator.
According to one Air Force document, after reviewing work on a study of the F-22 On-Board Oxygen Generation System (OBOGS), the chief of Air Combat Command, Gen. William Fraser, instituted a temporary flight restriction for the F-22 and directed a Class E Safety Investigation.
The investigation, which began in January, includes the OBOGS installed in the A-10, F-15E, F-16, F-22, F-35 and T-6 aircraft. Fraser appointed Maj. Gen. Steve Hoog, commander of Ninth Air Force, as the investigating officer.
The flight restriction applies to all F-22 crews, but test pilots at Edwards AFB, Calif., are operating under a flight waiver that allows them to fly certain test sorties. Air Force officials at Edwards could not immediately say what kind of test sorties those aircraft are flying.
The grounding is hurting the readiness of operational F-22 pilots, who cannot maintain their currency on the twin-engine jet. The Air Force is using simulators to ease the problem as much as it can.
"Pilots and ground crew continue to train in simulators and perform ground tasks to stay as proficient as possible. Once the aircraft are cleared to fly again, there will be a period where the pilots will need in-flight training to become fully proficient on the aspects of flying that simulators cannot replicate," Ferrau said. "Some live flight is required for high-G maneuvering flight, a true outside visual, and in-flight decision-making in a dynamic environment where simulators are lacking."
Eurofighter Working to Strengthen Strategic Partnership with Japan

By Eurofighter GmgH on Friday, July 8th, 2011
Reflecting the strong commitment to deepen the strategic partnership with Japan, the Supervisory Board of Eurofighter GmbH will for the first time hold a board meeting in Tokyo.
Senior executives from Eurofighter partner companies (BAE Systems, Alenia Aeronautica, and Cassidian in Spain and Germany) are visiting Japan from 5 July to 8 July to discuss the status of the Eurofighter Typhoon F-X campaign and strategic next steps, and to hold talks with Ambassadors of the four consortium member-nations – the U.K., Germany, Italy and Spain.
Eurofighter, its partner companies and the four member-nations are working to strengthen industrial and technological relations with Japan. All four partner countries are supporting and are committed to the Eurofighter F-X campaign, which is being led by the U.K. government and BAE Systems.
Commenting on the visit, Chris Boardman, Managing Director Military Air and Information at BAE Systems, said: “This meeting of the Eurofighter Supervisory Board demonstrates the enthusiasm of the consortium to work with Japan. We are ready to offer Japan’s defence industry considerable participation in the programme, which will offer significant technology transfer opportunities, including the source code, and the ability to develop and sustain key skills, capabilities and jobs within Japanese industry.”
Enzo Casolini, CEO, Eurofighter GmbH, added: “The changing security environment in East Asia presents Japan with diverse and evolving defence challenges. We are confident that the technical capabilities, cost projections and industrial offering of Eurofighter, the most advanced multi-role combat aircraft currently available, fully meet the Japanese government’s requirements.”
In addition, U.K. Ambassador to Japan, David Warren, on behalf of the Ambassadors of the consortium member-nations, commented: “As with broader economic partnerships, there is much that Europe and Japan can gain by cooperating more closely in the aerospace and defence field. We share a great deal in common, including common values, a close relationship with the United States and the need for interoperability with U.S. equipment, and similar pressures from an increasingly complex security environment. The U.K. government, and our European partners, remains fully committed to supporting the Eurofighter campaign and strengthening the defence and security relationship with Japan.”
The Eurofighter Supervisory Board members meeting in Japan include Bernhard Gerwert, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Eurofighter GmbH and CEO of Cassidian Air Systems; Enzo Casolini, Eurofighter GmbH CEO; Chris Boardman, Managing Director, Military Air and Information, BAE Systems; Cliff Robson, Deputy Managing Director, Combat Air, BAE Systems; Maurizio De Mitri, Senior Vice President Business Management, Alenia Aeronautica; and Enrique Barrientos, CEO of Cassidian Spain.
Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH manages the Typhoon programme on behalf of the Eurofighter Partner Companies: Alenia Aeronautica, BAE Systems and Cassidian in Spain and Germany, Europe’s foremost aerospace companies.
Typhoon entered service with the four partner nations – Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom in 2004 - and over 280 aircraft have been delivered to the air forces of the four partner nations and to customers, with over 115,000 flying hours achieved between them. Final Assembly facilities are based in Warton, UK; Manching, Germany; Getafe, Spain and Turin in Italy.
The six nations, working with industry support, ensure Typhoon is available for full operational duty, protecting and defending the national air space 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The role of the aircraft includes air dominance, air defence, air interception and air-to-surface support.
The Italian and Royal Air Force Typhoons have been performing operational tasks in Libya from 21st March 2011 as part of operation Odyssey Dawn decided by the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1970 & 1973.
Eurofighter Typhoon is the world's most advanced new generation real multi-role/swing-role combat aircraft available on the market and has been ordered by six nations (Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Austria and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). With 707 aircraft under contract, it is Europe’s largest military collaborative programme and delivers leading-edge technology, strengthening Europe’s aerospace industry in the global competition. More than 100,000 jobs in 400 companies are secured by the programme. Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH manages the programme on behalf of the Eurofighter Partner Companies: Alenia Aeronautica/Finmeccanica, BAE Systems, EADS CASA and EADS Deutschland, Europe’s foremost aerospace companies with a total turnover of approx. EUR 120 billion (2010).
Senior executives from Eurofighter partner companies (BAE Systems, Alenia Aeronautica, and Cassidian in Spain and Germany) are visiting Japan from 5 July to 8 July to discuss the status of the Eurofighter Typhoon F-X campaign and strategic next steps, and to hold talks with Ambassadors of the four consortium member-nations – the U.K., Germany, Italy and Spain.
Eurofighter, its partner companies and the four member-nations are working to strengthen industrial and technological relations with Japan. All four partner countries are supporting and are committed to the Eurofighter F-X campaign, which is being led by the U.K. government and BAE Systems.
Commenting on the visit, Chris Boardman, Managing Director Military Air and Information at BAE Systems, said: “This meeting of the Eurofighter Supervisory Board demonstrates the enthusiasm of the consortium to work with Japan. We are ready to offer Japan’s defence industry considerable participation in the programme, which will offer significant technology transfer opportunities, including the source code, and the ability to develop and sustain key skills, capabilities and jobs within Japanese industry.”
Enzo Casolini, CEO, Eurofighter GmbH, added: “The changing security environment in East Asia presents Japan with diverse and evolving defence challenges. We are confident that the technical capabilities, cost projections and industrial offering of Eurofighter, the most advanced multi-role combat aircraft currently available, fully meet the Japanese government’s requirements.”
In addition, U.K. Ambassador to Japan, David Warren, on behalf of the Ambassadors of the consortium member-nations, commented: “As with broader economic partnerships, there is much that Europe and Japan can gain by cooperating more closely in the aerospace and defence field. We share a great deal in common, including common values, a close relationship with the United States and the need for interoperability with U.S. equipment, and similar pressures from an increasingly complex security environment. The U.K. government, and our European partners, remains fully committed to supporting the Eurofighter campaign and strengthening the defence and security relationship with Japan.”
The Eurofighter Supervisory Board members meeting in Japan include Bernhard Gerwert, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Eurofighter GmbH and CEO of Cassidian Air Systems; Enzo Casolini, Eurofighter GmbH CEO; Chris Boardman, Managing Director, Military Air and Information, BAE Systems; Cliff Robson, Deputy Managing Director, Combat Air, BAE Systems; Maurizio De Mitri, Senior Vice President Business Management, Alenia Aeronautica; and Enrique Barrientos, CEO of Cassidian Spain.
Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH manages the Typhoon programme on behalf of the Eurofighter Partner Companies: Alenia Aeronautica, BAE Systems and Cassidian in Spain and Germany, Europe’s foremost aerospace companies.
Typhoon entered service with the four partner nations – Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom in 2004 - and over 280 aircraft have been delivered to the air forces of the four partner nations and to customers, with over 115,000 flying hours achieved between them. Final Assembly facilities are based in Warton, UK; Manching, Germany; Getafe, Spain and Turin in Italy.
The six nations, working with industry support, ensure Typhoon is available for full operational duty, protecting and defending the national air space 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The role of the aircraft includes air dominance, air defence, air interception and air-to-surface support.
The Italian and Royal Air Force Typhoons have been performing operational tasks in Libya from 21st March 2011 as part of operation Odyssey Dawn decided by the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1970 & 1973.
Eurofighter Typhoon is the world's most advanced new generation real multi-role/swing-role combat aircraft available on the market and has been ordered by six nations (Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Austria and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). With 707 aircraft under contract, it is Europe’s largest military collaborative programme and delivers leading-edge technology, strengthening Europe’s aerospace industry in the global competition. More than 100,000 jobs in 400 companies are secured by the programme. Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH manages the programme on behalf of the Eurofighter Partner Companies: Alenia Aeronautica/Finmeccanica, BAE Systems, EADS CASA and EADS Deutschland, Europe’s foremost aerospace companies with a total turnover of approx. EUR 120 billion (2010).
Russia to Spend $730 Billion on New Weapons
By Voice of America on Friday, July 8th, 2011
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has announced his 
government plans to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on weapons modernization by 2020. In his address to parliament earlier this year, Putin said Russia must be strong enough to fend off any threats from abroad, so missile production will double starting in 2013. Analysts in Moscow say this ambitious plan is intended mainly to preserve the government's domestic and regional influence.
Russia plans to spend $730 billion by 2020 to upgrade and re-arm its military. That's nearly $20 million a day.
The new state arms procurement program includes purchases of eight missile-carrying strategic submarines equipped with Bulava ballistic missiles. Plus 600 aircraft and S-400 and S-500 air defense systems. The arms purchases, both at home and abroad, would allow Russia to raise the proportion of modern weaponry in its arsenal to 70 percent by 2020.
Independent military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer says upgrading the strategic nuclear forces is at the top of the list, but the rest of the military needs a boost as well.
"Then there's of course the air force, the air defense system, the army - actually, everything needs re-arming because right now they say that [only] 10-15 percent of our weaponry is modern," Felgenhauer noted.
Budget increase
As Russia exports weapons worth billions of dollars abroad, the country's armed forces are mostly equipped with outdated Soviet-era weaponry. In the last 10 years the government has increased the defense budget tenfold, says Felgenhauer, but still failed to bring the military up to date.
"Now the present defense minister says that there was massive misappropriation of funds," Felgenhauer added. "The Russian defense industry, which is also downgraded, and its capabilities are much smaller than in Soviet times, responded to more funding by just raising prices. They are producing the same several fighters or missiles, but for a much bigger price."
Foreign threats
Prime Minister Putin says it is necessary to spend billions on re-arming the military due to the need to fend off foreign threats. But while that will demonstrate Russia's military might, analysts say the main goal really is to create more business for the country's military-defense complex ahead of next year's presidential and parliamentary elections.
"Russia has inherited a large military-industrial potential and unfortunately, no real conversion from the military production to the civil production has occurred," noted Yevgeny Volk, a political analyst Yeltsin Foundation in Moscow. "So [the military spending plan is necessary] in order to provide more working places, more jobs, more people involved in this production who are really the electorate for Mr. Putin pending the parliamentary and presidential elections in Russia."
The new proposed arms import plan is expected to come in two stages. In the first, Russia would purchase equipment and licenses, and in the second, it would set up joint ventures with Western arms providers, and begin production of Western-designed weapons systems inside the country.
In post-Soviet Russia, analysts say, "military" mostly means "business" - no matter what ideological wrapping it has

government plans to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on weapons modernization by 2020. In his address to parliament earlier this year, Putin said Russia must be strong enough to fend off any threats from abroad, so missile production will double starting in 2013. Analysts in Moscow say this ambitious plan is intended mainly to preserve the government's domestic and regional influence.
Russia plans to spend $730 billion by 2020 to upgrade and re-arm its military. That's nearly $20 million a day.
The new state arms procurement program includes purchases of eight missile-carrying strategic submarines equipped with Bulava ballistic missiles. Plus 600 aircraft and S-400 and S-500 air defense systems. The arms purchases, both at home and abroad, would allow Russia to raise the proportion of modern weaponry in its arsenal to 70 percent by 2020.
Independent military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer says upgrading the strategic nuclear forces is at the top of the list, but the rest of the military needs a boost as well.
"Then there's of course the air force, the air defense system, the army - actually, everything needs re-arming because right now they say that [only] 10-15 percent of our weaponry is modern," Felgenhauer noted.
Budget increase
As Russia exports weapons worth billions of dollars abroad, the country's armed forces are mostly equipped with outdated Soviet-era weaponry. In the last 10 years the government has increased the defense budget tenfold, says Felgenhauer, but still failed to bring the military up to date.
"Now the present defense minister says that there was massive misappropriation of funds," Felgenhauer added. "The Russian defense industry, which is also downgraded, and its capabilities are much smaller than in Soviet times, responded to more funding by just raising prices. They are producing the same several fighters or missiles, but for a much bigger price."
Foreign threats
Prime Minister Putin says it is necessary to spend billions on re-arming the military due to the need to fend off foreign threats. But while that will demonstrate Russia's military might, analysts say the main goal really is to create more business for the country's military-defense complex ahead of next year's presidential and parliamentary elections.
"Russia has inherited a large military-industrial potential and unfortunately, no real conversion from the military production to the civil production has occurred," noted Yevgeny Volk, a political analyst Yeltsin Foundation in Moscow. "So [the military spending plan is necessary] in order to provide more working places, more jobs, more people involved in this production who are really the electorate for Mr. Putin pending the parliamentary and presidential elections in Russia."
The new proposed arms import plan is expected to come in two stages. In the first, Russia would purchase equipment and licenses, and in the second, it would set up joint ventures with Western arms providers, and begin production of Western-designed weapons systems inside the country.
In post-Soviet Russia, analysts say, "military" mostly means "business" - no matter what ideological wrapping it has
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